The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Morning 14K, Terry, KG06. I am just about ready to head out the door and have a busy day with a Women's Self Defense class at the College tonight.

I hope you all are doing well.
Morning 14K, Terry, KG06. I am just about ready to head out the door and have a busy day with a Women's Self Defense class at the College tonight.

I hope you all are doing well.

Yep, doing well. Have connected with some folks from the HS days on Facebook, so having some fun there. Have fun, Brian. Talk later.
We incorporate just a tad of the AK techniques in my current studies.
we have a couple as far as I know. im getting into the more conceptual stuff now, more spinning and tools for sparring, its awesome. also all my BJJ stuff is coming back to me so im pushing myself and maybe i can bet a blue belt before the end of the year

Well, that doesn't sound like much fun. Might give you a chance to catch up on some post-whoring.

Yea but I only have off this am so I can take him to the doctors. Zachary tuens 15 tomorrow. 14 have you ssen the video og him in the TKD section?
Link it is in the TKD section under here is a video of Zachary training rith the AAU team. OK here is the LINK
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