Sponsored Topic: The Science of Matrixing


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hi Guys and Gals,
I push this thing called Matrixing. It isn’t an internet gimmick, it’s an actual science, the purpose of which is to analyze and handle force and direction (flow). My site is Monster Martial Arts (see the banner/link) and if you have any questions I’ll be glad to answer them. Be warned, I do make some outrageous claims, but you should read the testimonials before you lift a sneering lip, maybe even get the free ebook. Have a Great Workout. Al

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Why do I have the feeling that your previous posts were all leading up to the moment when you did your 'reveal' so that it would seem a bit less like spam?

I don't know what your system is, and I won't dis it, but neither do I have any interest in finding out more. I actually feel rather taken advantage of for engaging in what I thought was actual conversation up to now.


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
You're saying I've manipulated you? Nah. You're not that simple. No one is. Have a great work out. Al


Yellow Belt
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Assuming that this is the link to your link (http://monstermartialarts.com/) to the new science of "Matrixing"... I personally think it looks like someone walking around and kind of throwing them and from my wrestling experience I've never seen some of those movements from a "throw" i.e. someone getting pushed in the back and their head looks straight up and they fall softly to the ground hips first. The normal body reaction would be the hips would jolt out or stay where they were depending on the where the person was hit on their back and the head would go up slightly or go down and it wouldn't look like someone was pulling the head back toward the ceiling... but maybe I'm wrong. and the site looks kind of like one of those rip-off sites where it says "buy this and make fast cash online"... I hope this doesn't come off as disrespectful, seeing as I'd like to think this isn't a scam and I am not sure if how real it is because the movements seemed pretty slow meaning there is no evidence of how it would work in a self-defense fight.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
You're saying I've manipulated you? Nah. You're not that simple. No one is. Have a great work out. Al

I was trying to be polite, but if you want me to be more direct, I will. I feel like I've been slimed by a spammy spammer with spam.


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Spammed by a spammy spammer? Nah. I've gone through forum rules. Talked with administrators (Bob), wanted to make sure I was following the rules. I took a week or so to enter the threads and get a feel for things because I know what I say and do sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way.
Now, the types of throws I use. I like the softer 'take advantage of their motion' throws. I have my own unique way of entering, then adjusting an attacker's posture so I can manipulate structure or motion. If my manipulation doesn't work, then I do what I call a shock and lock. Maybe a quick elbow or something to set up the motion. I evaluate my performance by the amount of shock and locks I don't have to do. Now, I used to have great form, but I gave up some of my form so I could be more efficient. I know that sounds weird, and I guess the only thing I could say was that what was assumed to be perfect form was for people to look at, and I was more interested in making things work. Oddly, in spite of this contradictory statement, I love forms with a passion.
I usually do things slow, I want to teach, not beat people up and impress people by doing things they don't understand. Have a Great Work Out. Al

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Spammed by a spammy spammer? Nah. I've gone through forum rules. Talked with administrators (Bob), wanted to make sure I was following the rules. I took a week or so to enter the threads and get a feel for things because I know what I say and do sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way.

If Bob said it was OK, then that's fine with me. I withdraw my objections on that basis. I'm still sorry to say it rubs me the wrong way and comes off as an underhanded attempt to spam in a more subtle way. I wish you the best, but I doubt I'll be participating in your threads again, because I feel like each one up to now has been a set-up, not a legitimate question or topic of interest. Ugh, it's like the bible preacher who tries to invite kids over to 'rap', when what he's really doing is trying to convert them.


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Objections understood and respected. Advertising supports the forum, and I did it in the right way. I did have considerations about introducing myself, knew there would be people leery of internet gimmicks, but I finally told myself to just say it. Be honest and everything will work out. Have a great work out. Al


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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This isn't the type of thread that is going to generate the discussion you want. Too many times have I seen things like this result in flamage. That said, if you want to talk about your approach, break it down and show people how it works bit by bit. Post some videos of the more "outrageous claims" and people will comment on the content.

I have a different way of teaching karate. Here is where I broke it down for people. It's a lengthy process, and humbling, but rewarding.

This is my new school.


