"The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Violence in America."

Archangel M

Senior Master
Dec 5, 2007
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I don't present this with any particular racial or political agenda, but I just came across it (even though it was back in 1999) and am sort of shocked that C-Span aired such a blunt and controversial presentation. Has anybody seen these stats before?

What I find more interesting than the obvious racial issue is the "statistical issue". The classification of "Hispanic" and how that skews data was something I had never heard of nor considered before.
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New Century Foundation

From SourceWatch

The New Century Foundation, founded November 1990 and based in Oakton, Virginia, is a "self-styled think tank that publishes a monthly journal and a Web site called American Renaissance. Also hosts biannual conferences. The Foundation promotes pseudoscientific and questionably researched and argued studies to validate the superiority of whites."[1]
The Foundation is headed by Samuel Jared Taylor, "author of Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America, a 1991 book that documented fundamental problems with U.S. policies on civil rights, crime and welfare. ... But Mr. Taylor was criticized as an advocate of 'the new white racism' by conservative author Dinesh D'Souza, whose 1995 book The End of Racism reported many of the same racial problems Mr. Taylor had examined in his earlier book."[2]

"Presenters at conferences have included Samuel Francis and Gordon Lee Baum of the Council of Conservative Citizens. Attendees have included Don Black, operator of the white supremacist Web site Stormfront, and National Alliance leader Kevin Alfred Strom. Taylor has been a board member of the Council of Conservative Citizens, and is on the advisory board and has contributed to the racist journal Occidental Quarterly."[3]

(1) source: Anti-Defamation League

Jared Taylor/American Renaissance
Jared Taylor (also known as Samuel Jared Taylor) founded The New Century Foundation, a self-styled think tank known primarily for American Renaissance, a white supremacist journal and companion Website. The journal, which Taylor edits, promotes pseudoscientific studies that attempt to demonstrate the intellectual and cultural superiority of whites and publishes articles on the supposed decline of American society because of integrationist social policies. American Renaissance generally avoids the crude bigotry and stereotyping characteristic of many other racist publications and Taylor himself personally refrains from anti-Semitism.

Born: September, 1951
Residence: Oakton, Virginia
Organization: The New Century Foundation
Publication: American Renaissance
Education: B.A. Yale University, 1973;
M.S. Institute of Political Studies, Paris, 1978
Ideology: Intellectualized white supremacy
Books: Author of Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America (1992) and Shadow of the Rising Sun: A Critical Review of the Japanese Miracle (1983); edited or contributed to various other books, including Essential Writings on Race by Samuel Francis (2007), Race and the American Prospect (2006), A Race Against Time: Racial Heresies for the 21st Century (2003) and The Real American Dilemma: Race, Immigration, and The Future of America (1998)
Affiliations: Taylor is on the editorial advisory board of Citizens Informer, the newspaper of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, has contributed to The Occidental Quarterly a racist journal, and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the National Policy Institute, a racist “think tank.”

Taylor promotes his views by attacking racial, ethnic, and religious diversity, which he calls “one of the most divisive forces on the planet” and therefore “dangerous.” Through speeches delivered at the biennial American Renaissance conferences; books, pamphlets, and articles; and public appearances via mainstream venues, including television shows and universities, Taylor promotes the idea that racial segregation is “natural” and society is best organized along racially homogenous lines. He maintains ties to a variety of racist organizations, publications, and individuals, both domestic and international, and many of North America’s leading intellectual racists have written for American Renaissance or have addressed the biennial American Renaissance conferences.

(2) www.amren.com/index

(3) The End Of Racism by Dinesh d"Souza. page 396 (I will add direct quote, it is lengthy but informative).

some additional information
hope this helps

But are the stats accurate? Are his sources reputable? More accurately is what he is saying about categorical number shuffling accurate? That point about "Hispanic" statistical adjusting was interesting.

