Style defense



Hi, I wanted to try something on here and see if it works (if it's been done before, I apologise!! :rolleyes: ).

What I want to know is, how would you in your MA defend against a scenario where someone is squaring off against you (one-on-one)....he throws a left jab and then a biiiiig right hand at your head?

Sounds silly I know, but typically what I've seen from alot of fights (bar fights, clubs fights etc) is this typical "one-punch" mentality to finish the fight with a single blow.

If you as a trained martial artist anticipated this kind of attack, how you you defend and attack? Please indicate what style you train in too ;)
From jujutsu, I would favour the outside parry for the left jab, so I'd no longer be in the target area of any other punches. My left arm would secure his left, my right arm would go around his head. I'd then use my whole body to throw him backwards to the ground, Secure some form of lock, look around, if anyone else tries to attack, break, release and defend again.

From iaido, I'd take a step back, draw my sword and eviscerate the witless attacker ;)
if I accidentally parried on the inside, leaving myself in harm's way, I'd step up as close as possible to the attacker, outting in an elbow strike to the face to disrupt his attack, then secure his right hand, knee to the groin and step back out to secure an armlock/wristlock. Either way, with the elbow, knee and whatever else presented itself, I'd not have thought he'd be putting up much of a fight for whatever lock I choose.
I study aikido. The jab could be converted into "come along" and I could either throw him from there or lock him up with his arm behind him and his neck wrenched at a really painful angle OR parry the jab and wait on the right hand. When the right hand finally gets to me from cleveland I could blend inside the swing, funnel his right arm downward with my left forearm to my right hand, grab his elbow with my right hand and pull him in close to my left side, shoot my left arm across his chin, extend my right arm outward to my right side while wrapping my left arm arm the attackers throat. This puts him bent over backwards with his right arm locked out across my body and his throat choked out with my left arm. Choke him for a moment to give my self time to check for any back up friends of his. Spin into the attacker delivering an elbow to the solar plexus driving him to the ground.

OR, OR, OR..... That jab punch combo really opens itself up to so many different defenses that I can sit and type just about any technique that I want and it would work. It really just depends on exactly which defense pops into my head at the moment. I do like the "unbendable arm" with choke scenario that I put above. It allows me to control my attacker quickly enough that no one has to really get hurt to end the altercation. If he gets up after having his neck wrenched, elbow hyper-extended and solar plexus banged up then I would have to get agressive.
The classic kenpo tachniques against this sort of attack would be Fatal Deviation or Entwined Maces...

Of course, in real life I'd try to avoid getting close to somebody likely to try real hard and punch me.
Step outside the jab and parry. Side kick the knee to break down his height zone, check and control the arm, give him a couple elbow shots to the ribs, throw him into the bar, then apologize for beating his @$$ and buy him a drink. :cool:

Oh...I'm Kenpo, BTW.
Uh... prolly

Step back and outside, punch to the Jabing arm upward to expose the ribs, hipswitch and strike the ribs, if he turned and followed up the jab with the other punch, he would be turning right into my right hand...

(of course, my saying thats what i would do is based on the fact that is the skillset I am working on... no telling for real...)

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
First, I would take both shots right in the face. BANG BANG Ugh!

After that, I would collect myself and begin channeling my chi.

Next, I would create a glowing chi ball in my hands. The creation of this ball leaves my opponent frozen in amazment.

After that, with a thundering yell and flash of brilliant light, I would blast him with my ball of highly localized internal energy.

This of course would knock him to the ground. But it's not over yet.

I would than proceed to take out my katana and hold it in some threatening pose just long enough for my dazed opponent to notice the sparkling light reflect off its razor sharp blade!

Next, in a blinding display of speed, I would make verticle slash that removes my opponents right arm.

After casting my sword aside, I would proceed to finish him off by reaching down to my right ankle and removing my concealed 9mm hand gun.

After blasting several holes through my attacker I would than return my fire arm to its proper place, locate my katana, check to make sure my opponent is no longer a threat and retreat before the police can arrive. :asian:
Next, I would create a glowing chi ball in my hands. The creation of this ball leaves my opponent frozen in amazment.

After that, with a thundering yell and flash of brilliant light, I would blast him with my ball of highly localized internal energy.

LOL :rofl:

You forgot the part where you shout HADUKEN!!!!
Originally posted by MartialArtsGuy
First, I would take both shots right in the face. BANG BANG Ugh!

After that, I would collect myself and begin channeling my chi.

Next, I would create a glowing chi ball in my hands. The creation of this ball leaves my opponent frozen in amazment.

After that, with a thundering yell and flash of brilliant light, I would blast him with my ball of highly localized internal energy.

This of course would knock him to the ground. But it's not over yet.

I would than proceed to take out my katana and hold it in some threatening pose just long enough for my dazed opponent to notice the sparkling light reflect off its razor sharp blade!

