Take THAT, Westboro bigots!

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
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Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
THIS is the best thing I've seen in the news this week.

A non-profit has bought a house across from the anti-gay church and turned it into a gay-rights center, complete with a rainbow flag.

The Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., might have finally met its match.
The church, which is known for its extreme ideologies and anti-gay views, now has a neighbor swathed in the rainbow colors of the gay pride flag.
Non-profit Planting Peace bought a house across from the church – notorious for its "God hates Fags" and "God hates America" slogans – and decided to turn it into a gay rights center, according to Gawker.com.
The house – which has been named "Equality House" – even has a pride flag flying from a 30-foot pole.
I shall buy the house on the other corner, sell popcorn and beer and get rich watching that train wreck life....
Hopefully by choosing a location that's across from a church, more homosexuals will have an opportunity to repent and be saved.
Hopefully by choosing a location that's across from a church, more homosexuals will have an opportunity to repent and be saved.

I'm picturing the scene from the Simpsons when it's Armageddon, and everyone from the Church run out to the street and then into Moe's Tavern and everyone in Moe's Tavern run out into the street and into the Church.
Hopefully by choosing a location that's across from a church, more homosexuals will have an opportunity to repent and be saved.

I wouldn't bet on it. Westboro isn't exactly a church I would put much faith in when it comes to saving souls. Even if that were their goal, yelling and aggressive behavior rarely makes people see your side of things.

That being said, am I the only one who thinks this is going to end badly? I mean I am all for homosexuals' freedoms but this seems like a bad idea. It would be like the NAACP moving an office right next to the local KKK... I just see a feud coming.
I wouldn't bet on it. Westboro isn't exactly a church I would put much faith in when it comes to saving souls. Even if that were their goal, yelling and aggressive behavior rarely makes people see your side of things.

That being said, am I the only one who thinks this is going to end badly? I mean I am all for homosexuals' freedoms but this seems like a bad idea. It would be like the NAACP moving an office right next to the local KKK... I just see a feud coming.

I'm hoping that this new "arrangement" for the Westboro bunch will teach them how to love their neighbor. Hopefully they'll learn that it's Christ's position to judge, and theirs to find a much gentler way of reaching out to these people; to remember how God loved us while we were still sinners.

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ~ Romans 5:8 NASB
I'm hoping that this new "arrangement" for the Westboro bunch will teach them how to love their neighbor. Hopefully they'll learn that it's Christ's position to judge, and theirs to find a much gentler way of reaching out to these people; to remember how God loved us while we were still sinners.

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ~ Romans 5:8 NASB

I would hope so, but I doubt it. If reading the bible doesn't tell them they are acting in a very shameful way I doubt being confronted with the very people they hate on a daily basis is going to do anything but start a protesting war between the two.
I could be wrong, and hopefully will be surprised. We'll see how it goes.
Both groups sound like agitators, yeah, that can't end nicely.
Both groups sound like agitators, yeah, that can't end nicely.

And that's my point. Moving next to them seems very provoking in nature. Being so blatant about it with the flag and everything seems like they are directly trying to provoke.
I defend the rights to freedom of speech of both groups, even if I don't like what they have to say. But something tells me that within a month our national headlines will be talking about both sides being on their lawns and sidewalks with signs.

Most people just roll their eyes when WBC gets out with their signs yelling hate. But I think this could severely hurt the cause of the LGBT community. think provoking a fight doesn't give them the high ground.
Then again from a PR campaign perspective it might show hate directed at them for moving in there. But since it is something to be expected I doubt it will cause the outrage against homophobia they might be looking for.

Generally not many like Westboro Baptist Church or their activists. I'm just wondering what these people hope to accomplish. Their time would be spent in a much more productive manner trying to get a homosexual person elected to a public office. Something that hasn't really happened since Milk was shot.
Become more active in the political arena, it's more effective than provoking fights with obvious bigots.

I doubt Martin Luther King Jr. would have gotten as far in the struggle for civil rights if he spent his time picking fights with the KKK instead of campaigning and getting involved in more intelligent political ways.
You all do realize Westboro, abhorrent as the the things they say are, are using their constitutionally protected rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion and have harmed no one.
Most people just roll their eyes when WBC gets out with their signs yelling hate. But I think this could severely hurt the cause of the LGBT community. think provoking a fight doesn't give them the high ground.
I think your post is pretty well stated, but this part jumped out at me. I'm not sure "most people" can just roll their eyes. Certainly, those of us not directly affected by the WBC could do so. But imagine if your son or daughter was killed in action overseas and at their funeral, a group of people stood within view holding signs and chanting that your son is a fag enabler and is going to burn in hell for his sins, or "thank god for dead soldiers?" As a father, I'm not sure I could roll my eyes.