I have to agree that his "tone" was somewhat "slanted" and bigotry and racism is not the path I want this thread to go, but when it comes to the issue of crime I think we need to have a clear picture of what the problem is. I have always subscribed to the belief that it's the "culture" not the "race" thats the issue. Put any race into the the same recipe of poverty, gangs, drugs and other influences and get the same results.
yeah, there isnt anything in black dna that makes them more violent, or criminal, it is black CULTURE that embraces, respects and looks up to criminals. Modern urban ghetto culture puts no value on education, or personal responsibility

this aint news, it is pretty much out there for anyone with the guts to admit it.
Its not true. Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than whites, but they aren't more criminal. This report is stupid.
Poverty, unemployment, and a lack of education are greater factors in determining ones involvement in crime then any other.

There are parts of Eastern Europe that I would not venture into, where as parts of Africa I’m sure are as safe as you can find anywhere else in the developed world.
Its not true. Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than whites, but they aren't more criminal. This report is stupid.

care to back that up with anything OTHER than wishfull thinking???

the NUMBERS disagree with you Slick. They do more crimes, per capita than whites do, by an order of magnitude.
Racism is racism whether it be a white guy in a silly sheet, or a black guy with a silly beret...
Its not true. Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than whites, but they aren't more criminal. This report is stupid.

If you listen to the video the guy did have at least one valid point about that. Police don't just drive around and find arrests for violent crimes, it's not like we just grab the first person we see and say "lets charge this guy with armed robbery today". And it's not like we say "let this guy go from this homicide..hes white" either.
yeah, there isnt anything in black dna that makes them more violent, or criminal, it is black CULTURE that embraces, respects and looks up to criminals. Modern urban ghetto culture puts no value on education, or personal responsibility

this aint news, it is pretty much out there for anyone with the guts to admit it.

Really? I'm Black. Have a lot of Black family. Not a single one of them embraced, respected, or looked up to criminals. In fact, I'm a cop, which is the antithesis of respecting criminals. Know a lot of Black cops. None of them embrace, respect, or look up to criminals.

You seem to associate Black culture with "urban ghetto culture". I know many, many, many Black people with B.A / B.S. degress and many others with advanced degrees. Many of them grew up in the "ghetto" to which you are referring.

Did Martin Luther King Jr. embrace criminality, or place no value on education or personal responsiblity. What about all of the modern Black politicians, or Clarence Otis, Jr. (CEO of Darden Restuarants, owner of Red Lobster, Olive Garden and others), Kenneth C. Frazier (CEO of Merck and Co.), Kenneth Chenault (CEO and Chairman of American Expres).

I could go on and on, but I hope you get that point.

Or were all of these people just "acting white". Well, let's examine that then, shall we.

Would you please tell me what Black culture consists of? I get so tired of hearing this. Black culture in America is as diverse as "white" culture. How about this. I will take, say, white Southern Rednecks and define that as "white culture", similarly to how you used a subculture of Black Americans to define "Black culture". In that case, white people are as uneducated, criminalistic, and lack responsibility as any person who you define as having "Black culture".

Quite frankly, you have no idea what you are talking about.

They do more crimes, per capita than whites do, by an order of magnitude.

You have no idea what order of magnitude means, do you. Either that, or you don't have any idea as to the comparison of white and Black crime.
The thing with this guys speech that belies my anecdotal experience was the "more black on white crime thing". I guess it depends on how he was presenting the data, but in my experience it seems like the bulk of offenses were black on black or white on white.
The thing with this guys speech that belies my anecdotal experience was the "more black on white crime thing". I guess it depends on how he was presenting the data, but in my experience it seems like the bulk of offenses were black on black or white on white.

As time goes on the Black and white on Hispanic crimes seem to be on the rise. Especially on payday.
Come on now gentlemen, don't descend into the usual melee of knifing each other over broad-brush terms.

There is clearly a problem with a strong correlation between poverty and crime. We get it over here in Britain in some of what are termed Council Sink Estates (places where they house many 'problem' families). With no education to speak of and no prospect of climbing the 'legal' greased pole to success, many of them turn their back on the "mugs game" and make a fortune selling drugs ... tho' many of them die in the process of course, there seems to be a never ending supply of new recruits.

That's the problem we're discussing. The fact that a high percentage of the equivalent demographic in the USA appears to be non-White is, whilst not an irrelavance, not pertinent to the cause of the problem.

