Sparring/Fighting Drunk

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Purple Belt
Feb 27, 2012
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Fairfax Virginia
And what makes *you* qualified to be someone who can counsel others? Do you have a degree in psychology? Do you have your licenses in order?

Nothing makes me qualified... except the 9 months I spent on probation, the drug I successfully quit, let's see... the arrest, the drunk fighting, I've been mugged twice, and so on and so forth. The same things which would qualify you; your life experiences. At 18 I was in AA, court-ordered while also attending ASAP and ADS. That was for one single charge.

When police raided my home last year, the charges were all dropped because of the legal consultation I did with my parents (my madre is a lawyer who specializes in real estate when not active duty) when we realized that the police had illegally entered the house, and in charging me, had actually snafud themselves into a way of having the court dismiss the case. The police were ticked at the time, but were mitigated by the judge not outright dropping it, and the fact the person who accidentally 'let' them in, in the first place, received ADS, and probation. Last night I stopped some kind of my hometown nonsense outside a 7-11. I have led AA, MA, and NA meetings, and I have completed all 12 steps, despite believing they are poppycock. What qualifies me to council others? The fact I was, for about a year, a drug user. And I quit, successfully. That, generally is all you need for counseling when you it comes to helping or being there for people outside of a legitimate program.

Again, what are your qualifications to tell us that our urging others to seek professional help is something we're not trained to do? If I see someone who is being rather irrational, what makes you think that it's not within my capabilities to suggest that they find professional help?

Because this is not a forum for that, and doctors who are qualified tend not to use their prognosis as a reason to attack a person, nor refer to them disparagingly through it. Doctors tend to have sensitivity, and not post about matters like this in public. Considering my father is a doctor, I know how they operate, and their practices, very well. Am I a doctor? No way, am I a lawyer? No way. But I understand how law works, just like logic.

On another note, many of us here have PhD's, MD's, and / or many years of experience dealing with people, and many more decades of training and teaching in the martial arts. What makes you think that we're not qualified?

When did I ever say you weren't qualified in the MA? Seems like a strawman. Is your Ph'd pertinent toward martial arts? All of my degrees are, so I would consider them, while a part of my training for qualification to teach... they are not essential, because the only qualification an MA person needs is from their teacher... and that's arguable, at best.

This isn't an insult, but a very, very blunt statement. You are not a master. You've dabbled in several kinds of martial arts, learning bits and pieces from each, and have attempted to combine what you think you know, into your "own" system.

Yes, yes I have. And the funny thing is, it works so well people come to me to learn, and have incorporated it into their own arts. A number of moves. If I go 3 years without seeing someone I trained with once, and they employed a technique I very distinctly remember creating at M. Khans before I had to go to Colorado, which I then taught to them 2 years later while they were a blue belt. Running into each other at the NVCC club, he used a combination/technique I recognize very readily- I know one of my moves when I see it. There aren't many, but I did create them, so why wouldn't I recognize it? I would no matter where it was. He didn't remember me at all, and I hadn't realized how much he had grown, which was a lot since he was shorter than me. I have never said I was a master, and if anyone came to me to say so, I would deny it, well into old age.

Why? Because master denotes completion, and I don't want to ever allow myself to fall into the complacency which holds people at one rank, forever. Because our styles have been correlated to rank, and therefore money. It's not just 'the good old days', because traditionally you paid in full before you started, and then yearly to your sifu, and it was I believe I've read in the range of 20,000 dollars today. The point isn't about the money, it's that in many arts, especially in the west, if you don't actively keep moving up the belts, you don't get to learn the system in its completion. Master Khan abolished that, at least for me, for all of the underbelt rankings.

I don't mind sitting at 3rd dan the rest of my life... I have a simple goal and once it's done, I will feel I have done my part for all MA. And, before I can risk that, it is also time to move on.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Son, you don't have experience (in a matured fashion), you have mistakes. You don't seem to have actually learnt anything from them, though.

You think the law is based in logic? Ha!

Other people come to you to learn? So? And they've incorporated "a number of moves" into what they do? Gotta say, that is such a wonderful way for you to demonstrate your desperate lack of knowledge of martial arts into what you think is something backing you up.... ha!


Senior Master
Aug 7, 2010
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Kansas City MO
When multiple people give you the same advice, that advice should be considered.

I've had broken ribs. Very little a doc can do about them except keep the pain down so you can breath easier. You did not have broken ribs or you did not train a half week later.

Once an addict, always an addict. You are either recovering or slipping. No addict just kicks thier addiction. No longer partaking in the habit cold turkey perhaps, but you just don't quit addictions. I'll use myself as an example. I started smoking when I was 13. I quit cold turkey when I was 28. There are days where I still REALLY want a ciggerette. I'm still addicted to ciggerettes, though I do not use them.

Martial arts are not about "moves." Please stop referring to your library of moves as a reference to skill. It actually does the opposite. When you say you have learned a system in anything short of years of time, it shows a lack of understanding of what is martial arts and demeans those that practice those arts you refer too. It is also not truthful and rude as hell.

