Touched by an Angel?

Ack, system says I can't Rep you mate :(. But this:

I think there is a huge difference between organized religion and belief in God. Religions are run by people and can be twisted and corrupted.

Is something I whole-heartedly agree on. It's why I try to make clear that it is religion rather than a given persons personal faith that I have such deep antipathy for. As Elder and BillM know well, I disagree in my bones with their spiritual beliefs but I would stand at their shoulder if anyone tried to persecute them for holding those beliefs.
Just because the "angel" was flesh and blood doesn't mean there wasn't divine intervention at play. I've had many unexplained or strange "coincidences" to happen for it all to be chance.

Just because there was "divine intervention at play," doesn't mean that it was "God," or one of His dogs-of-war, otherwise known as "angels."

(Should you get the chance, you should see Chuck Brodsky-a marvelous songwriter, picker, and human being.)
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The Archangel Gabriel (Christopher Walken) speaks in the movie The Prophecy:

Gabriel: I'm an angel. I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt[...]and from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why.
"Miracle Priest revealed": Rev. Patrick Dowling

Flesh and blood after all, but I'm not at all disappointed in what he had to say in the interview :)


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