The cane


Senior Master
Jan 27, 2007
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My only prior experience with a cane was when I broke my ankle andI will admit I did on occasion treat it like a Jain when I was board. I also use to train Xingyi staff which is shorter than the taiji, Shaolin, Wing Chun staff but not as short as the average cane (Xingyi staff is about 5" long) so I was wondering if any of that would be useful.

BTW, when trying it out in various forms/techniques designed for other weapons, I've had some fun with changing up which end I grip. One time, I'll grip the crook end, but then it's fun to switch to the tip end, and see what the horn/crook is capable of. If you think of the old karate maxim that you should imagine any hand/fist returning to the body always has something in it, then the returning crook would always have something in it--or the horn might be puncturing meat as you pull it back toward you. :mad: OK, I was a Navy Corpsman and things that are supposed to gross people out don't get to me, so I'll stop since this might be getting a little too graphic--I'm abnormal, but I'm not in denial :D Anyway you get the idea. :)
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate

BTW, when trying it out in various forms/techniques designed for other weapons, I've had some fun with changing up which end I grip. One time, I'll grip the crook end, but then it's fun to switch to the tip end, and see what the horn/crook is capable of. If you think of the old karate maxim that you should imagine any hand/fist returning to the body always has something in it, then the returning crook would always have something in it--or the horn might be puncturing meat as you pull it back toward you. :mad: OK, I was a Navy Corpsman and things that are supposed to gross people out don't get to me, so I'll stop since this might be getting a little too graphic--I'm abnormal, but I'm not in denial :D Anyway you get the idea. :)

I grew up with parents whose careers were medical, I spent many years in hospital security in ERs so your not bothering me at all. You should hear some of my stories :)
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
Here is a bit of irony

Yes the Hapkido School near me does teach combat cane and you do not have to be a hapkido student to train with them... this is good

But a new twist, I may actually need a cane again soon just to walk.... this is bad.

Something kind of appeared in the bottom of my foot that will likely need surgery (apparently I stepped on something during my life that got stuck inside that now is trying to come out) and since I can’t walk to well today since I have this constant feeling of a rather large stone in my arch. So I decided to go see the MD and likely surgery soon, I guess all training may be done for awhile.


Senior Master
Jan 27, 2007
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Here is a bit of irony

Yes the Hapkido School near me does teach combat cane and you do not have to be a hapkido student to train with them... this is good

But a new twist, I may actually need a cane again soon just to walk.... this is bad.

Something kind of appeared in the bottom of my foot that will likely need surgery (apparently I stepped on something during my life that got stuck inside that now is trying to come out) and since I can’t walk to well today since I have this constant feeling of a rather large stone in my arch. So I decided to go see the MD and likely surgery soon, I guess all training may be done for awhile.
Ouch. Sorry to hear that X S. Probably ill-timed now, but here's another thought on training, when you're later able: While they don't now list the cane, they have in the past, and could probably customize a weekend for you.

Also, even when you're laid up, you're going to have the cane close at hand, so could experiment form the chair/bed (don't hurt any nurses or family members, tho :D). Keep us posted my friend. :asian:

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Have you seen the unbreakable Umbrella? ...come two ways...a straight handle and the hook a cane handle!

Cool and legal to carry everywhere!

Aloha, Do we need one in Hawaii? for the sunshine?
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Ouch. Sorry to hear that X S. Probably ill-timed now, but here's another thought on training, when you're later able: While they don't now list the cane, they have in the past, and could probably customize a weekend for you.


Also, even when you're laid up, you're going to have the cane close at hand, so could experiment form the chair/bed (don't hurt any nurses or family members, tho :D). Keep us posted my friend. :asian:

I have thought of that :EG:

Hello, Have you seen the unbreakable Umbrella? ...come two ways...a straight handle and the hook a cane handle!

Cool and legal to carry everywhere!

Aloha, Do we need one in Hawaii? for the sunshine?

Good idea


Senior Master
Jan 27, 2007
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A recent (?) Youtube piece on very basic cane stuff from a traditional hapkido standpoint. Nothing earth shaking, but simple, solid techs and may give ideas for some who are less familiar with the cane.

One caveat: A little too much baseball striking for me in the opening scenarios (wasted motion, since it takes two moves and the first telegraphs/costs time you don't have), but otherwise pretty good.


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
I just bought 2 canemaster cane & their "street techniques" dvd. My issues with these dvd's & ideas are 1) I am only really able to use one hand for the most part due to my disability & most Hapkido techniques (especially with a cane) are 2 handed techniques. 2) I actually NEED the cane to get around right now & it limits my mobility & quickness. Shuey & the other folks I've seen obviously don't NEED a cane to get around.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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I just bought 2 canemaster cane & their "street techniques" dvd. My issues with these dvd's & ideas are 1) I am only really able to use one hand for the most part due to my disability & most Hapkido techniques (especially with a cane) are 2 handed techniques. 2) I actually NEED the cane to get around right now & it limits my mobility & quickness. Shuey & the other folks I've seen obviously don't NEED a cane to get around.