This is my old school.



Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Thanks, Maunakumu, it looks good. It'll probably take me a few days to resort, but a better way to connect is always appreciated. Have a Great Work Out. Al


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Maybe you could start by telling us a little more about it? You're not really using "matrix" and "flow" in quite the typical/dictionary sense.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Chiming in here so we're all on the same page. I offered a sticky ad as part of the forum sponsorship. This isn't spam.


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hi Bob and JKS9,
entry accomplished, but I'm all wet...now how did that happen? Grin. Don't worry, I'll learn the rules, and I'm dedicated to politeness, so people will learn to love me. It'll help when I learn the language.
That bit of foofaraw spoken, I could go on for books on Matrixing, and have, but let me say a couple of things that will help people understand what I'm doing.
I use a matrix from boolean algebra. It's called a truth table. Look it up, and if you can figure out how I used it, you're good. It took me decades.
Here is the matrix definition I work from

3) Mathematics a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules.

That said, let me explain the core of matrixing.
Every particle in the universe has a direction. Let's give every particle a goal: not getting collided. A truth table enables me to chart out every potential of motion, even secondary and teritary and so on, to accomplish that.
Now that doesn't have to be the goal, it is only one potential goal. I'm in a karate forum, after all, and sometimes it's fun to collide.
The point is that when I teach somebody how to analyze motion in this manner, all the potentials of motion that they never looked at, that they never even knew existed, suddenly become apparent.
Now, it sounds like I'm spouting here, and making things all complex, but that's only because I'm putting it in a nutshell. So let me phrase everything differently, and hopefully simply and so it relates to how most people study the martial arts.

If there is only force (potential collisions) and flow (the direction of objects) in this universe, could you not sum up the Prime Martial Strategy as:

If the force is greater flow it,
if the flow is greater force it.

Now this is the start and heart of a science. If it interests you, pursue it, ask for clarification, put up your own argument.
One of the prime ingredients of a science is posting the science for scrutiny, examination, objection, and so on and so on. That's one little part of the reason I'm here.
You guys have a great Work Out. Al

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Sorry but….

I’ve looked at your sight I watched the video and what I see is not so good CMA IMA repackaged with the shaolin name thrown in for good measure with promised shortcuts and secrets there are no shortcuts there are no secrets… just train properly

And if you want to demystify taijiquan train with a real sifu, there is no mystery, there is no mysticism just proper training


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Thanks for dropping by the site.
The martial arts are actually taught through random strings of data, thus, the end result is invariably skewed. You could even have the whole picture, but it would be skewed.
See we’re on different tracks. You’re thinking I’m trying to reveal secrets, make a cheap sell through a gimmick. I’m actually trying to deskew the whole picture. When that happens, speedier learning, no blank spots where you, or your instructor, didn’t see something. Hard work? You bet. Short cuts? Not through the hard work part, but through understanding what it is you’re trying to do before you do it.
Train properly? You can’t do it until you take out the influences that skew the arts. This includes mixing arts, concepts, cultural influences, vested interests, and so on.
Here’s something that might surprise people, I don’t want people to order my courses if they just want to find out if they work. They won’t work for you, they won’t solve anything...unless you see that there is something to solve.
This is not some reverse psychology thing, this is qualifying buyers so they don’t end up abused.
Man, been a long day. Just enough time for a few forms.
You guys have a great work out.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Bob and JKS9,
entry accomplished, but I'm all wet...now how did that happen? Grin. Don't worry, I'll learn the rules, and I'm dedicated to politeness, so people will learn to love me. It'll help when I learn the language.
That bit of foofaraw spoken, I could go on for books on Matrixing, and have, but let me say a couple of things that will help people understand what I'm doing.
I use a matrix from boolean algebra. It's called a truth table. Look it up, and if you can figure out how I used it, you're good. It took me decades.
Here is the matrix definition I work from

3) Mathematics a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules.

