The Last Person.....

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I've been pitting up with negativity about Harleys half of my adult life..I normally have a bunch of cute sayings that use on people who say unkind things about HD..But as Jeff is a Dark Lord I keep silent...

You the man
I've been pitting up with negativity about Harleys half of my adult life..I normally have a bunch of cute sayings that use on people who say unkind things about HD..But as Jeff is a Dark Lord I keep silent...
My problem with HD is their price. They are good bikes, but priced like a great bike.
Lunch Break...Of the dozen or so kids I approached NONE were school kids..They had the pants hanging down exposing their underwear, the gold jewlery and the head covering that looks like a pair of white panty hose..They were mostly college students..The kids are looking youunger or I'm getting older NO RUDE COMMENTS....
Hey Drac,

I would love a Harley! Though I would definately not pass up on an old Indian as well. I am more of a new breed of biker though and like the proverbial crotch rocket cafe racer style of bike.

Most of my riding now a days is when I go on my dad's Honda Shadow! (which is nice and fun to ride, though not a very big bike
Lunch Break...Of the dozen or so kids I approached NONE were school kids..They had the pants hanging down exposing their underwear, the gold jewlery and the head covering that looks like a pair of white panty hose..They were mostly college students..The kids are looking youunger or I'm getting older NO RUDE COMMENTS....

The kids are looking younger and acting older all of the time. However, we are definatley getting older! :rofl:
Lunch Break...Of the dozen or so kids I approached NONE were school kids..They had the pants hanging down exposing their underwear, the gold jewlery and the head covering that looks like a pair of white panty hose..They were mostly college students..The kids are looking youunger or I'm getting older NO RUDE COMMENTS....

Drac you are not getting older those college kids look like high schoolers and act like junior highers
Hey Terry,

Sounds like you are heading for a serious night of training.

Classes are 2,4,5,5:45,6:30,7:30 and finally 8:30 so I'll get hame around 11pm. Wehave put on 9 new adults and 7 new kids this past week so I love it when we have newbies.
Hey Brian,Jeff and Terry.Just a quick hello and then I gotta split...
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