The graphic results of knife fighting

Wow. Amazing (in a sad way). I think every MA'er out there really needs to see reality up close and personal. I pray for the LEO that he was able to be patched up enough and his family for the mental/emotional trauma of having to see that.

Seeing all that makes me want to train... seriously train.
MJS said:
Yes, those pics. were nasty, but IMHO, its good for people to see exactly what a blade can do. I agree with FC. There are many knife defenses/disarms out there that IMO, would most likely get someone killed or seriously hurt. I've always been a believer that if you want to learn defense against something like a blade, train in an art, such as the FMAs, that focus alot on blade work.


Even with FMA training you are going to get cut. Going up against a weapon with any kind pf training is still a last ditch option. Better to have the training, but I wouldnt think that that couldnt happen to me because I take FMA.
Blotan Hunka said:
Even with FMA training you are going to get cut. Going up against a weapon with any kind pf training is still a last ditch option. Better to have the training, but I wouldnt think that that couldnt happen to me because I take FMA.
Hear Hear! I Agree!
Blotan Hunka said:
Even with FMA training you are going to get cut. Going up against a weapon with any kind pf training is still a last ditch option. Better to have the training, but I wouldnt think that that couldnt happen to me because I take FMA.

Never said that having FMA training would make you immune to getting cut. My first option, would be to get out of the situation. If that was not an option, picking up something to use as a shield or to aid in your defense is another possibility.

My point was simply that the FMA based arts focus more on blade work than many other non weapon oriented arts out there. The same could be applied to grappling. If I wanted to learn how to defend a takedown or get better at taking someone down, I'd much rather seek out a grappler than someone unfamiliar with grappling.

Sorry for the confusion.:)

No. Im sorry for the confusion sir. I wasnt quoting you to disagree with your point. Just as a response to get a conversation going. And as a base for my opinion which is that some (not you) people get deluded into thinking they wont get cut or killed if they study some special MA. Its a crapshoot, training just gives you better odds is my point.
Hello, Thanks for sharing that! It will make you think more about what could happen when trying to disarm a knife attacker. That Deputy is luckly to be alive with that much wounds.

Just a note: If you have no choice and corner/trap....always use two hands to hold the knife hand, if you are able to grap it, and use the rest of your body to strike back! (head butts,stomps,knees,kicks and BITING).

Many times you will not see the knife when approach by a attacker....the cuts will be fast and surprising...........awareness always.....Aloha
As i'm viewing this now while watching American Idol I can only say that if Randy and Simon were viewing these you would not go onto the next showing. Trying to keep it real and honest though, I did see many good principles but the overall applications were less to be desired.
Blotan Hunka said:
No. Im sorry for the confusion sir. I wasnt quoting you to disagree with your point. Just as a response to get a conversation going. And as a base for my opinion which is that some (not you) people get deluded into thinking they wont get cut or killed if they study some special MA. Its a crapshoot, training just gives you better odds is my point.

Not a problem.:)

I do agree with you though. Pick up any Martial Art magazine and we'll see countless ads for people offering the latest, greatest, super secret, leave your attacker immobilized in 5 secs., death touch ads.

After looking at those pictures, IMO, the best defense is get the hell out of the area if you can.

Great discussion and topic!:ultracool

bshovan said:
As i'm viewing this now while watching American Idol I can only say that if Randy and Simon were viewing these you would not go onto the next showing. Trying to keep it real and honest though, I did see many good principles but the overall applications were less to be desired.
I don't understand this post??
shesulsa said:
I don't understand this post??

Well, not to put words into someone's mouth, but here goes anywats. :D ;)

Taking a pop culture reference that people will not understand in another 5 to ten years and applying it to the knife attack.

Ignore head wound as no pictures.

There is one knife wound across the chest horizontally. It is too high, it should be lower to debowel the person, assuming a kill was in order. I am unable to determine from this picture alone if the guy was right handed or left handed and which side of the body was first point of contact. Although if I had to guess I would say it was made left to right on the picture as the right side looks "lighter" like it was beginning to pull away or the person in the picture moved away. Could be backhand from right handed person or lefthanded forward slash.

One his right side of the person in the picture there is a cut just above the floating rib area. One again too high, if kidney is desired once again for a killing attack.

Two(three) on his back: one down and the other left to right and back zig-zag to the left again. This one lifts and comes back across.

Once again this is across the high portion of the back and not in a killing zone (* unless extreme blood loss *). I believe that the down strike was made first by the way that the cross back has created a little flesh wall.
The zig zag cam next with the deepest being the far left pulling out of the right and then back in with the pull out on the left side.

If I had to guess I would say the person left handed, or always missed their forhand stirke to close, or preferred the back hand strike. I still believe the left hand is more probable.

If I had to reconstruct, the left hand of the knife wielder came out and cut the guy in the picture, he then dodged to he left which opened up his right side for theback hand strike of the knifer. As the guy went to get away, it looks like he was attacked from behind as he fell, and the strike down could have been to also knock him down as well, as there is evidence of a head wound. The zig-zag then followed up with the guys falling out of reach or trying to roll out of the way with his back exposed.

The knifer could have run away at that point, or back up arrived, or the knifer could have thought the guy in the picture was as good as dead.

So, I believe the comment is that if it was done right, these would be pictures of a dead body and not of a person being worked on.
I just got that in my email. If u have a gun USE IT.
It isn't necessarily a good thing to run from a knife attacker as the inate predator in us can come into play when we turn our back on an attacker and they will just pounce. Having your back turned also makes it easier as you are faceless.

Jimi said:
This re-enforces what one of my instructors told me years ago. Beware the blade!

Yes..I recieved the same photos through the LEO network...Very Scary..
I've seen these around and I think it was said this was a prison inmate not a LEO.
Clean cuts look like razer or extreamly sharp knife!
Does anybody have any info on how the altercation that did this was finally ended?
It was said above that this was a inmate vs. another inmate. The guards breaking it up wouldn't have had firearms I don't think. Anybody know???
Greetings all,

Very interesting photos from an educational perspective, and even more interesting are the reactions that I see. Truthfully, these are not that bad. They are not good, but they are mostly superficial wounds. No vital targets were injured such as the throat, heart or other vital internal organs.

I have unfortunately seen this and more, and it has impacted my martial arts training since day one. In training we have produced equally devastating cuts on training materials using knives as small as 2 inches. Pretty scary huh?

As many of you may know, I take my knife fighting and knife defense VERY seriously. It is photos like this that offer visual evidence that supports my constant comments to my martial arts brothers and sisters on the dangers of the blade. We need more training (physical and mental/attitude).

This is a sad reminder of how bad self defense can get. Just think of how many times we hear about an assault, shootings and stabbing in the news on a daily basis. And that’s if these incidents even make it to the news. Just today there was a report on a woman stabbed to death here in San Francisco. The worst part is we become too desensitized, and keep thinking that “this will never happen to me”, and so do not take proactive steps to prevent this.

I hope this will motivate us all to do more training, and hope and pray that we will never have to use it.

With brotherhood,
GM De Alba
Greetings, a little clarification on this photo. First this was a fed inmate and NOT a LEO. There are more pics of this, I'll see if I still have them.
This inmate was lucky, this was more or less a "warning." Probably a Bic razor blade melted into the end of a toothbrush, fairly common. As far as stopping the assault, Fed. correctional officers do not carry any type of weapons, the inmates will mostly ignore the officers orders to stop until more staff arrive and then surrender.