Stay the same or change

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I have been thinking about a lot of stuff lately, mostly brought on by reading this. And I know that there have been multiple posts like this on MT but what the heck here is another one.

Would you train the same MA if, when you were younger (for us old folks), you had just about every MA style imaginable to pick from with good teachers too?

I would still be CMA but I am fairly certain I would have done the CMA training a bit different; Sanda (police/Military), Bajiquan and Xingyiquan.

I am not looking at cross training anything I just find I am very interested in new and old Chinese military/government martial arts. Now this is not that much of a stretch for me I train, have trained or will train 2 of them already but my main style is Taijiquan and I am not 100% sure, if given the option of any MA I wanted, I would have chosen Taijiquan.

Anyone else think they would change or would you have chosen the same art you do now without any changes?

Or would you still do the same art but change things?
I would still be in Tae Kwon Do, only thing different is staying the true path and not changing for the sake of change. This has been done too many times for TKD.
Well, the twists and turns are what gave the journey *heart*, made it interesting and challenging, and brought me to where I am--which is not bad at all. So guess I'd leave it as is, checkered though it be. :)
I would have still done Judo and fencing as a kid and Muay Thai later one

Would have skipped the Okinawa Te, Kajukenbo and time wasted at One With Heart.

Still would have ended up in Silat but would have done Harimau much younger and would probably have done more Krabi Krabong.
There's NO WAY that I would trade my early days with TKD for anything.

But, looking back, a few years after I got 1 Dan, I would have done whatever it took to learn American Kenpo, and STUCK with it. Even if that meant moving. I would have done what I had to do, and let the chips fall where they may.

But, no. I was very fortunate in the beginning of my practice to happen upon the school that I did. That I would not trade for any experience, martial art or anything else.
I would have still done Judo and fencing as a kid and Muay Thai later one

Would have skipped the Okinawa Te, Kajukenbo and time wasted at One With Heart.

Still would have ended up in Silat but would have done Harimau much younger and would probably have done more Krabi Krabong.
Just curious: Why would you have skipped Kajukenbo?
If i could have picked anything, knowing what i know now? I would have gone into Kajukenbo instead of TKD
Without a doubt I would take the same path if I was to do it over. I have great memories of being trained by a couple of legends that are no longer with us.

I didn't choose my art. It was chosen for me (I was too young at the time).
Some of the best decisions made in my life were made by others.
I would definitely stay the same.

I think my training experience prior to my present art was all about the journey. I don't know that I would have recognized where I "fit" unless I had gone through it, Ya know?

That and crosstraining is good and good for you.:p
Just curious: Why would you have skipped Kajukenbo?

If Krabi Krabong, Harimau or Dog Boxing had been available - or rather if I'd known that two out of the three actually were available - I think they would have been a much better use of time. KK fits in well with Muay Thai (obviously) and Sera. Harimau Silat and Dog Boxing play well all of them and fill in gaps, particularly ground work.

The weapons work is more tightly integrated in all of these than the Eskrima and Chinese weapons were with Kajukenbo/Wun Hop Kuen Do.

I would definitely have picked up some submission wrestling before it was trendy.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear.

Currently enjoy my journey in the martial arts and understand I had to go through some rough times to know a good instructor and art.

I would have paid more attention in my youth.

I would have asked more questions.

Taken up weapons sooner.

Studied EPAK sooner.

Studied with some great FMA and Silat teachers while they were still alive.
I would have still done FMA. Being half Filipino, I guess its a heritage thing. I just wish I had known about it earlier on.
Some Southern Mantis would be cool too.
For fun and fitness Capoeira would have been great to get into at a young age. I think I'd break my neck trying to do that now.
I would have made no changes except one: been more aggressive in training for tournaments as a younger man. I was not bad, but I think with proper training I could have been a lot better.
Other than that, no changes-same art, same teachers.
Like everything else right now I have been thinking about my original answer to my own post and to be honest I am not even really sure about that right now either. Time will tell
I would have started a lot earlier in life- something like 12 years old, just going into my teenage years. And I probably would have started Muay Thai younger...rather than later. If anything- I probably would have done it all in a similar fashion up until now. Maybe more submission and wrestling work.

I would like to one day learn weapon based styles. Not now- I'm only just on 25. My journey is in it's infancy still...I need to save something for later on!!!
Two things I would have done differently. I would have started Mantis training earlier. I would not have allowed "life" to pull me away from training for almost 10 years before returning to martial arts.
Hmm, I'd probably do some other activity like circuit training and yoga to do in addition to my martial arts. May have gravitated to "internal" concepts a bit earlier than I did.
Hello everybody.
This is my first post.
please don't flame me if i make mistake.

Personaly I choose the same ma. no doubt. but the difference is....

I will train harder and more seriously.

in my opinion, any ma is good. if it's fit to your character then there will be no regret with it.

Hello everybody.
This is my first post.
please don't flame me if i make mistake.

Personaly I choose the same ma. no doubt. but the difference is....

I will train harder and more seriously.

in my opinion, any ma is good. if it's fit to your character then there will be no regret with it.

Welcome to MartialTalk! :) Not much flaming here, so no need to really worry about it. ;)

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