That said, let me explain the core of matrixing.
Every particle in the universe has a direction. Let's give every particle a goal: not getting collided. A truth table enables me to chart out every potential of motion, even secondary and teritary and so on, to accomplish that.
Now that doesn't have to be the goal, it is only one potential goal. I'm in a karate forum, after all, and sometimes it's fun to collide.
The point is that when I teach somebody how to analyze motion in this manner, all the potentials of motion that they never looked at, that they never even knew existed, suddenly become apparent.
Now, it sounds like I'm spouting here, and making things all complex, but that's only because I'm putting it in a nutshell. So let me phrase everything differently, and hopefully simply and so it relates to how most people study the martial arts.

If there is only force (potential collisions) and flow (the direction of objects) in this universe, could you not sum up the Prime Martial Strategy as:

If the force is greater flow it,
if the flow is greater force it.

Now this is the start and heart of a science. If it interests you, pursue it, ask for clarification, put up your own argument.
One of the prime ingredients of a science is posting the science for scrutiny, examination, objection, and so on and so on. That's one little part of the reason I'm here.
You guys have a great Work Out. Al

Er, is any of this the same as hitting people and KOing them?

I have absolutly no idea what you are talking about! I have a uni degree but am a simple person who just likes fighting and learning self defence. I can't be doing with talking a good fight, for me, K.I.S.S. works.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Thanks for dropping by the site.
The martial arts are actually taught through random strings of data, thus, the end result is invariably skewed. You could even have the whole picture, but it would be skewed.
See we’re on different tracks. You’re thinking I’m trying to reveal secrets, make a cheap sell through a gimmick. I’m actually trying to deskew the whole picture. When that happens, speedier learning, no blank spots where you, or your instructor, didn’t see something. Hard work? You bet. Short cuts? Not through the hard work part, but through understanding what it is you’re trying to do before you do it.
Train properly? You can’t do it until you take out the influences that skew the arts. This includes mixing arts, concepts, cultural influences, vested interests, and so on.
Here’s something that might surprise people, I don’t want people to order my courses if they just want to find out if they work. They won’t work for you, they won’t solve anything...unless you see that there is something to solve.
This is not some reverse psychology thing, this is qualifying buyers so they don’t end up abused.
Man, been a long day. Just enough time for a few forms.
You guys have a great work out.

There is nothing to de-skew if you have a Sifu that knows what he is doing. You do not need to mix anything if your Sifu knows what he is doing, you are willing to listen to that Sifu and you are willing to train properly.

And after over 30 years in MA and a few of that on MT and years of reading "get dangerous quick" adds both on and off MT and even seeing a few demonstrated.... nothing surprises me

other than that I can only base my opinion on what I read on your website and I am sorry but it is what it is IMO.


Master of Arts
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
What you are teaching and promoting may very well be legit, but the use of stereotypical gimmick-style language and promotional methods on the website does not help your cause and just on the surface I would discourage anyone from taking what you're selling seriously. If you want to be taken seriously then you should really consider re-examining your marketing methods.


Yellow Belt
Dec 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hey Tez 3, sorry. You want a hard strike, put weight behind the strike, muscles are okay, but only when they support the transference of weight. I wrote 100 pages on this in a book called The Punch. Its on my website, and I usually write in easy to understand manners. Rueful grin and a bow to you.

Hey Xue and Blind, thanks for the input. There is an unfortunate side to what you are saying, however. I tried for years to sell stuff, failed miserably. One of my students then, almost literally, picked me up by the scruff of the neck and made me look at internet marketing.
I began to sell.
So you say you don’t like my package, won’t look inside, The words I use, the gaudy paper are so-o-o bad...but since I started doing that, thousands of orders.
And, here is the important part...I’ve got over 300 pages of wins, of people writing in and thanking me. Look at the wins on my website, that’s the results.
And here is something even more astounding. Over 60% of my customers order again. Back End Sales. I don’t think I know anybody, anywhere, who has those kinds of stats. So people who get past the gaudy paper and advertising...they like the science of Matrixing.
And, the unfortunate truth, in your case, Xue, is that if you have looked everywhere and not found anything, you are like a fellow who looks at the hills and says, ‘There’s no gold there, I looked already, so nobody else better look.’
Now, thousands of orders, 300 pages of wins, 60% back end sales...or people that don’t like my marketing...my choice is simple, I think I will support places like Martial Talk with my advertising, risk the critics who would have me do things that don’t work, and close with this little thought provoking blatant ad.
Would you like to teach martial arts? Make a few extra untraceable dollars in a bad economy? I encourage people to do that on my website. I have encouraged hundreds of people to do this with a simple book called ‘How to Start Your Own School.’ I wrote it before Andrew Wood came out with his course, and I offer it on CD with nine other books! Ten bucks for ten books! The Master Books. My pitch for ending the depression.
And, one last thing, I want to share one win with you, just in case you don’t make it over to my site and actually look at the wins.

