TKD shoes



What are the pro's and con's of TKD shoes and are they suitable for a beginner?
We can't wear them on the dojang mat. Ask your instructor or notice whether anyone else does. I just use them for tournaments, as my feet get cold on that armory cement floor and we can walk on the mats with them there. I've tried using them outside on the grass in the summer doing form on vacation but I got blisters. But they are probably okay on the mat, since they have a spinning area on the sole. A few practicioners use them for form competition at tournaments. TW

Regarding TKD training shoes...


Keep your feet away from fungus such as "athletes foot"
Provide traction on certain hard surfaces
Protect the feet from debris when training outdoors
Insulate the feet in harsh weather


-Reduce the forging of the feets striking tools (contact strengthens the striking areas of the feet)
-Gives a false since of balance on slick surfaces
-Causes slipping on certain surfaces

I personally where them for winter training outdoors. This is not only for the cold, but moreso for protection from the jagged edges of the seeds fallen from the nearby "Popcorn" trees! However, I prefer training barefooted whenever I get the chance (for the purpose of conditioning and toughening the feet)!

I wear them when I teach, remove them when I train (except occasionally when I am outside).

Beginners should in general train in bare feet-helps toughen the feet, allows the instructor to ensure you are kicking properly (i.e. pulling toes back for ball-of-the foot techniques), helps in pivoting, etc.

Do shoes affect ankle support at all?
No, they are not a support shoe, more like a glove. TW