Crazy News Day!

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Geez. All this stuff happening.

In no particular order:

* Leading Libyan announces that yes, Kadaffi not only had knowledge of the Lockerbie bombing, he ordered it personally.

* The US Justice Department announces it will no longer defend the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) in court, effectively ending DOMA over the will of Congress.

* Governor Walker of Wisconsin gets pranked by some blog into thinking he's talking to a big-name right-wing rich guy and makes some controversial statements about his real intent in 'union busting' in Wisconsin.

* And I've got a sinus headache. All this snow, then warm weather, then snow again. Oy.
* Governor Walker of Wisconsin gets pranked by some blog into thinking he's talking to a big-name right-wing rich guy and makes some controversial statements about his real intent in 'union busting' in Wisconsin.

I was just listening to it.

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if thats the audio in complete detail then there is nothing controversial about what Scott Walker said.
its the idiot trying to prank him into saying something wrong.
I thought Walker stayed right on point, passed over the controversial statements the pranker made and stuck to his guns..
did I miss something?
if thats the audio in complete detail then there is nothing controversial about what Scott Walker said.
its the idiot trying to prank him into saying something wrong.
I thought Walker stayed right on point, passed over the controversial statements the pranker made and stuck to his guns..
did I miss something?

No, I don't think you missed anything, but it's still controversial. The news agencies are lighting up on this one.

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