To whom it may concern

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Your absolutely factually correct, as harmony and peace is of highest importance in this community.

This message is sent from the Tatemae and Omote of TsdTexan.

Wow, some people really hate being wrong.
I always told my kids that if you find yourself making excuses, you're missing a great opportunity to figure out what you did wrong and improve yourself as a human being. A lot of people are like that though, so whatever works for them I guess.
Wow, some people really hate being wrong.
I always told my kids that if you find yourself making excuses, you're missing a great opportunity to figure out what you did wrong and improve yourself as a human being. A lot of people are like that though, so whatever works for them I guess.

I don't get the "making excuses" part of your statement.
Making excuses has nothing to do with what I said.

It was a polite way of acknowledging what He said. Nothing more, nothing less. I should know, I wrote it.
Wow, some people really hate being wrong.
I always told my kids that if you find yourself making excuses, you're missing a great opportunity to figure out what you did wrong and improve yourself as a human being. A lot of people are like that though, so whatever works for them I guess.

I don't get the "making excuses" part of your statement.
Making excuses has nothing to do with what I said.

It was a polite way of acknowledging what He said. Nothing more, nothing less. I should know, I wrote it.
I don't get the "making excuses" part of your statement.
Making excuses has nothing to do with what I said.

It was a polite way of acknowledging what He said. Nothing more, nothing less. I should know, I wrote it.

Why are you 'acknowledging' what he wrote? I think you are being disingenuous in your reply because you know there is more to what you wrote than you are 'acknowledging'.
Now that is sarcasm....... and probably a couple of other things besides.

sent from good old fashioned plain speaking.
Maybe I was gullible, overly hopeful or just naïve - but I kind of thought TSDTexan was being legit in his answer that time and not sarcastic??
Not that I care but I am really not sure why TamesD is disliking my, Great Gigsy's and others' posts that support dad's being as equally able to raise kids as moms are.

TamesD - I'm curious from what angle you are coming from and why you have this perspective? It may be that you feel your dad, or yourself were/are not the greatest at raising kids compared to the moms in your family but that doesn't necessarily put other blokes in the same basket. Why do you feel so strongly that dad's are inferior at raising kids?
Maybe I was gullible, overly hopeful or just naïve - but I kind of thought TSDTexan was being legit in his answer that time and not sarcastic??

Have a look at the words he posted after his comments.
Maybe I was gullible, overly hopeful or just naïve - but I kind of thought TSDTexan was being legit in his answer that time and not sarcastic??

No. His second sentence ("This message is sent from the Tatemae and Omote of TSDTexan") is the giveaway…

Tatemae refers to the social expatiation, often against the true beliefs/feelings of the person themselves… it can be quite simply translated as a "facade"… a false face put up to avoid conflict (his use of the word "omote" implies the same… although it's not used in this fashion… honestly, I wonder why someone who has spent much of their life training a modern Korean art is so obsessed in using Japanese terminology that's often a bit off kilter…).

In other words, when Dirty Dog told TSDTexan that his misogynistic views were outdated, rather than argue that he wasn't misogynistic, TSDTexan chose to agree (on the surface), then pointed out that he was being disingenuous in his agreement to facilitate an avoidance of conflict. Except, of course, that by showing that he wasn't genuine, it would only serve to further aggregations…

Honestly, I see this the same way Tez does. This entire thread is an exercise in self-aggrandisement on the part of TSDTexan. I see nothing genuine in his "apologies" at all.
Thank you Chris, I didn't have time when I posted to explain the rather strange sentence under his first one, I doubt though I would have explained it as well, I knew the concept of the Japanese words and thought it's a very strange way of expressing something on here. I thought it a rather unpleasant and twisted way if I'm honest.
I find that TSDTexan far from wanting civil discourse is trying to play a game with us, I find it disagreeable because he is trying to hoodwink good posters here who are trying their best to get on with him, shame on him I think. His apologies are lip service nothing more while I daresay laughing at what he thinks is the gullibility of posters here. I wouldn't say gullibility, I would say posters here have a genuine interest in wanting to discuss with and be friendly with others which makes me annoyed when someone is trying to take advantage of that good nature. I think TSDTexan has taken some aspects of Japanese culture and twisted it for some purpose of his own.
Maybe I was gullible, overly hopeful or just naïve - but I kind of thought TSDTexan was being legit in his answer that time and not sarcastic??

I was being legit, but I am not going to answer that nonsense anymore. Some folks are just looking for something to argue about.

Maybe, they have never seen someone working at saving face through polite agreement in their life, before and are skeptical.

I spent an entire day meditating on how I should answer Dirty Dog without being disrespectful or even sounding like I was. And the only way to maintain harmony is to move forward in agreement, or be silent.

Perhaps my worldview is indeed outdated and unacceptable.
I can accept this about myself if its true. Therefore, I should be thankful actually that someone would get in my face and point it out.

Correction is rarely appreciated, rare is the man or woman who appreciates the being for correcting them.

