Teaching your own children


Blue Belt
Dec 29, 2003
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I was wondering from those of you that have children and are instructors, do you teach your own kids? I would love for mine to become black belts, but do not want to drive them away from Karate altogether. How do you fathers and or mothers approach this? How do you instill an interest? I want my kids to experience other sports and activites, but really would like them to study Kenpo. One reason, as this would be a family activity and interest. But also as a father, I feel I have an obligation to teach my kids how to protect themselves, the same as I instill the importanct of their school work, to prepare themselves for when they go off on their own.

Yours in Kenpo,
My son caught interest at age 2. He would always be around me when I was training. As he got older, he would ask me to train, but then his interest would only be for about 10 min. max. I felt the same way about not wanting to drive him away for the MA. So now, I have him enrolled at a local school, which has been good for him since he's around kids his age, and the instructor is not his dad. Albeit it isn't Kenpo/Kempo, but at least the instructor is good with the kids, and instills the basics. I figure as he gets older and is ready to learn from Dad, then I'll teach him.

Some are successful in keeping it in the family, others have to find another instructor. Depends on the child. Just my 2 cents.
I was worried about similar things, but my son really enjoys it as father-son time. Of course, it can be hard when I have to push him to try harder/be more attentive/etc.
I did it, but it was too tough on all of us. My expectations were high. Not that my kids didn't do well. But it created too much pressure for us.:asian:
My 2 older kids lost interest in their teens. They both express interest now, though, and have made it to green belt.

My 6 year old loves it. It is "best buddy karate time." I don't push him in his private lessons, we "play karate." But in class, he is learning that he is just like the others.
I help teach some of the childrens classes at my school. My daughter is in one of the classes.She will be 10 next month. When she does her forms and techniques at home if I try to help her she gets very defensive. I haven't had to work one on one with her in the dojo yet and I hope when the time comes she doesn't get defensive like she does at home.
When my daughter started training, she had serious issues learning from me. She worked under my instructor. When she got a little older, she decided she liked my teaching style a litte better. She is working her way through her trade schools now, and when she is done, she wants to come home and start training with me again.
Originally posted by Seig
When my daughter started training, she had serious issues learning from me. She worked under my instructor. When she got a little older, she decided she liked my teaching style a litte better. She is working her way through her trade schools now, and when she is done, she wants to come home and start training with me again.

Oh no, another "Queen of Pain.":eek:
I have a 9 year old boy, he is very interested in learning Kenpo, but looses focus quickly when it becomes work instead of fun. I have found that if we confine our workout to 30 minutes max. and concentrate on only 1 or 2 techniques or drills, he enjoys it more. I often find him practicing those same techniques on his own when he thinks nobody is watching.
That's right.. Princess of Pain *G* She is 6' tall and can handle herself very nicely :D
Our daughter was the first Female champion of the FLMA ( Florida League of Martial Arts) Grappling Championship.
She's a 'Girlie Girl' but no holds barred when she's fighting. Sure wished she lived closer so she could start training again ~!
My 7 year old wants to start learning Kenpo. I think because of her age I'm going to take her to a school that can focus on her being a beginner and having her in a class with kids her age. Not that I couldn't teach her, me being daddy might take her thoughts away.

Bill Smith
I don't have any kids of my own but if I ever do and they show an interest I'd love to teach them!

The World's only getting more dangerous after all...


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