The year 2012, the end of the world?


Black Belt
Feb 14, 2007
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According to the Maya-calendar, the world will end in the year 2012.

I read a few things about it the last years and somehow the thought came up again today I learned that we already left a zone by the year of 1987 and we are now travelling to a new zone which will start in 21 December 2012. In the years between 1987 and 2012 the earth energy fibrations are changing and it seems that from 2012 some of us will get out of our 3rd Dimension and go to a 4th Dimension. But only the souls who are ready for this.

Now, I am doubting it, some Jehova people already told me a few times that humanity will die tomorrow. But on the other hand, the Mayas where right about other matters too in their Calendar, they never made a mistake according to specialist even not with the future upto now.

So I am wondering how other people think of this.


The Maya Calendar.
This cannot be for my sone is trying to make the 2012 Olympic team what now? How can he go on knowing the world is over. Oh well **** happens.
If anyone can show me that the ancient Mayans correctly predicted the strategies of the opposing armies and the final outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad, or the fact that James Clerk Maxwell proved electricity and magnetism to be two different expressions of the same force in the late 19th c., I'll start paying attention to `end of the world' prophecies supposedly recorded in their calendar.
Awesome! All the previous end of the worlds so far have just kind of fizzled out. Be on the lookup (or lookout) for a Jaguar at the foot of a tree in December 2012!
There was a show on the History channel recently about this. The experts they interviewed had varying opinions on it. The jist of it as I saw it, was that the calendar ends on 2012 and just likely starts over. Much like our annual calendar starts over after 12 months. Not that it is anything significant. In each phase it isn't too hard to find something that would be considered a catastrophic phenomena.

I am not too concerned about it, myself.
So if you believe the world is going to end (or really change) in 2012, do you believe that it was created in 3114 BC? Because that is the beginning of the 13 baktun cycle. And if you are going to lend this much credence to Mayan mythology and their calenders, do you believe that it was created by three feathered serpents?

Incidentally, I think the world will end on December 31, 2008, cause thats when the calender in my Dayplanner runs out.
I'd say that an extinct civilization has already proven its inability to predict the future.
So if you believe the world is going to end (or really change) in 2012, do you believe that it was created in 3114 BC? Because that is the beginning of the 13 baktun cycle. And if you are going to lend this much credence to Mayan mythology and their calenders, do you believe that it was created by three feathered serpents?

Incidentally, I think the world will end on December 31, 2008, cause thats when the calender in my Dayplanner runs out.

CoryKS said:
'd say that an extinct civilization has already proven its inability to predict the future.

And after these two observations, I can't think of much that still needs saying about the probable fate of the earth in 2012... :)
Awesome! All the previous end of the worlds so far have just kind of fizzled out. Be on the lookup (or lookout) for a Jaguar at the foot of a tree in December 2012!

My neighbour has a very nice Jaguar parked in front of his house, a very superior piece of British engineering. The world can't end in 2012, that's when my mortgage finishes and my house will be mine, all mine I say! My calendar goes backwards so I get younger every year which means the world has actually ended and we are in limbo somewhere.
The reference to the end of the world was very probably and end of an era or something similar. I can't see the world ending that abruptly to have it measured down to a specific year. It's possible that it might mean the polar axis might shift.... that'd cause some pretty catastrophic events... but that too is a theory unproven and I can't see it ending the world, only a "world as we know it".
So if you believe the world is going to end (or really change) in 2012, do you believe that it was created in 3114 BC? Because that is the beginning of the 13 baktun cycle.

That was the last time the Cubs won the pennant, so yeah. I do think the world will end in 2012 with the All-Chicago World Serie :p
So if you believe the world is going to end (or really change) in 2012, do you believe that it was created in 3114 BC? Because that is the beginning of the 13 baktun cycle. And if you are going to lend this much credence to Mayan mythology and their calenders, do you believe that it was created by three feathered serpents?

Incidentally, I think the world will end on December 31, 2008, cause thats when the calender in my Dayplanner runs out.

