Take the test is your school a mcdojo.

Originally posted by white belt
I believe the finest Martial Art to MASTER is DIPLOMACY. All of the people who involved themselves in this thread exhibited varying degrees of expertise toward this goal. To win a battle without raising a hand is the finest skill. A part of "Mastering the Self". Recall the scene in "Enter the Dragon" where Bruce Lee was challenged on the boat ride over to Ohara's island. The challenger was left to drift in a lifeboat. No "physical" blows were struck.

white belt

Sorry, meant to post this on the "Arts I'd like to Master" thread. JK can really throw major tangents!

white belt
Originally posted by Kirk
I agree that this is the message you've been conveying, but the
WAY he's been revealing his reluctance seems odd to me. Like
he just doesn't get the message.

Not really... That reluctance is what happens when you make an a$$ of yourself publicly and you lack the stones to admit it publicly.

He spoke too soon, didn't think somebody in his backyard was going to offer to take him in and help him on his quest... Now he is stuck between the rock and the hard place - what to do, what to do???

In all fairness, he claimed he had some tournament things upcoming that he was preparing for/attending. If that is true, that is a satisfactory excuse for not taking us up on our offer.

Like i said i am not afraid to go, Give it 2 - 3 weeks.
I still have some more boxing Tournments need to prepare for and submission wrestling to get ready for.

I did just win state in Judo,1st place.

Funny what people are saying about me, Makes me laugh.
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Yup, you are correct Sir! Whether their belt is faded or not should not been used are the sole criterion to determine an instructor's worth... :asian:
I never said it was the sole criterion, but it would be a major plus on experience. Like at a training camp, I wouldn't want it to be run by all 20 year old's who compete. There has to be a combination of people in their physical prime and people in their mental prime. Not just one or the other.
Originally posted by Shinobi
I've ran into McDojo's. One for instance was a TKD one. I wasn't allowed to meet the Grandmaster, who's supposedly the highest ranking 9th Dan in the World. Went in, took a 15 minute class(WOW!), whipped into the office. $1000 up front for 1 year contract. 2 year contract and guaranteed a BB. He kept selling and selling, telling me how effective TKD is, how it's the best, yadda yadda. I told him I was allready orange Belt prior to moving, showed credentals, wouldn't lemme keep Rank. Says if I attend every Class within 2 months i'll have earned an organe anyways. Attend 2 Classes a day for a year and i'll make BB. Whatever, so I left.

Next one was MMA. Called them up, 1 year contract, $100 a month to train with undefeated World Champs in over 200 fights. Gave them my background, they said come on and spar and get my *** kicked to see a "REAL" Art. I laughed and said "Idle threats and big ego's come from small minds." and hung up.

I don't know a single undefeated world champ, every champ has been defeated at some point or another if they had over 200 fights. That's just how things work in competition.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Like i said i am not afraid to go, Give it 2 - 3 weeks.
I still have some more boxing Tournments need to prepare for and submission wrestling to get ready for.

I did just win state in Judo,1st place.

Funny what people are saying about me, Makes me laugh.
What tournament was this? I lived in Washington for decades and haven't heard of a state-wide judo championship. What was the name of the tournament? What weight class?

State championships means it has to be open to everyone in the state, but most MA competitions aren't like that but only open to a select schools/clubs. For instnace, WIAA-sponsered sports are open to everyone (who qualify as in health and academic requirements), from home-schooled to private to public to anyone your age.
I have been trying to keep my eyes open for tournaments up in this area, but I haven't heard of anything at all besides the one held down in Lacey last weekend (but I was at Pavel Tsatsouline's seminar, so I didn't go).

I am halfway considering ISKA competition, since I can't find anything else. I did AAU for several years in the early 90s, as well as local tournaments before that, but I haven't competed since 1992 I think...

Results of the tournament:
Number of participants:
Anything on the tournament other than where to contact the person who organizes it:

Nowhere to be found

:rolleyes: Sure sounds like a tournament all right. In Washington, wrestling, judo, and jujitsu are very big and things get a lot of publicity from the Seattle Times, the Columbian, the Tri-City Herald, nothing. Not a single blurb.



So how could you have just won 1st place in state? And still, the tournament is not a very big one with not even 500 people in the first round.
LOL dude....he did. It was the Ashida Kim Open. You are not tough enough so you wasn't informed. But Judo over there was tossing everyone around like pillows.
I looked around again, there is only one tournament that even has anything to do with calling itself a "state" tournament, and it didn't even start yet. So what exactly is this state tournament? I may be mistaken, but for a tournament to even call itself a state tournament rightfully is a very hard thing to do, there is a lot of things you have to organize. I know from experience. Try organizing just a county tournament.

And judo-kid, your "knowledge" of Shintoism is even more shocking than your "knowledge" of martial arts. And what's better, you didn't back up any of your claims on Shintoism or your claims on the MA.
Martial Artist - Are you in WA state? When I lived in Nebraska, we had the Nebraska State Games which hosted all kinds of sporting events, to include martial arts. Since you have lived in WA for a long time, at least in the past, do you know if WA has anything similar to that?
It was yesterday, I won first place i droped 5 pounds and fought in 150-160wt class, I forget who was running it USJI (i think)
It was In pullpye (Errr SPELLINg)

at a Native American Looking High school.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Martial Artist - Are you in WA state? When I lived in Nebraska, we had the Nebraska State Games which hosted all kinds of sporting events, to include martial arts. Since you have lived in WA for a long time, at least in the past, do you know if WA has anything similar to that?
Not in WA state right now.

But I did live in WA for a long time. There is no state organizations that I'm aware of, if you look at the tournament listings, all are organized by a person, a school, or a group of schools.
Originally posted by Shinobi
LOL dude....he did. It was the Ashida Kim Open. You are not tough enough so you wasn't informed. But Judo over there was tossing everyone around like pillows.
No, that was not the name of the tournament according to the links

Every WIAA sport is at the Tacoma Dome. Yiliquan, what was that name of the stadium where they have boxing and muay thai matches?

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