Time until BB



Just kind of curious what the average time it takes to get to black belt is at your various dojangs. At mine it is five years if you are in regular attendance.
TKDKid said:
Just kind of curious what the average time it takes to get to black belt is at your various dojangs. At mine it is five years if you are in regular attendance.
3-5 years is the norm. Some organizations, such as the A.T.A. award dans in as little as a year and a half, though. However, rank is relative from system to system and in many cases, in comparing ranks, you are comparing apples to oranges. For example, a blue or purple belt in BJJ is the equivalent of a first degree black belt (or greater) in many styles - both in skill and time in the art. Personally, after nearly thirty years in the arts, I've come to regrettable conclusion that ranks cause more problems than they solve.

Postscript: not knocking the A.T.A., just stating an observation. I've met many fine people of the A.T.A. and was a member myself in the early 1980's.
If someone trains consistently, a brand newbie can get a black belt in 3yrs. But that is not the norm. Usually it is about 4 years though right now I have had a young man training with me for nearly 6 years who has been at 1st guep for nearly 2.5yrs. It is up to the individual and my assessment as to how seriously they are pursuing Taekwondo (it is all about the "do" and less about the belt).

If someone has had prior (related) training, it may be shorter. I recognize black belts who has kept up their training and after they had learned the Taegueks, certify them through Kukkiwon.

I am on target for 5.5 years.

I work hard, but my travel schedule sometimes keeps me away from the studio. Others at my school work a bit harder (or at least attend more frequently), and seem to be able to make the progression in about 4 years.

By the way .... I do not study tae kwon do, rather American Kenpo. Saw the title of your thread, but not the forum. Sorry.
Well at my school we have no set time frame for any belt, when you learn the material and me and my other instructors feel you are ready we will let you know when the test is. Nobody has any ideal how long it takes a individual to learn some faster than others its just a learning process. I hope this answer your question.

1 1/2 years for me in TKD, but I have trained for years prior to taking it up.
I have been training in TKD for 4 years. I did have previous experience, but I'm only a 2nd gup. In my dojang, it takes anywhere from 2 years (with previous training) to 7 years. Like Miles said, it really depends on the individual.
Generally, 3-5 years is about right. We've had some fast trackers, but they're very few are far between, most of which had previous experience. Some slower. As stated above, it's more about the "Do" than placing a time frame on it.
just let me know how long u want it
and i'll make u a discount on top of that
Hehehehe. That reminds me of what my instructor said a few times. If you want a BB, (insert heavy chinese accent LOL) "pick up a Black belt magazine. Flip to the ads in the back. You can order one for $10 ($30 if you want the pretty writing) plus shipping and handling, and you will have one in a few days. You have to earn it before you get it. If you want it in a hurry, do the above. If you want to earn it, take the time to learn. Don't rush."
karatekid1975 said:
If you want to earn it, take the time to learn. Don't rush."

Agreed! Take your time to learn the art correctly. And, I would agree with the consensus here that the average time is 3 to 5 years to achieve 1st dan while training in TKD here in the States. Bottom line is that it all comes down to the individual practitioner, and how much time and effort he or she is willing to put in to reach their goal of hitting the first real hardcore rung on the TKD ladder...
jeez, my school sucks lol, people walk in and within ONE YEAR they can wear a black belt, stupid i think, first your training to get the teq. down...then you train to some what perfect. meh, well i got my black belt, in almost 2 years, but i've had 8 years of karate and kungfu experience behind me, so i earned mine, sad part is i see people getting bb sooner then me!! and they suck...so i dont understnand, gues i need a new school lol. but my school is under pressure, so i cant blame them really. I've heard of other schools giving black belts within 1 year before tho, still sucks.
In our dojo its normally four years if you manage to grade every 6 months and depending on your fitness level and whether or not our instructor feels that we are ready or not.