"The Main Tournament Of My Life" - Cool Video


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
Wanted to share this, and frankly didn't know where to put it. Kind of a women in MA thing. Kind of a BJJ thing... but I think that the sentiment is bigger than one style, and the kids are awesome.

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Awesome video. I think it's wonderful what she's doing to help change those kids' lives. Thanks for sharing!
Nice video Steve, thanks for sharing it. The young lady seems to have a really good head on her shoulders and a very healthy outlook on life. I especially liked the refereeing around the 10 minute mark. They looked like they were letting the kids compete but were really watching out for them and their safety. Not something you see with every kids program. This looks like a good program, I hope that it has much success.

Brian King.
I thought it was great. Really surprised to hear her mention Ryan Gracie. He had kind of a rough go of it. Drugs, trouble with the law, and eventually he died in jail (under some pretty darned strange circumstances).

But regardless of her inspiration, it looks like she's doing some great work!
That was awesome. What a great attitude and just a great way she has about her.

She makes me proud to be involved in the arts.