I have a few things to say......:rofl::lool: and this cannot be true........Because Hulkamania will live forever brother.:hogan:
According to the Mayas a new time will come for humans, a new fase for the souls. A new Dimension, in where the body and matrialistic thinking and time is not important anymore. This I have found out on this subject, I will try to get some links on it tomorrow when I have decend PC. (i am posting on a MDA Vario now, this is not comfortable and very slow)

It is nice to see your responses on this subject because some people started this conversation on another forum and they completely believe in it. They say we have less time to prepare our soul for it to make the transformation into this other dimension.

I can still remember the Millenium change in the Netherlands. There was nothing to buy in the supermarkets anymore the week before as the whole town bought cans and supplies to survive for weeks because they believed in big problems during the millenium change.

Which is very strange is that the mayas had so many knowledge which got lost and which is still not found. This makes the subject interesting and worth thinking about. I do believe that there is more than we think and that complete awareness of everything what is, will give us a lot of surprises.

And I also think that the people are changing because a few religions for example are loosing members because people start thinking different and start to believe more in themselves.

How do you people think about this changing, I like to hear about that. Have you thought and studied about this at all, is this of interest to you at all, did you also hear about it or do you think I am completely insane (You can tell me, its ok) I can always blame the Germans for it because of their influence. ;) :D
How do you people think about this changing, I like to hear about that. Have you thought and studied about this at all, is this of interest to you at all, did you also hear about it or do you think I am completely insane (You can tell me, its ok) I can always blame the Germans for it because of their influence. ;) :D

"The distinctive human problem from time immemorial has been the need to spiritualize human life, to lift it onto a special immortal plane beyond the cycles of life and death that characterize all other organisms."
~ Ernest Becker
I don't think you are completely insane, but I think that some of the things that the aincient civalisations have predicted have become a bit blurred in translation over the years.

I myself am a spiritual healer, do chinese personality analyses, know more than one GOOD Shaman personally, and I know how to cast an energy spell. I have been spiritually told off for casting a spell in the past, but have succeeded in controlling the weather on many occasions, so you probably won't be surprised to hear that Metaphysics is one of my pet subjects. The problem is, there are so many predictions, all very similar that I can't help feeling that many of these came from a similar source, the same way that many religions came from the same source and just diversified, and indeed the same way that many martial arts have come from the same source and evolved (or de-evolved as some see it ;) )

The end of the world is going to be a touchy subject in any language at any time, and we as a race refuse to believe in the concept even though many of us search for the answer to this question. I believe that the predicted ends of the world, by any philosopher, psychic or whatever, are closely timed mainly because they came originally from the same source.

Now if someone approached me in the street and said they were from a recognised relgious group and said the end of the world was coming I would hope that the men in white coats would catch up with them soon, but for people like the Mayans, I'd just hope that they got it wrong, because even the most seasoned future predicting person (can't remember the name of em... tip of me tongue... I'm always doing this... ) can get stuff wrong, especially when they are dealing with interpretations, such vast time ranges and the chinese whisper effects of scribes. Ok so they got SOME things right, but they are only human as is the guy who read my palm a few years ago and HE got many things right but told me I would have 4 children.... the future isn't mapped out as far as I can see, you can see pretty much where it's going, but as for predicting the end of the world, or the ascension of souls to the 4th dimension.... well, it can't happen all in one go, maybe the beginning of such a state of being would commence, but can you imagine getting all them souls to ascend at once? The energy flow would be so immense it would upset the balance of life.

*looks around and realises "normal" people are listening*

Aherm.... I also kick and punch bags and have BLACK sparring gear ok?
According to the Mayas a new time will come for humans, a new fase for the souls. A new Dimension, in where the body and matrialistic thinking and time is not important anymore.

That statement would be more accurate if exchange "Mayas" for "New Age Boomers who project their metaphysical speculations backwards onto a Central-American civilization that in no way, shape, or form believed what they said they did".

This is similar to the people who say "Wicca" is really thousands of years old (actually, it was invented in the 1950's by a British anthropologist). New Agers just love to invent "ancient wisdom" among peoples (most often extinct) before the terrible, awful rise of modernity and "evil" reason. And, of course, they kindly project the values of reason and modernity --- equality, democracy, women's suffrage, abolition of slavery, personal freedom, and so on ---- onto people who had nothing of the sort.

Geez, next thing you know somebody's gonna start going on about Atlantis and aliens building the pyramids...