The Last Samurai


Patrick Skerry

Genin Andrew said:
I agree with techno,i absolutely love the movie,i own it and think its great but the little history doco in the special features was quite dissapointing and i didntlike how they made a compacted version of the doco for the DVD...hmmmm.But hey i guess it cant all be flawless,the positives far outweigh the negatives.

I just love the seen where the Samurai led by Katsumoto ride into town and the whole town fall to their knees,great scene!
oh and when that loser general guy gets nailed with Cruise's airborne katana...(a little unrealistic but love it nevertheless!!!)
I hate tom cruise so much I walked out of the movie after he got clobbered by the wooden sword in the rain while he was in Katsumoto's village. Only good part of the whole movie, tom cruise getting beat up by a samurai.