The Hypocrisy!


Senior Master
Jul 6, 2014
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Sorry guys. I just had to vent somewhere. I pop into that "other" forum on rare occasion just to see if its completely dead yet or not. But I refuse to post there. I checked it out just now and saw a thread started by Aaron Baum where he posted a really nice video showing himself doing some bag work. A couple of people responded with "nice MIX of boxing and Wing Chun." Now this is ironic because some of you may recall a horrendously long and painful thread there where me and another individual innocently noted that some video footage of some of the CSL guys competing in MMA really didn't look much like Wing Chun. I made the mistake of saying it seemed like a "mix" of MMA and Wing Chun. I got reamed for this! Called names! Told I was obviously of low competence in Wing Chun! And I'm pretty sure the two guys making this comment on the current thread there jumped right on board with everyone else during the flogging. Oh the hypocrisy and irony of it all! :eek:

Ok. Rant over. Thanks for listening! ;)

zuti car

Blue Belt
Apr 20, 2008
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Tainan , Taiwan
I 've saw the video , what I didn't see was Wing Chun , on the other hand ,it is easy to boxing on the video


Blue Belt
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry guys. I just had to vent somewhere. I pop into that "other" forum on rare occasion just to see if its completely dead yet or not. But I refuse to post there. I checked it out just now and saw a thread started by Aaron Baum where he posted a really nice video showing himself doing some bag work. A couple of people responded with "nice MIX of boxing and Wing Chun." Now this is ironic because some of you may recall a horrendously long and painful thread there where me and another individual innocently noted that some video footage of some of the CSL guys competing in MMA really didn't look much like Wing Chun. I made the mistake of saying it seemed like a "mix" of MMA and Wing Chun. I got reamed for this! Called names! Told I was obviously of low competence in Wing Chun! And I'm pretty sure the two guys making this comment on the current thread there jumped right on board with everyone else during the flogging. Oh the hypocrisy and irony of it all! :eek:

Ok. Rant over. Thanks for listening! ;)

I remember the thread well. You and I had some heated discussion concerning certain points of contention. I never viewed the debate as a win or loss when it ended, it was simply a conversation of differing opinion. That being said I personally never thought of you as inept or of low competence, despite the childish behavior and name calling I directed at you. It's obvious that, that thread has left a deep wound and IMO picking at the scab isn't going to help it heal any quicker. For what it's worth I think you are quite knowledgeable, don't let others make you feel as if you're not. Best to let go, it's a waste of energy and will only corrupt your mind. IMO you have nothing to prove to anyone, your honor, knowledge and integrity, in reality, have only been compromised in your mind. Take care.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
Some times it is just good to rant
some rants make one heck of a lot of sence and should be made
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MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
...and saw a thread started by Aaron Baum where he posted a really nice video showing himself doing some bag work. A couple of people responded with "nice MIX of boxing and Wing Chun." Now this is ironic... :eek: Ok. Rant over. Thanks for listening! ;)

KPM Just let it go. BTW I do remember that thread. The first few pages were OK, then things went downhill. Oh well, look at the bright side. It brought you and a lot of others over to this forum where folks appreciate your input...

Oh for the rest of you, here's the video that KPM was referencing:



Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
I remember the thread well. You and I had some heated discussion concerning certain points of contention. I never viewed the debate as a win or loss when it ended, it was simply a conversation of differing opinion. That being said I personally never thought of you as inept or of low competence, despite the childish behavior and name calling I directed at you. It's obvious that, that thread has left a deep wound and IMO picking at the scab isn't going to help it heal any quicker. For what it's worth I think you are quite knowledgeable, don't let others make you feel as if you're not. Best to let go, it's a waste of energy and will only corrupt your mind. IMO you have nothing to prove to anyone, your honor, knowledge and integrity, in reality, have only been compromised in your mind. Take care.
Great post. Takes a lot to own up to that.


Brown Belt
Aug 6, 2010
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KPM Just let it go. BTW I do remember that thread. The first few pages were OK, then things went downhill. Oh well, look at the bright side. It brought you and a lot of others over to this forum where folks appreciate your input...QUOTE]

You got it half right old man :p, but the ONE we could do without had "snake" in. Time will tell if he is just as welcome as he is on the other forum.


Senior Master
Sep 28, 2006
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Now that I have seen the video I can comment. And have to agree with the previous posts, Boxing I see. Wing Chun I don't.

What I see that is better is the posters trying to make amends for previous encounters. That is what keep people coming back to MT.

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