tax rebate checks


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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out of curiosity, has anyone gotten theirs yet? I'm looking every day now LOL... sadly, kind of need it. Would have much preferred they did not take it out in the first place though :)

What do you plan on doing with yours?
I got mine a couple of weeks ago.

I had considered using it to replace the back door, but I ended up using part of it to pay for a hotel room I needed for a family event, and the rest to pay my car registration. I'd have paid for them anyway, but this way I didn't have to go into my savings to do it. Sadly, that used up the entire $600.
Got my Monday. Most of it is going for a family vacation trip in August and various other expenses (BB test fee, OS upgrade, music gear for a new recording project)
If filing or preparation fees were deducted from your 2007 Refund or you received a rapid refund, you will be receiving a check instead of a direct deposit. Please see the Paper Check section of the Payment Schedule.
Got mine Friday, and its going for a late studnet loan payment, took up all but 60 of it :(
Going to treat myself to a new pistol, probably a Ruger LCP, or a S&W 442 J-frame airweight revolver.

I did something similar, back in the earlier part of this decade, when we got the $300 back from the gov't. That $300 went towards my first "evil black gun," my Bushmaster XM15-E2S carbine. :)

That's when a rather funny fellow put up a webpage, that had a message for Senators Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Diane Feinstein (D-CA), and Barbara Boxer (D-CA). Of course, those are four of the most virulently anti-gun politicians.

The message said something like this:

Dear Ted, Chuck, Diane, and Barbara,

Thank you ever so much for the check! I am going to use it to buy guns.


(list of humorous folks)

PS: These are going to be evil black guns! Bought from a gun show!
Got mine Friday, now I'm debt free (except for the house).
I'm in the last group. :-(

I love getting the rebate checks, but I always hate the next year when you have to pay taxes on it. GRRRRR
I'm thinking about saving mine. That way, the economy won't be stimulated and they might send out another one. ;)

Kidding. It's going toward family vacation.
I'm in the last group. :-(

I love getting the rebate checks, but I always hate the next year when you have to pay taxes on it. GRRRRR

The notice we got in the mail yesterday said that we won't have to claim it as income for '08. That surprised me.
If and when I get one directly to bills, yea that is right. No stimulating the economy for me. I will do that in July with trips to Madisan Wisconsin for AAU National and Buffalo NY for the meet and greet. To very long trips in a three week period.
Going to treat myself to a new pistol, probably a Ruger LCP, or a S&W 442 J-frame airweight revolver.
Heh, yeah buy something that the government is going to ban anyway... way to show 'em... heh :D

I won't get mine til June 13th (or that's when they'll be mailed anyway...) SIGH!

Gotta get my jeep fixed up and then pay off some bills.
Heh, yeah buy something that the government is going to ban anyway... way to show 'em... heh :D

I won't get mine til June 13th (or that's when they'll be mailed anyway...) SIGH!

Gotta get my jeep fixed up and then pay off some bills.

Yeah - apparently if you use HR Block, you have to wait until they're mailed, anyone else having this problem?
Yeah - apparently if you use HR Block, you have to wait until they're mailed, anyone else having this problem?

I'm not, but I know others who have - it's a problem with H&R Block's prep software, but I can't remember what, except that there was a note on the IRS website about it somewhere.
My tax refund was direct deposited, but because I used TurboTax software to prepare my taxes (and thus had filing fees deducted), my tax rebate now has to come as a check by mail. I learned this the hard way when the rebate direct deposit day came and passed with nothing added to my account. Feeling upset and confused, I did some research and realized I'm one of those unfortunate ones who originally signed an agreement with a financial institution connected with TurboTax for direct depositing the refund. Now I have to wait until June for my rebate check. What will be done with the check? Bills, bills, bills. - Ceicei
My tax refund was direct deposited, but because I used TurboTax software to prepare my taxes (and thus had filing fees deducted), my tax rebate now has to come as a check by mail. I learned this the hard way when the rebate direct deposit day came and passed with nothing added to my account. Feeling upset and confused, I did some research and realized I'm one of those unfortunate ones who originally signed an agreement with a financial institution connected with TurboTax for direct depositing the refund. Now I have to wait until June for my rebate check. What will be done with the check? Bills, bills, bills. - Ceicei

That's a sad story.

But, another reason I always mail my return to the IRS. While it takes longer to get, you don't have to pay the fee for the eFiling. It's a shame the IRS doesn't have a free way to efile.