Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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You imagine how fights work, you have all the answers. Good luck to you. Later.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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No worries ;-)

So does this, which proves the point that throwing a punch in training is not (necessarily) equal to throwing a punch for real.

You can see the Lews throw a right cross at Mike Tyson

You can clearly see what type of punches are being thrown

The shape and form of some techniques are flexible. A hook can be thrown short or long, it can be thrown while rooted or while moving. A hook can be thrown as a lead hood or rear hook. The technique of throwing the hook is going to be the same or close to being the same in each case. What changes is how the power is generated. A moving hook does not generate power the same way a person would generate power for a hook while standing still.

A boxing technique doesn't have to look like what we see in the boxing ring for it to be a boxing technique.


Yellow Belt
Dec 8, 2015
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Any Art consists of Theory and Practice.

Some people excel in (and prefer working with) one more than the other.
Some theories and some practices are better and worse than others.

Anything that helps you grow in either regard is "good", but there is also no such thing as a perfect artist. Even monkeys fall out of trees.

So, nothing is guaranteed to make you "good"...and there is no perfect practice or theory, but I'm certainly a fan of trying to develop a good sense of both, which means study, training, different kinds of sparring, etc.


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
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A guy slapped me across the face, I kicked him in the face and his lips were busted. That's self defense, was real fighting. Good game folks, kenpo helped me do that.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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I think an awfully lot of people in this thread have never been in a fistfight outside of a controlled environment, or they've forgotten what it was like if they did. Perhaps on the schoolyard back in the short pants days, we squared up and traded punches in a more-or-less dignified manner, punctuated by the bell ringing to call us back into the classroom. But I have never, and I am sorry I have to keep insisting on this, NEVER been in a real honest-to-goodness fight where one or more guys was seriously trying to end me, that looked ANYTHING like sparring. I think anyone who still doesn't get that needs to go to a local bar, make some insulting remarks about somebody's girlfriend, and then challenge them to do something about it when they take exception. That is a fight. Then tell us how much it resembles what you do in a tournament.
How many of us still throw punches like the first punch that we ever threw? We don't, the reason why we don't is because we learned how to punch a certain way which is more effective. Once we learn the technique to punching, kicking, and moving, we never go back to how we punched when we were 6.

It's the same with sports, once you learn how to do something, you don't go back to how you used to do it when you weren't skilled at it. Punching and kicking technique works the same way especially if you are fighting for your life. You aren't going to fight like a 6 year old who has never punched or kicked before. You are going to use the techniques that you have to the best of your ability. If you can get a punch, kick, knee, shoot a gun, duck, move, hide, then you are going to do it to the best of your ability and it's going to be done with some sort of technique that you have learned.

As for starting fight with someone, by insulting their girlfriend. It wouldn't change the fact that I'm going to use some sort of technique to move, punch, defend, or attack.
Think of it this way. Once a person learns the techniques of how to fight on the ground, they never go back to fighting like someone who doesn't know how to fight on the ground.
Swat team trains technique for entering a building, why would they enter the building the same way as they would before they learned the technique.

Once you learn how to use a technique you tend to rely on that technique big time. You might not think that you were using technique but I'm pretty sure without a doubt you were. I know for a fact that all the fights that you have been in were at a higher skill and technique level than when you first learned how to punch and kick with technique.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
You imagine how fights work, you have all the answers. Good luck to you. Later.

See. This is stupid. Ok now i say the same thing back and we get nowhere.

It is just the death of a sensible discussion.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
If your sparring does not look like your fighting. Then you need to fix your sparring.


Sr. Grandmaster
Staff member
MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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There are no two karatekas that are the same. I am very different from most and my sifu often commented on that. Sometimes it was good, sometimes not so good as I was the black sheep of the dojo.

Your next progression should be to become the black wolf of the dojo. Keep at it.


Master Black Belt
Nov 19, 2010
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san jose
You imagine how fights work, you have all the answers. Good luck to you. Later.

Now that's funny. You're the one who posted a laundry lists of What If's with your SD fantasy scenarios....I refuted each one of them, and now you accuse me of what you did?

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
You are not serious. Are you? Regardless of whether or not you are mark hunt. (Becaue he is a big strong guy who is going to punch your head off your shoulders )Grabbing pushing and pulling is exactly what you do in the cage to break the other guys posture.

Mark hunt.


Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
There are no two karatekas that are the same. I am very different from most and my sifu often commented on that. Sometimes it was good, sometimes not so good as I was the black sheep of the dojo.
I kind of quit following this thread, but my two cents, is that my Kenpo training is for holding back in a fight. You just have to tell yourself, "Use Kenpo" or (You Art Here) and leave the fantasy for the TV. If your response is not part of the 154, you are thinking outside the box. That might sound like it will make you win, but the box was designed to help you win, and keep you safe. Consider it. :)

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
Now that's funny. You're the one who posted a laundry lists of What If's with your SD fantasy scenarios....I refuted each one of them, and now you accuse me of what you did?
Bill is describing his Active Marine days. It only sounds fictional to non-military. LOL


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2015
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I kind of quit following this thread, but my two cents, is that my Kenpo training is for holding back in a fight. You just have to tell yourself, "Use Kenpo" or (You Art Here) and leave the fantasy for the TV. If your response is not part of the 154, you are thinking outside the box. That might sound like it will make you win, but the box was designed to help you win, and keep you safe. Consider it. :)

I'm sorry but I don't agree with this at all. Why should I hold back if someone attacks me? They obviously have no respect for me so I am not going to show them any at all, they are obviously trying to harm me for whatever the stupid reason may be whether it be for their pride or mugging ect.

This is the one time where I feel should never hold anything back, all it takes is one clean hit for me to go down and be in trouble so I need to watch out for that.

Keep in mind I also have no clue what the other person knows, for all I know he could be a martial artist too and if that's the case all the more reason to not hold back. I was told you never know what the other person knows or what they are capable of so treat all opponents as if they know more than you do.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Snort...what...hmm? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention...who? Why?

There are some people who don't Spar properly who under pressure go to what is intuitive rather than what they have trained.

These people are under the mistaken belief that sparring dosent look the same as a self defence. Now it can and it can't. Mark hunt is a brawling fighter. His sparring (or competition in this case) looks like a street fight.

It is an example of how sparring methods reflect self defence methods.

Now if you Spar realistically it will resembles what you would do in a self defence fight. So the issue is not sparring as a training tool but the kind of sparring that some people engage with and potential issues within the martial artist themselves.

You quite often see this when a martial artist is put under pressure. Either in sparring, competition or self defence.

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane Valley WA
I'm sorry but I don't agree with this at all. Why should I hold back if someone attacks me? They obviously have no respect for me so I am not going to show them any at all, they are obviously trying to harm me for whatever the stupid reason may be whether it be for their pride or mugging ect.

This is the one time where I feel should never hold anything back, all it takes is one clean hit for me to go down and be in trouble so I need to watch out for that.

Keep in mind I also have no clue what the other person knows, for all I know he could be a martial artist too and if that's the case all the more reason to not hold back. I was told you never know what the other person knows or what they are capable of so treat all opponents as if they know more than you do.
I didn't say, "Hold back your intensity"!!!...:( (sighing and wondering why I try sometimes)

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