The stupid things people do!


Senior Master
Jun 2, 2004
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Has anyone ran into people (I'm sure you have) who just seem to be just "a few bricks shy"? If you have stories, care to share? I'll start!

At my new job, there was this security gaurd (got transferred). At first he seemed ok, but as time went on, he would say some of the dumbest things. I ignored him, but one day his leg started to swell and someone had apparently told him there was just a lot of pressure and to relieve the pressure by puncturing his leg. Common sense should tell you not to do this without a doctor, right? Well, let's just say he missed a week because of that... Then yesterday, another associate was joking around with the security guard. They both were in a walk- in freezer, and the reg. associate told the gaurd to stick his tongue to the metal shelf in the freezer (not knowing any better about the idiot). To his surprise, the guard just turned around, stuck out his tongue, and PRESTO! Stuck guard. The guard got a bit worried when he couldn't remove his tongue, and actually got mad at the associate! I couldn't stop laughing the rest of the day!
tkdgirl said:
Has anyone ran into people (I'm sure you have) who just seem to be just "a few bricks shy"? If you have stories, care to share? I'll start!

At my new job, there was this security gaurd (got transferred). At first he seemed ok, but as time went on, he would say some of the dumbest things. I ignored him, but one day his leg started to swell and someone had apparently told him there was just a lot of pressure and to relieve the pressure by puncturing his leg. Common sense should tell you not to do this without a doctor, right? Well, let's just say he missed a week because of that... Then yesterday, another associate was joking around with the security guard. They both were in a walk- in freezer, and the reg. associate told the gaurd to stick his tongue to the metal shelf in the freezer (not knowing any better about the idiot). To his surprise, the guard just turned around, stuck out his tongue, and PRESTO! Stuck guard. The guard got a bit worried when he couldn't remove his tongue, and actually got mad at the associate! I couldn't stop laughing the rest of the day!

Given that... I'd remove the guard's pants and left the freezer door open and called just about everyone I could get within shouting range to have a look see... oh yeah... find a camera too... geez.
I was hanging out with some friends one night at my house - when all of a sudden, one of the guys decided to slide down my stairs on his stomach, headfirst. Nothing happened to him; he didn't bang his head or anything. But the rest of us stopped talking and just stared at our friend. All I could say was, "Just what were you thinking?" Apparently, he wasn't. :rolleyes:
A few years ago I was in a bar where some drunken idiot was crushing beer cans with his forehead and winning drinks. He would place the can on the bar and slam his forehead down on the can, crushing it flat.
The guy saw me shaking my head and grinning after winning one such bet, and came over and said that if he crushed my beer can, I'd have to buy him a beer and "take that stupid grin off your face."
I downed the last of my Sapporo, set the can on the bar and said, "Have at it." Now for those that don't know, Sapporo is a Japanese beer that comes in very thick-sided, corrugated cans.
The macho man tells me to go ahead and order his drink, grabs the edge of the bar on either side of the Sapporo can, slams his forehead down on it, and immediately goes over backwards like he'd been hit with a baseball bat.
The funniest part was seeing the nice circular welt in the center of his forehead as his two friends helped him off the floor while trying not to laugh.
Even here in Iraq, I get the standard "Office Space" type of stupidity...

Following a reported mortar attack (that landed outside the perimeter and caused no damage or injury, btw) one of my 7 bosses comes running in asking about it...I tell him that I already have looked into it and nothing got hit, nothing got hurt and that there is no further information at this time...he then asked me does [our higher hq] know about it...I said yes...he then instructed me to call them back and gove them the update that I just gave him...trans:Call higher and tell tham that we have nothing to tell them!

I love idiots...they make the workd go round :rolleyes:
I find that the greatest concentration of stupidity can be found when we simply look at ourselves. With this in mind, I offer something I actually did myself.....

Our kitchen sink became clogged. Naturally, I thought "just grab the plunger and viola, clog gone". Well, after plunging unsuccessfully I decided I would take the elbow pipe out to see if I could manually clear the blockage. I bailed the water from the sink into a very large bucket and removed the pipe. The offending clog was in the elbow which I cleared. The stupid part was that I dumped the bucket into the sink BEFORE I reattached the pipe! What a mess! My wife practically peed herself laughing at me.
You have to wonder if some people's existence is only to serve as a warning to others. ;)
Henderson said:
I find that the greatest concentration of stupidity can be found when we simply look at ourselves. With this in mind, I offer something I actually did myself.....

Our kitchen sink became clogged. Naturally, I thought "just grab the plunger and viola, clog gone". Well, after plunging unsuccessfully I decided I would take the elbow pipe out to see if I could manually clear the blockage. I bailed the water from the sink into a very large bucket and removed the pipe. The offending clog was in the elbow which I cleared. The stupid part was that I dumped the bucket into the sink BEFORE I reattached the pipe! What a mess! My wife practically peed herself laughing at me.

Thanks for sharing that story. I agree that the greatest sillinesses come from looking at ourselves. No great stories come to mind of myself ( I know they are out there) but I do recall looking for pens for minutes at a time, only to discover they never left my hand!!!
Henderson said:
I find that the greatest concentration of stupidity can be found when we simply look at ourselves. With this in mind, I offer something I actually did myself.....

