The journey maybe be over

Well starting in January we will be adding the new programs and I will be letting these wonderful people try and re-build the school. I hope I will be able to survive this.

Best of luck with that
Yea it will be odd trying to get use to it, but I am sure it will work itself out in the end.
As has been suggested, I hope you're scheduling a few "special advanced classes" for those interested in that direction in their training. Let the other stuff support your chance to do what you want...

Good luck with it!
As has been suggested, I hope you're scheduling a few "special advanced classes" for those interested in that direction in their training. Let the other stuff support your chance to do what you want...

Good luck with it!

We will have three hard core classes a wekk during the night and two during the day. We are putting up doors for the back workout room so we can not disturb the other softr classes.
After 8 months at my studio I am just now beginning to appreciate how the different instructors' styles work.

There is one instructor who is known for starting off the class with intense cardio and calisthenics, then getting into technique about halfway through. We all know that we're going to be sore after "Pete's" classes. Then there's the other instructor that only warms us up for about 10 minutes, focuses about 40 minutes on drills, then spends 10 minutes on the end of class teaching technique. I come out of her classes feeling as if I have sharpened up on my basics.

Another instructor seems to look at his classes as a kind of sport and organizes it as if it's a series of contests and playoffs. These are good cardio sessions. I learn while having fun, but I think there's a subtext somewhere in there about being competitive and not getting complacent. We have to switch up training partners frequently in his classes so that we don't get used to any one person's level and speed.

Then when the Master teaches, look out! He is widely respected and admired by his students and when it is known ahead that he will be teaching the class is packed. He undoubtedly has the highest standards for correct form and always gets our best efforts. He also runs us ragged by the end of class -- despite that, we look forward to it. Somehow you just want to earn a little of his praise.

I recognize now how each instructor's style complements the curriculum in a different way. All are needed. As much as the head instructor is revered however it would be a loss to the school if the rest were exactly like him in style and intensity. I think we'd burn out! And you know, these differences teach the students to be more adaptable too.
That's pretty much it, even if they fall out odf the same tree, lineage wise, every instructor has his/her own twist on the matter.

My Chief Instructor is low key, technical, his wife is the proverbial Energizer Bunny. he is more on technique, she makes your abs scream. I value both (and love them to pieces) but if you are not quiet in shape, his class offers better survival chances.... ;)
That's pretty much it, even if they fall out odf the same tree, lineage wise, every instructor has his/her own twist on the matter.

My Chief Instructor is low key, technical, his wife is the proverbial Energizer Bunny. he is more on technique, she makes your abs scream. I value both (and love them to pieces) but if you are not quiet in shape, his class offers better survival chances.... ;)

Yes I would agree each instructor has there take on techniques which is great when training.

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