Inequality of opportunity is where the real evil lies and even over here in 'socialist' Britain {:p} it's getting worse.

I have said before that I reckon I was one of the last of the lower working class oiks who, by dint of the education offered, was able to climb away from my 'birth social tier' and become a 'professional' rather than an unskilled labourer. Now I am no cleverer than my father, I just had opportunities that he did not and I seized them with both hands. With the devaluation of the education available now, such an 'escape' is no longer as possible as it once was.
i HATE dishonest people that, just because something doesnt apply to THEM think it isnt true of ANYONE.

yay for you, you beat the odds, but you known DAMNED good and well what I mean, and you know it is true.


for every successful, educated, law abiding black person, there is a metric *** ton of the no job having, pants hung low, gangster wannabe

the numbers dont lie man.

happy for you, wish EVERYONE was like you, but you are the exception, not the rule.

same for me, from my family? from my nieghborhood? the fact that I dont have an arrest record makes me BY FAR the exception.

but here is the difference dude, I dont think i am the rule just cuz I did it, and i choose to surround myself with people LIKE ME.

Now i do think the trend is going towards people like you growing in numbers, and i think that is a good thing, clearly.

But I do not deny reality. No, it is not race, it is culture. It is poverty. It is lack of education. But it IS.

again, the numbers dont lie.
i HATE dishonest people that, just because something doesnt apply to THEM think it isnt true of ANYONE.

yay for you, you beat the odds, but you known DAMNED good and well what I mean, and you know it is true.


for every successful, educated, law abiding black person, there is a metric *** ton of the no job having, pants hung low, gangster wannabe

the numbers dont lie man.

happy for you, wish EVERYONE was like you, but you are the exception, not the rule.

same for me, from my family? from my nieghborhood? the fact that I dont have an arrest record makes me BY FAR the exception.

but here is the difference dude, I dont think i am the rule just cuz I did it, and i choose to surround myself with people LIKE ME.

Now i do think the trend is going towards people like you growing in numbers, and i think that is a good thing, clearly.

But I do not deny reality. No, it is not race, it is culture. It is poverty. It is lack of education. But it IS.

again, the numbers dont lie.
First of all, who you callin' slick, there NotSoSlick? Secondly you just pointed to the issue with this thread. The Fact that boths Blacks and the police are concentrated in the cities, it exposes more blacks per capita to the criminal justice system earlier than troubled white kids in the suburbs; so, yes the crime rate is higher, but for purely cultural and situational reasons. It you want to sit there feeling all superior then by all means. I can sit and laugh. I find it all very entertaining.
yay for you, you beat the odds, but you known DAMNED good and well what I mean, and you know it is true.


for every successful, educated, law abiding black person, there is a metric *** ton of the no job having, pants hung low, gangster wannabe

again, the numbers dont lie.

No, numbers don't lie.:

Nationwide, the October 2008 unemployment rate for African Americans was 11.1%,[102] while the nationwide rate was 6.5%.[103]

In 2000, 47% of African Americans owned their homes. The poverty rate among African Americans has decreased from 26.5% in 1998 to 24.7% in 2004.[54] African Americans are the second largest consumer group in America with a combined buying power of over $892 billion currently and likely over $1.1 trillion by 2012.[88][89]

It would seem that the "no job having, pants hung low, gangster wannabe" is the EXCEPTION-numbers don't lie,man.....:lol:
GOOD Jeff, it SHOULD be the exception, and I HOPE IT IS and I hope it STAYS THAT WAY

but dont act like it doesnt exist, because it does, you know it, hell, EVERYONE knows it, people are just too damned scared to admitt it.

hell, i Wish EVERYONE was as educated and successful as you, but they aint, and pretending they are is a waste of time.

denial never fixed anything

the facts are the facts

more crime is committed by non whites than whites per capita. thats just a fact.

and ToD,
you need to back up Slick, i dont feel superior at all, i just feel honest. And i SAID< IN ENGLISH that it is cutural, NOT RACIAL or did you not bother to read that part?

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