Tested today!


Brown Belt
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey
Today was part two of my 2nd degree! Thursday was the physical part; situps, pushups, running, forms, sparring (1x1 and 2x1), weapons ('chuks, bo, sword and escrima sticks), definitions, etc followed up today with our banquet during which we do more forms and breaking. Excellent time surrounded by the best folks!

To my extended family at USFMA and my friends here at MT - THANKS!
Fireman sounds like you had a great test do far, I'm sure you will be on top of your game as always.
Awesome!! Congrats!!:ultracool:ultracool

Congratulations, Fireman!

It's not a well known fact that Taekwondo is widely practiced and taken very seriously in both New York and New Jersey. (Most of my competition was there.) You should be proud in knowing that you've no doubt been trained by some of the best instructors in the country IMO.
Congrats...Well done...
Congratulations! That is such a big accomplishment I tell you. I can't wait unitl my first dan test next december.

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