As far as I'm concerned, good for these guys. I hope they provoke the WBC into doing something stupid.
I think your post is pretty well stated, but this part jumped out at me. I'm not sure "most people" can just roll their eyes. Certainly, those of us not directly affected by the WBC could do so. But imagine if your son or daughter was killed in action overseas and at their funeral, a group of people stood within view holding signs and chanting that your son is a fag enabler and is going to burn in hell for his sins, or "thank god for dead soldiers?" As a father, I'm not sure I could roll my eyes.

As far as I'm concerned, good for these guys. I hope they provoke the WBC into doing something stupid.

I have many friends in the armed forces. Before my brother passed away a few years ago from cancer, I had planned on enlisting as well. You make a good point, in that context I doubt I could roll my eyes either. However nobody really pays attention to them other than to be frustratedaand angry to the point of tears.

I honestly hope they don't do anything to hurt anyone else. I honestly hope this changes at least a few minds within their number, but I doubt it. Wouldn't that be something to be saved by the very people they spew hate to? That would be an interesting change there eh?
You all do realize Westboro, abhorrent as the the things they say are, are using their constitutionally protected rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion and have harmed no one.

As are the good folks across the street. The Westboro bigots, like the KKK, have a right to speak. And others have a right, even an obligation, to speak out against them.
The idea that hate groups such as Westboro and the KKK "harm no one" is quite debatable.
As are the good folks across the street. The Westboro bigots, like the KKK, have a right to speak. And others have a right, even an obligation, to speak out against them.
The idea that hate groups such as Westboro and the KKK "harm no one" is quite debatable.

The Klan used to shoot at and/or lynch Black people and republicans.
Westboro's jackasses have only used words, nothing else...
The Klan used to shoot at and/or lynch Black people and republicans.
Westboro's jackasses have only used words, nothing else...

Words can be very harmful. Especially when it adds to the grief of someone who has just lost a loved one and these people are yelling and protesting at a funeral.

I fully respect and defend their right to use free speech. I don't agree with them, and think that their chosen venue for voicing their BS to be dispicable and directly opposite to the message taught in the bible. I will use my freedom of speech to directly oppose them as well and I am completely within my rights to do so. I make no appology for being against them and their message of hate either. I am against ignorance and such morally wrong behavior, no matter who the culprit.
That being said, as much as they anger me with their display and where they choose to do it, I defend their rights to do so. However it does seem stupid to me, that they are choosing to exercise their freedom of speech to protest funerals of men and women who are fighting and dieing to defend the country that gives them the right to do so. ( all ideals of our wars and other BS aside )
It also seems that their message that homosexuality causes the problems in our country is about as intelligent as claiming sin caused hurricane Katrina, or the Imam that claimed that giving women equal rights tears down society and
causes earthquakes.

Also, if you look in my previous posts, I am also putting forth arguments that the people who moved across the street from the WBC are not much better when it comes to moral high ground as they seem to be directly provoking a confrontation with them. It is like pushing someone and cursing them to provoke an attack, then claiming self defense when the person finally swings and you break their arm. HOWEVER, I also defend them on the grounds that they are using the same sort of freedoms that WBC uses.
Two wrongs don't make a right and I think this will lead to pointless fighting and that no real good can come from it.

Also I made the reference to the KKK as an analogy in the struggle for civil rights where race was concerned. WBC has not PHYSICALLY harmed anyone. Yet. But then again neither did the cyber bullies that drove teenagers to suicide. Words cause more harm than people realize.

So in closing, I defend peoples' rights to be morons. I don't agree with them, but that's the point of our freedom of speech. I don't think that my points, when put in the context that they were, are particularly unfair to either party.
The westboro freaks don't even believe half the crap they say its a money thing for them they wait until someone stops them from protesting and then they sue for violation of rights. Its actually a pretty good plan.
The Klan used to shoot at and/or lynch Black people and republicans.
Westboro's jackasses have only used words, nothing else...

I'd like you to please go explain to the families of those whose funerals have been targeted by these vile, hateful wastes of protoplasm that they should accept the bile that's being spewed onto them. I think it best if you be unarmed while you do so.
Geez.. just looked up the WBC website, it's a shame this is what the world actually see's so much of. They look to be some sort of minority sect, I'd say bordering on cult.
What a great move! Love it. Pity it brings more attention to the jerks at Westboro, who I wish the media would ignore as their numbers suggest would be appropriate, but what a great message to send.

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