"The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Violence in America."

GOOD Jeff, it SHOULD be the exception, and I HOPE IT IS and I hope it STAYS THAT WAY

but dont act like it doesnt exist, because it does, you know it, hell, EVERYONE knows it, people are just too damned scared to admitt it.

hell, i Wish EVERYONE was as educated and successful as you, but they aint, and pretending they are is a waste of time.

denial never fixed anything

the facts are the facts

more crime is committed by non whites than whites per capita. thats just a fact.

and ToD,
you need to back up Slick, i dont feel superior at all, i just feel honest. And i SAID< IN ENGLISH that it is cutural, NOT RACIAL or did you not bother to read that part?
Then what is your solution?
a shift in values.

mothers telling thier sons to go to school
women NOT putting up with the "playa's", women not settling for being a "baby momma"
men learning to be proud of good things
songs about raising your kids, not about "gettin paid"
Listen to more Bill Cosby and less Lil' Wayne
quit taking handouts
I could go on for days, but, simply put, if you want out of the ghetto, get the ghetto out of you

the world will move aside for any man, of any color, that knows where he is going and is willing to work to get there.

I truely believe this
i HATE dishonest people that, just because something doesnt apply to THEM think it isnt true of ANYONE.

So now I'm dishonest. Nice.

yay for you, you beat the odds, but you known DAMNED good and well what I mean, and you know it is true.


for every successful, educated, law abiding black person, there is a metric *** ton of the no job having, pants hung low, gangster wannabe

the numbers dont lie man.

No, I didn't beat the odds. I did what most of the other Black people around me did. It is you that have a skewed perception of Black people in America.

And as Elder just showed you, the numbers contradict exactly what you are saying. It is a statistical fact that the majority of crimes in any community are committed by a small number of people.

happy for you, wish EVERYONE was like you, but you are the exception, not the rule.

No, what you are doing is taking a personal perspective and making a broad-based application of it. I am no more exceptional in this respect then most every Black person that I associate with. There are thousands of Black college graduate every year. There are many tens of thousands of Black small business owners, mid level managers, etc.

Now i do think the trend is going towards people like you growing in numbers, and i think that is a good thing, clearly.

But I do not deny reality. No, it is not race, it is culture. It is poverty. It is lack of education. But it IS.

And, once again, you are conflating the "gangster" culture as being the Black culture. What you fail to realize, or are intentionally ignoring, is that, if anything, it is a subset culture. Once again, I could look at any negative subset culture of whites and say the same thing as you are.

So, my suggestion is you do some actual research and learn something before you spout off at the mouth.
I was going to bring the sub-culture aspects of this up last night but was too tired to be cogent, so I am glad that Kenpo has highlighted it :tup:.

The part about the percentage of crime related to the percentage of the population that are criminal is also quite pertinent, especially given the drug motivated background to a lot of it. British police statistics reckon that something like ninety percent of the case-load is related to a known ten percent slice of the criminal population.

I'd also like to reiterate for people that even tho' spirited debate is to be encouraged, having a go at each other is not a productive method of exploring a topic.
So, my suggestion is you do some actual research and learn something before you spout off at the mouth.

personal insults are a violation of the TOS Slick.

I have only one more thing to say to you,a nd i suspect it will be a waste of time, but honesty demands it

YOU are not everyone

I am not everyone

just because we did it, doesnt mean everyone does it

you are truley exceptional, but look at that word. The base of it is EXCEPTION

not the rule.

good day to you
personal insults are a violation of the TOS Slick.

Yes they are. Of course, I don't think that you could possibly be saying that a suggestion that before you say something so completely inaccurate that you do your research first is an insult.

I think that, were you saying such a thing, that it would be a very difficult case to prove. However, I think that calling a person a name (Slick), which usually has a negative conotation to the person being so called, to only those with whom you disagree, would be an easier case to make.

I have only one more thing to say to you,a nd i suspect it will be a waste of time, but honesty demands it

YOU are not everyone

I am not everyone

just because we did it, doesnt mean everyone does it

you are truley exceptional, but look at that word. The base of it is EXCEPTION

not the rule.

good day to you

Well, it is only going to be a waste of time because my wife keeps telling me that I need to be more humble, and am trying to heed her advise.

However, I'm not exceptional. I'm just a lowly public servant who has managed to take care of his family. Like millions of others out there.
Source Watch is a collaborative effort of the LIBERAL Center for Media and Democracy so I'm sure their "data" is a tad skewed and likely biased as well.

I'm not actually "taking a side"... just saying, there's probably some truth in there. If it's important enough to you, I'm sure you can dig through the FBI statistics yourself.