The ultimate martial art and grandmaster

Teen Chi vs. the McDojos! Hold the thought - I'lll start writing a treatment today. In order to sell this story, we'll have to bring in a love interest. Suggestions? I think we're going to make Teen Chi into a star!

"Don't show off and act dumb."
Hey, why don't we get together as a MA community and create our own mini-series? We could call it "American Grandmaster", and we could get a bunch of teen grandmaster wanna-be's together to compete to see who the American public likes best!! They could compete on looks, personal style, and the details of their own personally developed martial style (extra points given for more arts incorporated) Then, when the winner is chosen, they can go on a US tour and open their own studio!!

Yeah!!! Then the "losers" can set up their own studios, claiming the title of "runner-up" and so on!!

What do you guys think?? :rolleyes:

(And yes, this *is* a joke)

Originally posted by tonbo

Hey, why don't we get together as a MA community and create our own mini-series? We could call it "American Grandmaster", and we could get a bunch of teen grandmaster wanna-be's together to compete to see who the American public likes best!! They could compete on looks, personal style, and the details of their own personally developed martial style (extra points given for more arts incorporated) Then, when the winner is chosen, they can go on a US tour and open their own studio!!

Yeah!!! Then the "losers" can set up their own studios, claiming the title of "runner-up" and so on!!

What do you guys think?? :rolleyes:

(And yes, this *is* a joke)



You might think this is a joke. :D But, many people out there are hoping for just a mini series. This could be their ultimate break to be the Supreme Grand Master, since they had 'beaten' all the rest. Just go watch the re-runs and check for your self. :rofl:

Well to get serial for a moment, we could have a much longer series, if we did a mini series on each one before the competition. This would help to build the excitement amongst the fans and students. ;)

I really cannot believe this, but then again it is American TV.

Laugh well and enjoy life


:rofl: :rolleyes: :rofl:
Here was my second email to this guy

Since there is no belt system, what do learn and when do you learn it? Is there an order to things? Thanks.
and here is the response:

hi I just didnt understand your question you always
start with the basics there is beginner intermediate
and advanced this is not a registered style this is
all the training I have learned in one school why
should people have to go to taekwondo school to learn
how to fight on there feet and then go to a judo class
to learn how to grapple but you always start with the

Thank You
Kevin Lee

Well I hope this clears that up.:shrug: If anyone one wants to email him and try to figure out exactly what he does teach, go for it. He will get back to you, just post it here first so he doesn't get 40 emails about it and thinks something is up. I think he will be just as unresponsive so I don't know if that's going to lead to anything. Anyone in the Virginia Beach area could even go by and take a class. Please someone take a class I want to here how that mess would go.
here is the email i sent to master lee cant wait for his reply to this:

Hi there master lee... I have a few questions for you... you mention that your art combines several different styles including tae kwon do, "karate", "kung fu" capoeira, hapkido, aikido, judo and jujitsu. Ok first question... what style of "karate" since that is such a generic term and what rank do you hold in that style and was your instructor and what is his lineage? Second question what style of "kung fu" have you studied and who was your instructor and what rank do you hold and what was his lineage? third question why did you choose to study both judo and jujitsu since jujitsu is the predecessor of judo and is a much more complete art? Third question what ranking system do you use is it Chinese Japanese Korean or Brazilian? Fourth question what length of time have you spent studying each of these many style and what ranks do you hold in each? Fifth question what weapons do you teach? how did you achieve the rank of grand master? What organization if any recognizes your art and your rank? I will be awaiting your reply.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons


You might think this is a joke. :D But, many people out there are hoping for just a mini series. This could be their ultimate break to be the Supreme Grand Master, since they had 'beaten' all the rest. Just go watch the re-runs and check for your self. :rofl:

Well to get serial for a moment, we could have a much longer series, if we did a mini series on each one before the competition. This would help to build the excitement amongst the fans and students. ;)

I really cannot believe this, but then again it is American TV.

Laugh well and enjoy life


:rofl: :rolleyes: :rofl:

The end of the series we can have the winner fight someone like Ken Shamrock or something. I think that would be funny.

HAHA, he's sitting there thinking, man look at all these emails and hits on my website!! I'm the next Van Damn!!

