Taekwondo: Out of the Olympic Games after Brazil 2016?

I have videos of me in Judo matches where I look like ****. I'm tired, I'm broken and I'm fighting like a child because the other guy is better and I'm not strong enough mentally to come back. Not proud of it but I look like I have no business being there and as a result I become someone's highlight reel, four times in a row. I'll post the vid when I find it again, it's somewhere. On someone's phone I think.

But you are a fighter and wanted that, and you came back for more, and you are still in it. These people in the video looked like people pulled from the stands, in shock.
That ref knows the fight is over, but the way the other person completely gives up, and makes no attempt to fight back. It's the ref's job to save the person from serious injury, when they make no effort at self defense.
"completely gives up and makes no attempt to fight back", and yet they are a BLACK BELT. This is what happens when black belts are handed out like candy.
But you are a fighter and wanted that, and you came back for more, and you are still in it. These people in the video looked like people pulled from the stands, in shock.

My point was so did I, I'd venture the same thing happened to these people.

"completely gives up and makes no attempt to fight back", and yet they are a BLACK BELT. This is what happens when black belts are handed out like candy.

The subpar black belt argument is another one entirely, one I agree with actually, but just to save my own ego I'm only an orange belt in Judo, relating to my situation ;)
weaton's law dude, you RELLY need to look it up

in self defense, (something you wouldnt know about being a lifetime WTF guy) you use your skills to protect yourself and others, in tournament competition, everyone is assumed to be equal.

in a tournament, if he faces you, he is asking for permission to beat on you. if you are better than him, too bad for him, thats the risk he took signing up. And you are damned right i teach my students to give EVERYONE they square off with the best they have

i am doubting you have ever competed with the BS you are slinging about "fair" this and "bullies" that

thats loser talk
"completely gives up and makes no attempt to fight back", and yet they are a BLACK BELT. This is what happens when black belts are handed out like candy.

True. More reason to not take complete advantage of their horrible situation and not smash their face in, don't you think? I'd thing if one has the ba***, he would walk over and berate the coach for sending such a person into the fire.
Every match should be taken very seriously. Even when you feel the person has no chance against you, what so ever. That said, there is no reason to go in for the "kill" when you realize you have it in bag, and they are way out classes, to do so goes completely against martial arts ethics.

We see it differently. I see people of no skill, before they are hit, during the hit, and after they are hit. No glory for defeating this novices, not in my book.
again you say "I see people of no skill", what sort of organisation gives someone "of no skill" a black belt.
in a tournament, if he faces you, he is asking for permission to beat on you. if you are better than him, too bad for him, thats the risk he took signing up. And you are damned right i teach my students to give EVERYONE they square off with the best they have

Pretty much this. I'll skip the WTF self defense argument for now, lol
Against a worthy opponent, for sure. There is nothing like it. But against a weak, unskilled and confused novice, no, that is out right bullying and abuse.

Well at least in this case, as ET pointed out, these guys are black belts, presumably with at least 3 years of training. When I think of "novices" I think of white belts or someone with less than six months in the game.
weaton's law dude, you RELLY need to look it up

in self defense, (something you wouldnt know about being a lifetime WTF guy) you use your skills to protect yourself and others, in tournament competition, everyone is assumed to be equal.

in a tournament, if he faces you, he is asking for permission to beat on you. if you are better than him, too bad for him, thats the risk he took signing up. And you are damned right i teach my students to give EVERYONE they square off with the best they have

i am doubting you have ever competed with the BS you are slinging about "fair" this and "bullies" that

thats loser talk

I give you that, you would be the expert on loser talk, I have seen your postings. You would be the last person to advise anyone on self defense unless of course it was against an out of shape unskilled woman. Own up to it.
True. More reason to not take complete advantage of their horrible situation and not smash their face in, don't you think? I'd thing if one has the ba***, he would walk over and berate the coach for sending such a person into the fire.

One thing I NEVER do is badmouth or challenge another coach. I don't consider it my place to discredit anyone and especially don't consider it my place to berate my opponents coach as a competitor. That's a huge slap in the face in my opinion and it's not a question of balls, it's a question of taste and respect.
Originally Posted by Twin Fist
in a tournament, if he faces you, he is asking for permission to beat on you. if you are better than him, too bad for him, thats the risk he took signing up. And you are damned right i teach my students to give EVERYONE they square off with the best they have

Pretty much this. I'll skip the WTF self defense argument for now, lol<<<<<<<

Or he entered something he had no business entering, due to bad advise from a coach, or because it seemed like fun, etc.

The point is, if you out class someone by a long shot, don't injure them.
I have videos of me in Judo matches where I look like ****. I'm tired, I'm broken and I'm fighting like a child because the other guy is better and I'm not strong enough mentally to come back. Not proud of it but I look like I have no business being there and as a result I become someone's highlight reel, four times in a row. I'll post the vid when I find it again, it's somewhere. On someone's phone I think.

Man, that sucks, but respect for being real. I competed in one judo tourney and lost both of my matches. One of the guys completely outclassed me.

I haven't actively trained in judo in several years but maybe I'll get back in it. Focusing on karate and TKD right now.
Well at least in this case, as ET pointed out, these guys are black belts, presumably with at least 3 years of training. When I think of "novices" I think of white belts or someone with less than six months in the game.
Exactly, I find it ironic that it becomes "pick on vick" day for mastercole just because vick does what he is trained to do, yet there is no mention of the idiots who hand out black belts to "novices" and people "of no skill". This is why the kkw MUST become standardised. If there is such a gaping difference in skill between black belts, then the blame must lay squarely with the org handing out black belts to "novices" and then entering them in tournaments against "real" black belts. Its not vick's fault.
. . .to do so goes completely against martial arts ethics.

"Martial art ethics."

Which martial art? Because "going in for the kill" is exactly what you do in MMA, kickboxing, muay Thai, boxing . . . pretty much every professional combat sport.
Originally Posted by Twin Fist
in a tournament, if he faces you, he is asking for permission to beat on you. if you are better than him, too bad for him, thats the risk he took signing up. And you are damned right i teach my students to give EVERYONE they square off with the best they have

Pretty much this. I'll skip the WTF self defense argument for now, lol<<<<<<<

Or he entered something he had no business entering, due to bad advise from a coach, or because it seemed like fun, etc.

The point is, if you out class someone by a long shot, don't injure them.

I'm not Johnny from Cobra Kai, I never go out to hurt anyone. I go out to win and be the best I can be. If I were ever to find myself across the ring from Steven Lopez I'd fully expect him to try and take my head off, I'd even be somewhat insulted if he took it easy on me and patronized me.
Man, that sucks, but respect for being real. I competed in one judo tourney and lost both of my matches. One of the guys completely outclassed me.

I haven't done actively trained in judo in several years but maybe I'll back in it. Focusing on karate and TKD right now.

After fight #2 I took my Gi off and wanted to head home, but I decided to get back in and take my licks properly...Lost twice more, by Ippon and then osaekomi. More importantly I beat myself in the most important fight of the day when I convinced myself to stay, I think
Exactly, I find it ironic that it becomes "pick on vick" day for mastercole just because vick does what he is trained to do, yet there is no mention of the idiots who hand out black belts to "novices" and people "of no skill". This is why the kkw MUST become standardised. If there is such a gaping difference in skill between black belts, then the blame must lay squarely with the org handing out black belts to "novices" and then entering them in tournaments against "real" black belts. Its not vick's fault.

Regardless of where their came from, it does not dismiss the lack of ethics on the part of Steve and his coach.

But that does not really matter you.

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