
Wait TKD is a branch of Karate ?

Or everything just originated in Japan ?

Not exactly, it does have a karate influence though. General Choi I pioneer of TKD, arguably the most famous, had a shotokan background when creating modern TKD. Although the martial art was influenced by many people. His influence is the best known. AT least to my knowledge. I put TKD etc, because at some point TKD and Tang Soo Do where seen as karate. To this day they are called Korean Karate by some organizations.
What is the difference between American Karate and other more common forms of Karate such as Shotokan, Kyokushin, Tae Kwon Do, etc.?

The longer I train in the arts the more I think they're pretty much the same. They just do things differently.
(I can hear Karate people screaming Nooooooo!)

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