

Blue Belt
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Somewhere in USA
Hey for a good strength training excersise, what would that be? lol, im 15 years old, and I have little 5 lbs weights that I use for like wrist curls and stuff, but how much weight should I use? I want to keep a small body small muscles, but powerful muscles. I also have speed training excersises, weights, heavy bag, and my pool, how else would you develope speed in your leggs?

Laborn :D
Old school training....elastic bands for your legs.

When I was 15....I rigged bicycle innertubes,tied one end to the trunk of a tree and one to my ankle and just rep after rep after rep......of front kicks and side kicks.
Now they actually have elastic bands designed specifically for this.

You could do "jumping squats"...
start in a low squating position and explode straight up and bring you knees up to you chest.You can even use the 5 pound weights to add to the resistance!
Do a few reps of WILL know you did something

Its a start for now......
I hope it helps.
Handstand pushups, if you can do them. If not, just hold a handstand for as long as you can (do them against a wall for balance). One-legged squats, frog jumps (as Bammx2 suggested), and other bodyweight exercises are the best. There's a whole thread on that in the Health & Body board. As always, practice, practice, practice. The muscles you need will increase of their own volition.
Bammx2 said:
You could do "jumping squats"...
start in a low squating position and explode straight up and bring you knees up to you chest.You can even use the 5 pound weights to add to the resistance!

Do a few reps of WILL know you did something

Amen to that! We did frog jumps at class a few weeks ago...just up the floor and back ONE time, and it took me two days before I could climb the stairs at home LOL!!
froggy jumps are good! hand stand pushups could be fun(and difficult), i might try those

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