The K is on the Way

I would hope not. While the two styles are more similar than they are different, the scoring systems make the competition style different enough that I think they can justify having both.

Also, there are rumors that TKD might be getting the boot after 2020. . .
The scoring does make a big difference, I agree--but I wonder what the Olympic Committee will say.
Apparently a vote was taken for 2016 and but Karate didn't receive the requisite 2/3 to become an Olympic sport. Now the hope is for 2020.

I've been hearing a fair amount of buzz over the past year or two, though. So I think it has a good chance.
Well, that'd be great--and overdue for another Oriental sport--but I confess I remain somewhat pessimistic!
I think TKD's fate has a lot to do with it. The WTF President sounds confident, but this article confirms that there is talk that TKD could be dropped from the Olympics:

If that were to actually happen then I think Karate's chances will be a lot better.

I've heard a lot of karatekas saying they don't want it to happen unless it's knockdown rules that get approved. I don't think that will ever happen, though.
I doubt they'd approve that. I personally prefer karate-style rules to TKD-style rules, but the high kicks do bring in the crowds, I'd wager.
Just from what I've heard, the IOC doesn't like TKD and they consider it something of a renegade sport for countries that don't possess the greatest respect on the world stage. The fact that a TKDer kicked a referee in the head in Beijing didn't help, either.

Also, within WKF rules, not only are head punches allowed but you can also throw your opponent and attack after your opponent has been grounded.

From what I've watched, I actually think it makes for a more exciting viewing experience than WTF TKD.
Taekwondo could be out, but I've been hearing that said for probably ten years or more and it's still there. Taekwondo's ruleset, like it or not, makes it unique from other "combat" sports.
Don't get me wrong, I'm cool with TKD. I actually think it looks like a lot of fun to DO . . . just maybe not a great deal of fun to watch.
I am not for it! Karate is for self defense, and there are already way to many people who do not understand good at sparring does not mean good in a fight. SD is survival and at least what they did with TKD was such a SICK JOKE that I do not want to see karate watered down any were near that badly!!!
Karate is already watered down. It has to be.

In your SD training do you actually gouge out your training partners' eyes? I would expect not.
Karate is already watered down. It has to be.

In your SD training do you actually gouge out your training partners' eyes? I would expect not.

Ah the well worn eye gouging cliche, usually found when criticising MMA. This comment has actually nothing to do with anything. It's really hard to gouge someone eyes out when they are fighting* so it's probably not a technique worth practising anyway, poke the eyes by all means but the time you take trying to get the eyeball out is time you don't have when defending yourself. It's a martial arts cliche just like the one about hitting the nose with an upward strike kills the attacker when the 'bone' drives into the brain.

Karate watered down, well that's a different debate but I can see that any sport chosen for the Olympics gets changed. As for TKD I wouldn't consider the countries that actually practice the sport at Olympic standard renegades! It's a relatively cheap sport for poorer countries to take part in unlike gymnastics, swimming, the equestion events, sailing etc and is encouraged by the IOC for this reason. I doubt they are bothered by one competitor kicking a ref either, he was disciplined for it so that's the end of it as far as the IOC is concerned.

I am not for it! Karate is for self defense, and there are already way to many people who do not understand good at sparring does not mean good in a fight. SD is survival and at least what they did with TKD was such a SICK JOKE that I do not want to see karate watered down any were near that badly!!!

Why do you care if someone else practices karate or any other martial art for a reason other than self defense? How does that in any way affect what you do?

Is there a forum somewhere where people criticize other Olympic events like shooting? "Guns are for killing your enemy!"

As for the TKD being a "sick joke," I would have to say you probably don't understand the game. And if someone doesn't understand that sparring may not translate directly to fighting, I don't think that's a problem with the game. However, there are concepts and skills that can be developed in Taekwondo or other "combat sports" that can be used in a "fight."

Anyway, I go back to why you care. If I practice for fitness, for sports, or just for fun and recreation, why should that bother you?
Don't get me wrong, I'm cool with TKD. I actually think it looks like a lot of fun to DO . . . just maybe not a great deal of fun to watch.

Yeah, I think it's a sport that you need to really know to appreciate as a spectator in many cases. They are trying to address that, and I think it's cool that they aren't afraid to tinker with things and try to continue to develop the game. And it is fun to do, though if you end up across from someone out of your league, you will gain a newfound respect for what a good Taekwondo player can do.

I may have missed it, but what would the rules be for Olympic Karate? The only karate competition I've really seen was stop-point sparring, which wasn't very exciting to watch, either, in my opinion.
Why do you care if someone else practices karate or any other martial art for a reason other than self defense? How does that in any way affect what you do?

Is there a forum somewhere where people criticize other Olympic events like shooting? "Guns are for killing your enemy!"

As for the TKD being a "sick joke," I would have to say you probably don't understand the game. And if someone doesn't understand that sparring may not translate directly to fighting, I don't think that's a problem with the game. However, there are concepts and skills that can be developed in Taekwondo or other "combat sports" that can be used in a "fight."

Anyway, I go back to why you care. If I practice for fitness, for sports, or just for fun and recreation, why should that bother you?
in several towns I know of the only thing you can find is Olympic tkd stupidity. oh and by they way I do not do a lot of sparring because you do not do sport sparring the way you do SD. I train and always have for self defense.

you may train as you wish, but what I see in Olympic tkd is just a shame! The least they could have done is make it mostly like standard sport sparring! what they have instead is not even combative sport to speak of.
Separate from TKD? I wonder if they'll say that's slicing things too finely.

It would be interesting to have a stand up art that would allow multiple styles to compete. I wonder if TKD rules could be massaged to make this happen?
Karate, Olympics - I'm all for it.
Looks like there's an organized campaign to get Karate in the Olympics. . .

This is not the first time, the last one organised by the WKF was "Olympic karate now, take part" program.

I am not for it! Karate is for self defense, and there are already way to many people who do not understand good at sparring does not mean good in a fight. SD is survival and at least what they did with TKD was such a SICK JOKE that I do not want to see karate watered down any were near that badly!!!

I don't know, there are alot of styles of karate that are non-competitive (eg shotokai) and even within the ones that are competitive I can't see them all rushing to change all their rules. I do see, however, karate organisations keeping their own rule sets for karate specific competitions and then creating separate Olympic training courses to adapt to Olympic rules. After all there are WKA, WKC, style specific (Kyokushin, etc), association specific (eg JKA, etc), etc. competitions. As well as major fundamental differences between styles that won't/can't be "ironed" out just because of (basically) a competition.

I do see this, if it happens, a great way to promote karate and get more people doing it as a whole.