I conducted a Matrix Aikido training class for a Security Team at a local*manufacturing plant. I tailored the training according to their Use Of Force policy. As you know they need control and takedown skills. I knew Matrix Aikido would be the answer. The training plan you shared was boss. The class went so smoothly. The participants learned very quickly. By the*end of the class you could see techniques of Monkey Boxing coming through. They were also able to create their own techniques. There was one female officer in the class who asked to become my private student. She was throwing, locking and taking down guys twice her size. The Security Supervisor wants me to come back and with more participants! I'll keep you posted.
Lonnie M

Lonnie is just one of a dozen people out there actually starting Matrix Aikido classes, making money and having fun doing what he wants.

Answer me as you wish, I have to take a day off. I teach on Tuesdays. Maybe I’ll tell you about the way I teach next time, it would really tweak you. Maybe I should look into starting another thread, I know my introduction has been a little rough, and I apologize to all, let me know if I have broken any rules or failed to go over the top.

At any rate, I thank you for your input, I know you guys really have smiles in your hearts, and I look forward to meeting them.


Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
And, the unfortunate truth, in your case, Xue, is that if you have looked everywhere and not found anything, you are like a fellow who looks at the hills and says, ‘There’s no gold there, I looked already, so nobody else better look.’

Whoa there big fella now your putting words in my mouth or it could be you just plain don't understand me or you are trying to dismiss me by making me look closed minded. Bottom-line that all goes back to sales and the use of misdirection for said sales.

But if this is the game you want to play so be it.

Let me be as clear and concise as I can be to avoid any further misunderstanding.

I am saying that your sales pitch is just that a sales pitch you are not teaching anything new, improved or better. You are talking about things that need tweaked that do not need tweak in order to impress others and garner sales. I am saying that based on what I am reading in your posts and on your site you do not know what you are talking about when it comes to Baguazhang and Taijiquan and Shaolinquan. Maybe you have trained it maybe you have not but either way if you truthfully saying what you believe based on experience then you had a Sifu that was not all that good at the styles you were training.

I look constantly but what I see that is generally offered in the manner you are offering your program and it is usually not worth much or is just repackaged, renamed and has the "Most dangerous MA" label on it to impress people and gain sales (Combat Macramé)and from what I see yours is no different.

I looked for what is new in MA all the time and I ocassionally find it,I found it in Police/military Sanda, but that comes form a reputable source with a proven track record and I trained with a sifu who actually new it. But if I did not find that I could go Systema or Krav Maga or any number of others that are worth training. There are a few on MT that have come up with their own systems that impress the hell out of me and I would love to train with them. But you appear to be trying to sell your program based on false pretenses and claiming you are tweaking things that do not need tweaked.

Answer me as you wish, I have to take a day off. I teach on Tuesdays. Maybe I’ll tell you about the way I teach next time, it would really tweak you. Maybe I should look into starting another thread, I know my introduction has been a little rough, and I apologize to all, let me know if I have broken any rules or failed to go over the top.

And I don't really care how you teach you are simply, like many who have come to MT, trying to sell something that I most certainly would not buy but then there are those that apparently have, assuming your letters are real and not made up.

I wish you the best in your efforts in selling your wears and I frankly do not care who looks or who buys your product, you came to MT, You put it out there and you must have expected a response. I am sorry we did not all jump and tell you how wonderful is and line up with our check books to buy it..... But if people want to waste their money on what you are selling more power to them but I will not waste mine.

I hope that clears things up

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