We cant be taken to the ground

I think Wing Chun is limited on the types of sweeps that they do within the system, there are a lot of sweeps that I do that aren't in the Wing Chun fighting system "as far as I can tell" The higher you stance the more limited you'll be with the types of sweeps that you'll be able to do. Sweeping a leg with at least 50% of your opponent's weight on it may be the only option because of the structure of the fighting system.
I think you're wrong. If WC is a principle based art... If it's a series of set techniques. Then yes you may be right? But since it's not the latter you're wrong, sorry.:stop:
I said it before, and I'll say it again;

If you're worried about the takedown, or you're afraid that you're dead meat once you hit the ground, learn ground fighting and grappling. No stance, no special move, no 300-year old hidden technique is going to stop gravity.

There's a good reason professional MMA fighters learn ground fighting and grappling ALONG with take down defense.
If you're referring to joining a Gracie school you're wrong too. I'm learning within the confines of my system. So sorry you wrong too!:stop:

FTW..I'm so not scared of takedowns. If anything I think I like slamming poeple on there head while breaking an arm. It's kinda my new thing lately.
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Sounds like you're saying the probability of sweeping A unrooted leg is less? I like to keep my odds in the higher percentile. In your other post about widening your stance you gave s bunch of different options that might work. But again I prefer doing stuff that's proven and might always work. Look at the 4 year olds in my video. They aren't in a crouching tiger stance. Actually, watch any straight jujitsu tournament they stay pretty upright. My guess is for mobility and not committing there weight one way or the other? They're always trying to sweep each other's legs out. I think there's points for that? Either way same principles apply.
No the probability of sweeping the unrooted leg is high. There are two stages of when this can be done.
1. When the foot is leaving the ground (really easy)
2. When the foot is about to land on the ground (really difficult)

I can do #1 easy. As long as you are moving, advancing, retreating, evading, then I can land a successful sweep that will put you on your back.
#2 is difficult because I have less time to do this type of sweep. This sweep requires that I perfectly time it so that it takes away your leg right before you can plant it.

What you do is up to you. I'm not trying to change what works for people. I'm just informing others because I have actually done the types of sweep that I'm talking about with great success. you can believe what I'm saying or not. Either way is fine with me. Just like some people thing that mobility in a horse stance is limited and I know because of my training and sparring that it's only limited if you go to far down like Jake Mace. I've seen beginner students use the horse stance and chance people backwards while in a horse stance. In my school we move quickly all the time while in horse stance. Jujitsu sweeps aren't the same as the sweeps that I do.
I think you're wrong. If WC is a principle based art... If it's a series of set techniques. Then yes you may be right? But since it's not the latter you're wrong, sorry.:stop:
Easy way to find out. Show me all of the sweeps that are done in Wing Chun
Easy way to find out. Show me all of the sweeps that are done in Wing Chun
Ok....huh (trying to figure out how I can make this happen ). I guess I can get my selfie stick out and go to town. I'll need a few days. I'll need a haircut and some new Kung Fu pants and borrow a black sash (since if I buy one it will look too new. It has to look worn like I have had a black belt for awhile). I think I can pull this off. I'll keep you posted!:dead:
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Obviously you're stuck in technique and completely ignore my attempts at broadening you're mind. So I feel I'm wasting my time now. Sorry to bad for you:dead: You hav the awnsers any who. Why is so important to prove WC does or doesn't have something? Is it to make Jowga that much better? Good luck!
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See Wckf92 I think you get it. The possibilities are endless if you're not stuck in the whole ABC 123 series of techniques? The movements and the idea's behind the movements are where it's at. Problem is getting past the ABC's is impossible for some.
I think Wing Chun is limited on the types of sweeps that they do within the system, there are a lot of sweeps that I do that aren't in the Wing Chun fighting system "as far as I can tell" The higher you stance the more limited you'll be with the types of sweeps that you'll be able to do. Sweeping a leg with at least 50% of your opponent's weight on it may be the only option because of the structure of the fighting system.

Yeah but having quick reactions or a brilliant arsenal of defences is a different game to being protected from sweeps because of your stance.
See Wckf92 I think you get it. The possibilities are endless if you're not stuck in the whole ABC 123 series of techniques? The movements and the idea's behind the movements are where it's at. Problem is getting past the ABC's is impossible for some.

True. I know lots WC leg movements...and I could dream up lots of situations where I could use them to "sweep". Heck, given the right circumstances, I could "sweep" with my arm. I could sweep you with the long pole. Any-hoo....hence my point (and yours too apparently). :D
Yeah but having quick reactions or a brilliant arsenal of defences is a different game to being protected from sweeps because of your stance.
I don't want to rely on either. This is where sensitivity comes into play. Doesn't wrestling use sensitivity? Don't you counter on the transition?
In CMA, there are over 35 different ways to do the "foot sweep". You can almost write a book about it.
There is a book. Terry Silvers brought it to Daniel Son to prepare for the tournament in Karate Kid 3

The book can be seen here

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If you're referring to joining a Gracie school you're wrong too. I'm learning within the confines of my system. So sorry you wrong too!:stop:

FTW..I'm so not scared of takedowns. If anything I think I like slamming poeple on there head while breaking an arm. It's kinda my new thing lately.

So you're slamming people on their head while breaking their arm during training on a regular basis?

Makes one wonder how you're able to maintain so many training partners... :rolleyes:
So you're slamming people on their head while breaking their arm during training on a regular basis?

Makes one wonder how you're able to maintain so many training partners... :rolleyes:

Personally, this latest thing is probably an improvement for ol' Jake. Last time I trained with him he slammed me into a metal picnic table!

...OK fact is it was an accident and I didn't get hurt. Jake's a decent guy, so you can safely assume he's talking about the intent or potential effect of the technique, and not expect to find everyone else at the gym with a bandage on their head and cast on their arm. :D
I'm afraid to ask him how many Jowga has? I think he'd probably show us with a series's of vids and suck up all the bandwidth.
There are about 12 unique leg sweeps(thrown differently) that I can think of in Jow Ga and that's based on the empty hand forms that I know. I don't know if there are more or not.
True. I know lots WC leg movements...and I could dream up lots of situations where I could use them to "sweep". Heck, given the right circumstances, I could "sweep" with my arm. I could sweep you with the long pole. Any-hoo....hence my point (and yours too apparently). :D
Nope.. I'm only referring to leg sweeps. I looked for videos of Wing Chung leg sweeps and couldn't find many examples of a wing chun practitioner doing sweeps. I found tons of videos of kicks to the legs but not many of sweeps