The true test

maybe if ya get a job, Chronuss, you could save up. :p
I'm going on a cruise for Spring Break........muhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
lucky you

...i'm too thrilled about cruises...i'd rather spend a few days at a thrill park...and if i had lots of money, i'd go to someplace other than the east cali...
Most definitely! And I get to go on one in a little more than a month! Woo!!!
bah. cruises seem too cramped for my liking...
Originally posted by Chronuss
......quit gloating..:hammer:

Haha.......did I not invite you before I bought my ticket?..........methinks I did.........hahahahahahaha
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
bah. cruises seem too cramped for my liking...

Then let's go ride roller coasters in the snow!
yay! just no running into cars! like someone did on the other side of campus last night...

Clear out the main road on campus! we'll get air-time on the speed bumps!
Originally posted by KenpoTess

Not exactly. If I have a billion dollars I would ride roller coasters in the snow.
with all that money, I could buy WV and VA some snow plows so they can plow the roads!

...and smack the kid who wanted to go to walmart when the snow was heaviest...*rolls eyes* weirdo..
Originally posted by edhead2000
Not exactly. If I have a billion dollars I would ride roller coasters in the snow.

and i could pay for a lifetime membership and have loads of fun!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
...and smack the kid who wanted to go to walmart when the snow was heaviest...*rolls eyes* weirdo..

Hey! I did that. haha. It was fun.
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
and i could pay for a lifetime membership and have loads of fun!

With a billion dollars, I'd own my own theme park in my backyard.