Ok, now he's on to us!! I just got an email from him.....

hi I am sorry if this seems like I am being an *** but
I have had that web page up for a few years now and
obviously people have been talking **** about my style
becouse all of a sudden yesterday I got quite a few
emails from people that think they are ninjas asking
the same question what do you learn how long till
black belt well I feel that you dont care how long
till black belt all you want to do is critisize the
style if you are realy interested in knowing there is
no belt system there is only beginner intermediate and
advanced students I dont want my students worying
about the color of a belt I want them to learn the
technique and how to use it.

Thank you
Kevin Lee
How did he figure it out? I wish he were a tai chi kind of guy because then I, Mrs. Hubris Nimby would have a friend. It's so lonely on the tai chi forum. But I had a tai chi teacher years ago (a David Koresh wannabe) who taught tai chi in his studio appartment. He also liked to throw "balls of energy" around. (As if!) I am so bummed out that I'll have to work my charge cards overtime at Nordstroms and get a new hair cut. My husband warned my that this forum was not "targeted to 50 year old women who take tai chi." Sigh.

Mrs. Hubris Nimby

"Don't show off and act dumb."

I wonder how this grand master would fare against the secret art of sand throwing...
Or "butt bones of death." That always works on my husband. You have to be skinny enough to inflict maximun damage, but it's a lethal move.
Originally posted by hubris

Or "butt bones of death." That always works on my husband. You have to be skinny enough to inflict maximun damage, but it's a lethal move.

ROFL! I've been the recepient of that technique many times! :rofl:
Originally posted by Marginal

I wonder how this grand master would fare against the secret art of sand throwing...

Are you kidding? With that hair, the only thing his opponent would see is him running for cover to keep from having to go through another session with his hair stylist so soon after the last appointment.

:rofl: :rofl:
I just got another email from him, seems he has graced me with his Chi-filled emails.
the reason I wrote that letter the way I did is
because you know just as well as I do that you werent
going to try and train with me the only thing you were
going to do is send me smart *** remarks like the one
you just sent telling me how I should react I dont
mind questions but when all of a sudden I get a ****
load of emails from people that are pissed off becouse
I have a web site up about my martial arts and they
email me and ash about my style and I reply then they
reply back with some smart *** remark I know that you
heard about me from a msg board on e-budo becouse some
one notifyed me and told me the same day I started
getting all these emails witch was two days ago untill
then I have never heard from any one about my style so
dont try to play me for a fool and pretend that you
were interested in learniing.

Kevin Lee

Doesn't seem he is having much luck with the new system he created. And for a Grandmaster, he sure has an anger management issue.
I would suggest that he try to master the art of written communication before moving on to founding a system of martial arts. what's the point of talking about your system if no one can understand you because you don't use something as basic as punctuation?!
If this guy cared about his style, wouldn't he promote it anyway? Why wouldn't he try to defend himself and say,"I took a big risk in starting my own style, here you go" and lay out the information? So we don't want to study his style and want to make fun of it, if you set up shop in the marketplace of ideas be prepared for the results.
It's amazing to me that when you look at all the books written about Chinese Martial Arts that you see photographs of old Chinese men with long beards living in simple homes. Old Master X lived to be 101, was always humble and kind, loved to teach, etc. Then the author of the book shows the lineage going back to 300 AD. (Making sure that the reader knows where the author falls in the lineage - i.e. number one adopted son to the nice old man with the long beard.) Amazingly, when the knowledge gets passed from the humble Chinese guy to the young Westerner, the ego control goes out the window. I've seen some guys get pretty angry and in-your-face about tai chi. Fellahs, chill! And you thought that tai chi was a wussy MA for middle-aged women who wave their arms around like the dames in the Celebrex commercial! Anyway, I would love to see young Mr. Lee on the cover of Teen Chi Magazine. I think an interview about hair care products would be of interest to all readers. "Mr Lee, how do you keep your hair so sleek, silky and manageable? Do you ever have a bad hair day? What is your favorite chakra color? If you could data anyone you met in any of your previous lives, who would that lucky girl be? Finally, what's more important when you meet a girl - her looks or her aura?"

Yeah, I know about the desire some people have to see a great "grandmaster showdown".....I was playing that off of the "American Idol" thing, and trying to spoof a Hollywood/MA collaboration for the same concept.

Hey, the *idea* may be good, but just look how many questions the UFC has *decisively* answered. So, based on the UFC results, just what *is* the best MA? Hmmmmm.......and, once a decision is made, is it ever challenged? Yep. You guessed it. I think a "grandmaster showdown" would obviously meet some of the same problems. I just thought it would be a good spoof..;)

And this GM Lee guy.....eeeesh. He needs to get involved in the one reality that the rest of us are in. If he is going to create his own style, he should both *expect* and *welcome* challenges. The MA community has *never* just accepted new MA styles: the established styles usually laugh at "new" styles, and at the VERY least request some sort of validation from them. Bruce Lee fought hard (sometimes literally) to validate JKD, and Ueshiba Sensei did the same with Aikido. The point is, that if this guy has something that is so effective and unique, as well as beneficial to the community on the whole, he should be ready, willing, and able to discuss his style in a logical, concise, and friendly manner. He should be able to explain both *how* and *why* things work in his style, and how it is different from the established styles.

Above all else, the new "GM" must have patience. Styles aren't created overnight, nor are they ever "perfected". Bruce Lee was constantly "tweaking", as was SGM Ed Parker and just about every other founder that has walked the earth. This guy spent 5 years, and he is *done*? Right.

Okay, I'm done rambling. This Lee guy is really out of his league. He doesn't have the maturity nor the experience to even *begin* this style-building venture, let alone manage it.

Originally posted by tonbo


Yeah, I know about the desire some people have to see a great "grandmaster showdown".....I was playing that off of the "American Idol" thing, and trying to spoof a Hollywood/MA collaboration for the same concept.

Hey, the *idea* may be good, but just look how many questions the UFC has *decisively* answered. So, based on the UFC results, just what *is* the best MA? Hmmmmm.......and, once a decision is made, is it ever challenged? Yep. You guessed it. I think a "grandmaster showdown" would obviously meet some of the same problems. I just thought it would be a good spoof..;)

And this GM Lee guy.....eeeesh. He needs to get involved in the one reality that the rest of us are in. If he is going to create his own style, he should both *expect* and *welcome* challenges. The MA community has *never* just accepted new MA styles: the established styles usually laugh at "new" styles, and at the VERY least request some sort of validation from them. Bruce Lee fought hard (sometimes literally) to validate JKD, and Ueshiba Sensei did the same with Aikido. The point is, that if this guy has something that is so effective and unique, as well as beneficial to the community on the whole, he should be ready, willing, and able to discuss his style in a logical, concise, and friendly manner. He should be able to explain both *how* and *why* things work in his style, and how it is different from the established styles.

Above all else, the new "GM" must have patience. Styles aren't created overnight, nor are they ever "perfected". Bruce Lee was constantly "tweaking", as was SGM Ed Parker and just about every other founder that has walked the earth. This guy spent 5 years, and he is *done*? Right.

Okay, I'm done rambling. This Lee guy is really out of his league. He doesn't have the maturity nor the experience to even *begin* this style-building venture, let alone manage it.


Bruce Lee's done a lot for M.A. in the U.S. but he's also done some
damage too. A lot of people take Bruce's philosophies to mean
get a yellow belt in a ton of arts and in 5 years create your own
style :shrug:
You know, you are SO right.

That's why people shouldn't be creating their own art without a LOT of training, foresight, and experience. If your common everyday Joe starts up his own style, like this guy Master Lee, then there is gonna be nothing but trouble.

That having been said, let me tell you about my new style. I spent most of this morning perfecting it.....and my 8-year-old son is the current master of the style, but he doesn't know it yet. I will be telling him about it tonight and showing him the secret moves over the weekend.

By Monday, I should be ready to teach this out of the entryway of the local video store (the only place I could rent space).....


Seriously, though. You are right. Just because Bruce Lee took what he thought was useful and advocated that others do the same doesn't mean that others can pull it off the same way. The most common mentality you see is for people to take a month or two of a bunch of different styles, lump a bunch of techniques together, and figure that they are now ready for either a) UFC or b) creating their own "lethal style". (No slam meant to those who train UFC, by the way!). Some of these creative geniuses actually have.....*gasp*....a YEAR or more of training!!

*whew*.....glad I'm just a student, and I don't have the weight of a pioneering grandmaster to deal with.....:D

(Carrying around the ego alone could be a problem!!)


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