Next, in a blinding display of speed, I would make verticle slash that removes my opponents right arm.

After casting my sword aside, I would proceed to finish him off by reaching down to my right ankle and removing my concealed 9mm hand gun.

After blasting several holes through my attacker I would than return my fire arm to its proper place, locate my katana, check to make sure my opponent is no longer a threat and retreat before the police can arrive. :asian:

:rofl: thats good!!...ahem.....they frown on humor on these boards..keep your posts serious....hehehe
I know I'm sorry, I could not help it. I was in one of those moods.

Anyway coming from a EPAK background there are many things I could do. My reaction to those punches would be different, from time to time, depending on the variables.

I know I have reacted differently when faced with those punches while sparring.
If you're standing in place (since that's what I take "squared off" to mean) probably take a step back. :D

In all seriousness, it would depend on the situtation, i.e. what level of threat is and how commited the attacker is. When you say a "BIG right punch", does that mean a haymaker type punch or a boxer's right cross (which could be a BIG punch).

If it is your drunk neighbor, then I'd probably try to deflect and step behind him (and go from there, perhaps try to get a choke in to restrain him).

If I felt especially threatened, then I'd step in (after initial punch) tie him up in a plum position (Thai clinch) and use knees and elbows. Seems like it would be the easiest thing to do...

Originally posted by MartialArtsGuy
I know I'm sorry, I could not help it. I was in one of those moods.

Anyway coming from a EPAK background there are many things I could do. My reaction to those punches would be different, from time to time, depending on the variables.

I know I have reacted differently when faced with those punches while sparring.

I went back to read it again....I'm still chuckling. That was one of the funniest things I have seen in quite a while....heheheh
Originally posted by Koga-Shinobi
Hi, I wanted to try something on here and see if it works (if it's been done before, I apologise!! :rolleyes: ).

What I want to know is, how would you in your MA defend against a scenario where someone is squaring off against you (one-on-one)....he throws a left jab and then a biiiiig right hand at your head?

Sounds silly I know, but typically what I've seen from alot of fights (bar fights, clubs fights etc) is this typical "one-punch" mentality to finish the fight with a single blow.

If you as a trained martial artist anticipated this kind of attack, how you you defend and attack? Please indicate what style you train in too ;)

What would I do?.............


Ryukyu Kempo.


Originally posted by MartialArtsGuy
First, I would take both shots right in the face. BANG BANG Ugh!

After that, I would collect myself and begin channeling my chi.

Next, I would create a glowing chi ball in my hands. The creation of this ball leaves my opponent frozen in amazment.

After that, with a thundering yell and flash of brilliant light, I would blast him with my ball of highly localized internal energy.

This of course would knock him to the ground. But it's not over yet.

I would than proceed to take out my katana and hold it in some threatening pose just long enough for my dazed opponent to notice the sparkling light reflect off its razor sharp blade!

Next, in a blinding display of speed, I would make verticle slash that removes my opponents right arm.

After casting my sword aside, I would proceed to finish him off by reaching down to my right ankle and removing my concealed 9mm hand gun.

After blasting several holes through my attacker I would than return my fire arm to its proper place, locate my katana, check to make sure my opponent is no longer a threat and retreat before the police can arrive. :asian:

worthy of a great chuckle...well done!!
JKD here
Personally, I'd do what Indiana Jones prefers to do... sigh and pull out a gun and BAM!

But outside step with parry after realizing the left feint and trap the right arm/hand and go from there.
It's difficult because each attacker is different and it's quite possible that the attacker also has studied some MA (even if it is MA movies) and thus may do something.
Likewise the size of the attacker as well. A Big Mofo?? Well "hey how about I'd buy you a beer dude?"
First I'd wait for someone to yell begin, then 'd make sure my arms were limp at my sides, then I'd try to unload no less than twenty 720degree spinning roundhouse kicks making sure to keep my kicks as high above the guy's head as possible while keeping my foot nice and limp. *

*That's what I've been told I'd do by RMA types at least 'cause that's apparently what TKD people always do. ;)
I if squared off, I would either kick his lead leg out from under him or pull drag kick him in the knee, both while stepping off the line of attack. This usualy is a stategy than has won me many an altercation. An evading the storm Idea never hurts either.
There are too many variables in any confrontation to accurately decide what one would do.

Just some of the variables could be stance, posture, distance, speed of the first attack, angle of attack, body height (of both), body weight (of both), environment, and etc.

My advice would be if EVER someone squares off with you, either back off or attack before getting hit!
Originally posted by Zoran
There are too many variables in any confrontation to accurately decide what one would do.

Just some of the variables could be stance, posture, distance, speed of the first attack, angle of attack, body height (of both), body weight (of both), environment, and etc.

My advice would be if EVER someone squares off with you, either back off or attack before getting hit!

Well said,
Don't wait for him to attack, hit him first and make it count!

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