Our kitchen sink became clogged. Naturally, I thought "just grab the plunger and viola, clog gone". Well, after plunging unsuccessfully I decided I would take the elbow pipe out to see if I could manually clear the blockage. I bailed the water from the sink into a very large bucket and removed the pipe. The offending clog was in the elbow which I cleared. The stupid part was that I dumped the bucket into the sink BEFORE I reattached the pipe! What a mess! My wife practically peed herself laughing at me.

Ah don’t feel bad I have almost done that a 100 times at work. You get in a hurry and forget that the “p” trap is removed and it’s such a normal thing to drain the pan or bucket into the sink.
I see all kinds of unwise things people do or say at work. I work in a 40 story building down town Dallas. Since I maintain this building I have access to every part of the building and I interact with just about every one in the building. We had a window that lost its seal and built up fog between the two panes of glass and needed to be replaced on an upper floor. When I told the person that sat in the office the window was to be removed and replaced, she was terrified that she and her desk would might be sucked out of the building and sent flying to the ground. The day the window was to be removed this person took the day off LOL it only took two hours to do the work. I had even explained over and over that when the window was to be removed the only thing that would happen was that it may get a little warm in her office due to the 6’x 9’ hole exposed to outside and it may get a little windy. And that we were not 30,000 ft up there was no way she would get sucked out of the building.

On another occasion I was acting as an observer during a fire drill in the building I had to watch and fill out a sheet on what was done correctly and what was not. I had one guy that came up to me and asked if this floor had a stairwell to exit the floor. (Every floor has two one on the East and one on the West) this is posted near the elevators and by service elevator. Well anyway I am just an observer the floors are graded on how well they do in the drill. Well this one guy came up to me and had this panicked look on his face and asked me “ is there a stairwell exit on this floor” LMAO well me being a SA I told him no Sir you will need to take the elevator up three floors to get to the stairwell exit to take you down stairs. LMAO he got on the elevator. (And his floor failed the drill)
That's just too funny, 2004!

While driving around the parking lot of Wal- Mart the other day (was looking for a parking space), I had made my turn and there was 1 car in the area I wanted to turn and another stopped on the opposite side I was on. The 1st car couldn't make their turn until someone moved, and neither could I. What does the 1st car do? Makes their turn anyways- which was to the curb to pick up their package- which was conveniently placed right in front of my car!!! I thought the idiot was going to hit me! That made it so I couldn't move until the idiot was done with her stuff! All she could do to my staring was do the :idunno: bit! She was so stupid that she couldn't figure out that all she had to do in the first place (before pulling out) was back up a few feet. Wow! talk about brain surgery! Sorry, I had to rant- she really ticked me off...
That must have been the day that Mensa was having their local chapter meeting sponsored by Wal*Mart...:rolleyes:
I have one for you.

I am the network manager for a large mortgage company. Yesterday, we had problems with servers and lost our connection to the internet. This happened on and off for about an hour or so. This originator emailed the IT deparment and asked if the internet is down. So we figured it would be a good idea to send an email to the company, this way people would know they would not be able to pull credit or lock loans. about ten minutes later she emailed the whole company, telling us that credit was down as well!!!!!

As time went on, we had to do an emergency fix and got the net back up. So an email went out stating that the internet is now back up. Which of course lead to the originator saying "well thats just great, but I still need to pull credit"!
desousae said:
"well thats just great, but I still need to pull credit"!

I love it hahahah

Remember these are the people on the road next to you doing 70mph
I had a friend who was riding his bike in the winter time he came to a puddle and went as fast as he could and then slammed on his brakes while he was on the ice yea he slid into a parked car and had to go to the hospital
Henderson said:
That must have been the day that Mensa was having their local chapter meeting sponsored by Wal*Mart...:rolleyes:

That's too funny, I can't even reply to that! I think that person missed being a Mensa by a few points, you think?
One of my mates is a brick layer and his labourer would fit right into this thread. After my mate had just finished screaming at him and telling him he is so close to being fired he went to the other side of the site to clean up and try to get back on the good side of the boss. About half an hour later he came running over to my mate and told him that a bloke had just rolled up looking for a job as a labourer and he in an effort to help had taken down all his details. My mate could'nt believe that he could be so stupid as to give him his own replacement.
tkdgirl said:
Wal- Mart
Another Wal-Mart one.

Now that I think back on it this has happened to me before, but I never realized it.

This particular day I had a sore throat and was my talking was at a minimum.

I brought a few things up to the register and she started checking me out. The total came to a little under $20 dollars, so I gave a 20.

And she said "out of $20".......she waited until I horsely said "yes".
Nevada_MO_Guy said:
And she said "out of $20".......she waited until I horsely said "yes".

Sadly, I've asked that... Of course, I was sick and shouldn't have been working, but I've done that.
OUMoose said:
You have to wonder if some people's existence is only to serve as a warning to others. ;)

Dude that is funny. Anyway here is the deal. I was at a party once. These idiots were playing sword fight, in between rounds of three man. Well, they got carried away using their twirling baton swords. One guy fell down and sat on his baton.

Dude was taking to the hospital. No, do not pass go or collecting 200 bucks for him.:shrug: