Way Of The Intercepting Sandwich


Many many years ago after a night of consuming mass quantities of alcohol with a friend of mine we came up with a style after we watched someone who had consumed greater quantities of alcohol than we had walk out of a bar into a parking lot were apparently someone confronted him to try and get his key... It was called Regurgifu (aka Vomitdo) and I will give no further description. But it sure as heck got rid of the person doing the confronting
Heh... not quite in the same spirit of humour but I often make reference in class to Nike-Do (the art of having a good pair of running shoes)

Many many years ago after a night of consuming mass quantities of alcohol with a friend of mine we came up with a style after we watched someone who had consumed greater quantities of alcohol than we had walk out of a bar into a parking lot were apparently someone confronted him to try and get his key... It was called Regurgifu (aka Vomitdo) and I will give no further description. But it sure as heck got rid of the person doing the confronting
Ha! I've been threatened with that during sparring! "Don't hit me in the stomach, Big Don, or I'll puke on you."
Very, Very effective as a threat.
Edited to add: I just didn't know it had a name.
Ai Soo Yu: The art of ground fighting for lawyers.
- No fight gets lower.
- No holds disbarred.
- Even the mere threat of using it can intimidate most would-be attackers.
Ai Cee Yu: The place you end up if you don't train enough. Under a real instructor. With resisting opponents.

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