Watered down Martial art

very interesting webpage too bad he has so many restrictions on who can learn it...
Great site! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
just goes to prove that anything is possibe in the martial arts:)

thanx 4 the site!
Very interesting indeed, i can certainly see the up side to training underwater...

Okay, I grant that this is an interesting skill and idea.....but kinda hard to practice, isn't it? I mean, you have to get together with a bunch of dive buddies and hope that conditions are okay, or you have to make use of a pool.......

Ya can't just be practicing this stuff walking down the street, I'm sure....and the bathtub is a bit restrictive....

It had to come.... the next is astro-jitsu.....
And you can practice it when jumping......

But ofcourse it's diffenrent to move in water, just like movement in a car, or on a bus, or on a plane, or.... or ... or


yep very interesting however, totally useless if you ask me. Just rip the f'ers' face mask and respirator out...can't see nor breath...doh..I win!
HAHAH, am I the only one that finds this funny?

That aside, training under is very good for the body.
If only I had the chance...
I guess almost everything I know would be out of place in the water, I mean how many other martial arts give the advice - 'Try to get behind your opponent by going underneath or over him and not around'? That's crazy in any other context. It would have to open your mind about what is and isn't possible.

Maybe in the future when we all live in space all martial arts will look like this?