No, Shuey doesn't, but I have met others at seminars that did....


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I just bought 2 canemaster cane & their "street techniques" dvd. My issues with these dvd's & ideas are 1) I am only really able to use one hand for the most part due to my disability & most Hapkido techniques (especially with a cane) are 2 handed techniques. 2) I actually NEED the cane to get around right now & it limits my mobility & quickness. Shuey & the other folks I've seen obviously don't NEED a cane to get around.

Yes you are right, but alot of the techs. can be done and midified for one arm. There are people I know that uses it to get around but can still be effective with the cane itself.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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I just bought 2 canemaster cane & their "street techniques" dvd. My issues with these dvd's & ideas are 1) I am only really able to use one hand for the most part due to my disability & most Hapkido techniques (especially with a cane) are 2 handed techniques. 2) I actually NEED the cane to get around right now & it limits my mobility & quickness. Shuey & the other folks I've seen obviously don't NEED a cane to get around.

From the earliest memories of my Maternal Grandfather, he was in a wheel chair and had a cane he took with him as well. I learned from him how he used it to pull thing closer, and also how he could use it to leverage is chair, and many other techniques. I thought everyone had a grandfather in a wheel chair and would learn such things for a long time. I then realized later that my family was not the norm.

My Paternal Grandfather walked until is late 90's. The last couple of years of his life. (* 97 & 98 almost 99 *) He used one cane in his early 90's for balance and late 80's when he was tired or the terrain required it. I learned from him that a walking stick is a great add on a train walk. He then went to two canes, as he would not push around one of those ugly walkers. ;) :) He was stubborn. Well he taught me that one could be used for balance while the other could be used as a tool to reach for things. The issue was that he started much later in his life than my other grandfather and he never was as good or natural with the tool aspect. The last couple of years he was in a chair but would get off for bed and bathroom. But even then he would need assistance.

My point is to start using the tool for it was designed.

Once you get a little comfortable with it you will naturally start to use if as a tool to assist in moving objects and items closer to you or away from your. Begin to do this. This will teach you the leverage of you to the tool to the item. This helps you understand your limitation. Such as would you try to hook a 300 lb 6'3" gorilla type and bring them to you, or would you just bash them up side the head multiple times?

Once you understand your balance and some of the capabilities of the tool, then find a very willing partner who understand what you are going to do and will let you do it. Yes, I let you do it. You have to learn the motions first. Once you get the motions and the techniques you need to then have the person give very limited resistance. Your balance will have to be adjusted next.

I could also recommend find a blind person who is willing to tell you about the sensitivity of their cane and how they use it.

The best way to get useful results from a tool is to understand the attributes of the tool.

Good Luck and Best Wishes


Master Black Belt
Jan 7, 2007
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Checkout 'Stickfighting' by Grandmaster Hatsumi masaaki.

Thats a good book. Also, i would take a look at some of the locks practiced in escrima. There is one dutch escrima master that has some pretty cool and very effective looking locks, also done with a cane- i don't remember the name right now, but the clips can be found on youtube. Also i think there are some old threads here on mt that display canemoves.

As for the striking, i think it's fairly selfexplanitory and can be based in basically any martial arts system.

there are some locks that apply to the tonfa and some that apply to the curved-top type cane, however, there are a number of different shaped canes that can be used in different ways to apply locks or carry out effective strikes or blocks.



El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
Thanks for your responses, folks. Time to focus, & a knowledgeable partner to train with would be most helpful right now. I need to heal up while trying to work my job & run my school, too.

I know there are others out there who have similiar physical issues & have worked around them. I'd love to meet some & work with them.

I guess all my anticipation in getting my canes, I thought it would be easier. An unexpected road block won't stop me, just slow me down a bit. It's probably a good thing.

Thanks again!


Senior Master
Jan 13, 2007
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Upstate New York.
Checking Canemaster I realized I have a Hickory Burnt Wood Cane already. It was what I was using to get around back when I broke my ankle after I was off crutches... cool... It was also what I used for my stationary Jian and ocassional Dao stuff when I was bored.

And the price seem to be pretty reasonable, any suggestions as to what is the best cane to buy?

I also found that there is a certified Cane Master instructor about 4 hours from me

I am not big on learning from video but it may be my only option at this time and I see on Century and CaneMaster there are a few to consider.

Also looking at the century link I realized there is a Hapkido school near me but I do not know if they teach cane.

Can it involve trees :EG:

I'm curious in what city was this instructor located....

General point for all - check you state's laws. The actual sword canes are popular - but against the law in New York.


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Good point. I think most states would consider them a concealed weapon... I know I'd charge someone with carrying a concealed weapon for having a sword cane, if the situation warrented.

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