In the end, it doesn't matter if they don't accept what I did there in response to Dirty Dog's check. And that is on them, not on me.

But thank you Zero, for being open minded. Or as you said "hopefull".
No. His second sentence ("This message is sent from the Tatemae and Omote of TSDTexan") is the giveaway…

Tatemae refers to the social expatiation, often against the true beliefs/feelings of the person themselves… it can be quite simply translated as a "facade"… a false face put up to avoid conflict (his use of the word "omote" implies the same… although it's not used in this fashion… honestly, I wonder why someone who has spent much of their life training a modern Korean art is so obsessed in using Japanese terminology that's often a bit off kilter…).

In other words, when Dirty Dog told TSDTexan that his misogynistic views were outdated, rather than argue that he wasn't misogynistic, TSDTexan chose to agree (on the surface), then pointed out that he was being disingenuous in his agreement to facilitate an avoidance of conflict. Except, of course, that by showing that he wasn't genuine, it would only serve to further aggregations…

Honestly, I see this the same way Tez does. This entire thread is an exercise in self-aggrandisement on the part of TSDTexan. I see nothing genuine in his "apologies" at all.
No. His second sentence ("This message is sent from the Tatemae and Omote of TSDTexan") is the giveaway…

Tatemae refers to the social expatiation, often against the true beliefs/feelings of the person themselves… it can be quite simply translated as a "facade"… a false face put up to avoid conflict (his use of the word "omote" implies the same… although it's not used in this fashion… honestly, I wonder why someone who has spent much of their life training a modern Korean art is so obsessed in using Japanese terminology that's often a bit off kilter…).

In other words, when Dirty Dog told TSDTexan that his misogynistic views were outdated, rather than argue that he wasn't misogynistic, TSDTexan chose to agree (on the surface), then pointed out that he was being disingenuous in his agreement to facilitate an avoidance of conflict. Except, of course, that by showing that he wasn't genuine, it would only serve to further aggregations…

Honestly, I see this the same way Tez does. This entire thread is an exercise in self-aggrandisement on the part of TSDTexan. I see nothing genuine in his "apologies" at all.

Well, I have learned to not express written statement that are offensive or disrespectful of persons. That is all I have to say.
I was being legit, but I am not going to answer that nonsense anymore. Some folks are just looking for something to argue about.

Maybe, they have never seen someone working at saving face through polite agreement in their life, before and are skeptical.

I spent an entire day meditating on how I should answer Dirty Dog without being disrespectful or even sounding like I was. And the only way to maintain harmony is to move forward in agreement, or be silent.

Perhaps my worldview is indeed outdated and unacceptable.
I can accept this about myself if its true. Therefore, I should be thankful actually that someone would get in my face and point it out.

Correction is rarely appreciated, rare is the man or woman who appreciates the being for correcting them.

In the end, it doesn't matter if they don't accept what I did there in response to Dirty Dog's check. And that is on them, not on me.

But thank you Zero, for being open minded. Or as you said "hopefull".

Well, I have learned to not express written statement that are offensive or disrespectful of persons. That is all I have to say.
I've never seen anyone play the "poor victim" card as well as you do. Bravo man you deserve an oscar.
Well, I have learned to not express written statement that are offensive or disrespectful of persons.

Being honest and plain spoken again I would say you are still making little sense and you are still playing a game with us. it was very plain what you meant when you wrote that post, please don't pretend otherwise. it is perfectly possible to be disagree with someone without being 'disrespectful' meditating on it isn't necessary, just being polite does the job. DD is someone who appreciates plain speaking not obfuscation which is what you have been doing and you look disrespectful and dishonest for it. You are basically lying to people under the guise of some idea you have of Japanese customs.

Yet again you are setting yourself up as someone who has been wronged, you aren't living in a martial arts story where the hero is misunderstood and shunned but proves himself in the end. You are not that person.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Simple.
Why we argue – and how to do it properly | Protagoras

"A glance at the newspapers and much of the internet demonstrates, however, that many people think the purpose of public communication is to reflect well on themselves – to announce their own importance, specialness or cleverness. An infamous academic chooses not to be convincing but to increase his brand value by performing provocatively; a troll communicates publicly but seeks only private "lulz"; shouting things your audience already believes, yet pretending that you're not allowed to say them, seems to be an easy route to success on talk radio or the op-ed pages. But the only thing such people are saying with their arguments is "look at me!"
My final comment on this thread is as follows.
My apologies were directed towards those who had been offended. This is a matter of courtesy.
Those who feel the need to come to the thread, to offer criticism or attack me, or impugn me are out of line.
My initial apology was offered with a clean conscience, and no ulterior motives.

Move on.
That is all
My final comment on this thread is as follows.
My apologies were directed towards those who had been offended. This is a matter of courtesy.
Those who feel the need to come to the thread, to offer criticism or attack me, or impugn me are out of line.
My initial apology was offered with a clean conscience, and no ulterior motives.

Move on.
That is all

Pushing an agenda. I would simply say keep that to you're own world :)
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