We have seen you spar. It did take guts to post the video. However, in doing so you have exposed your true skill level. Continiously trying to add to your resume is belied everytime anyone with true experience clicks play. Do you really think it is that difficult to see what a person's experience level is? Some of us can do that merely by watching an exchange or two. You do not have what you claim to have. Everyone starts somewhere. Be proud to be a beginner. That is the stage you learn the most...unless you are too busy pretending to be something you aren't. Then you just take up too much time in the pretending.

Your writing style also gives you away. When someone is being less than truthful, it can be pretty easy to pick up on. Such things as supplying too much detail in areas not needed while not enough detail in areas that are questioned in a glaring red flag.

Look, most of us have been young men and have experienced our own silly mistakes. In fact, in part that is why we recognize what you are doing so easily. However, the trick is when called on those mistakes is to learn from them and not double down on making more.

Here is truth, you are a young man with less than a year of true martial experience. That was probably TKD or perhaps light contact karate. You have some physical skills to build on. However, you spend most of your time trying to convince others of how great you are rather than training to be great. For some reason you want others to think you are something you are not. Usually this is a sign of someone who has been bullied or abused. You are probably a single parent kid, or if both parents are available they do not spend much time with you. See how easy it is to tell things about you, even through a computer screen?

So now what? Do you man up and perhaps get some of what you want from these boards or do you continue to try to play the sharade?


Sr. Grandmaster
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Mar 18, 2005
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Nothing makes me qualified... except the 9 months I spent on probation, the drug I successfully quit, let's see... the arrest, the drunk fighting, I've been mugged twice, and so on and so forth. The same things which would qualify you; your life experiences. At 18 I was in AA, court-ordered while also attending ASAP and ADS. That was for one single charge.

Do you honestly believe that your criminal experiences make you qualified? I really, really doubt it.

When police raided my home last year, the charges were all dropped because of the legal consultation I did with my parents (my madre is a lawyer who specializes in real estate when not active duty) when we realized that the police had illegally entered the house, and in charging me, had actually snafud themselves into a way of having the court dismiss the case. The police were ticked at the time, but were mitigated by the judge not outright dropping it, and the fact the person who accidentally 'let' them in, in the first place, received ADS, and probation. Last night I stopped some kind of my hometown nonsense outside a 7-11.

If you were on probation, and got into an altercation, that could easily be a violation of your probation. Even if you're not on probation anymore, your previous criminal record would have been a factor here, and you would have foolishly placed yourself in another predicament.

I have led AA, MA, and NA meetings, and I have completed all 12 steps, despite believing they are poppycock. What qualifies me to council others? The fact I was, for about a year, a drug user. And I quit, successfully. That, generally is all you need for counseling when you it comes to helping or being there for people outside of a legitimate program.

No, that's not all you need. You need the ability to analyze people, and to determine the best course of action. As I stated previously, being a good martial artist doesn't mean that you're going to be a good sensei / sahbum / sifu / meistre.

Having experience as a criminal does not make one qualified to counsel others, just as being a star competitor in the martial arts does not necessarily make one a good teacher. Furthermore, if your dad is a doctor and your mom is a lawyer, I am more likely to call BS on your story here.

Because this is not a forum for that, and doctors who are qualified tend not to use their prognosis as a reason to attack a person, nor refer to them disparagingly through it. Doctors tend to have sensitivity, and not post about matters like this in public. Considering my father is a doctor, I know how they operate, and their practices, very well. Am I a doctor? No way, am I a lawyer? No way. But I understand how law works, just like logic.

I'm a chemist, and know how drugs work, and know how to design and synthesize them. Does that make me qualified to treat someone with chemotherapy? The answer is no.

When did I ever say you weren't qualified in the MA? Seems like a strawman. Is your Ph'd pertinent toward martial arts? All of my degrees are, so I would consider them, while a part of my training for qualification to teach... they are not essential, because the only qualification an MA person needs is from their teacher... and that's arguable, at best.

Quit dodging the issue. I am simply telling you that there are many people here who are experienced inside and outside of the martial arts, and they've given you very good advice, as well as blunt, truthful statements. You're ignoring the facts of the matter here.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
All those in favor of banning this twit, like this post. Those against neg rep me.



Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 30, 2006
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I do not know about infractions or which ones have been committed. I do not think it is necessary to ban this user? I think I must not have read enough of all these threads because I cannot understand why everyone has gotten so peeved?

Is a discussion forum not for discussing? And if you do not like what is being discussed or the way it is being discussed, can you not just switch channel to another thread?

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
You may have read the entire thread but have you read the other dozen or so threads that Alex has posted on. If you follow the threads he makes huge claims. Just off the top of my head, 19 years of TKD (read what TKD people say about his thoughts ... but in the early posts was Nidan, now Sandan), black belt Shodan in Shotokan karate (admitted in post he has no rank at all), I think it was 5 years of Krav Maga (no formal training at all), highly trained and teaches 'Okinawan' karate (didn't even know the style was Shorin Ryu) and claims to be trained and taught classes under a teacher called Murray but says this guy wouldn't remember him if we contacted him, expert in 'Shishi' Bagua and is now possibly Grandmaster because he is the only student after his teacher died (to the best of our knowledge 'Shishi' Bagua does not exist). ('Shi' Bagua does but that style doesn't fit with Alex's claims) claims to have trained three years Aikido but has no concept of aiki principles, claims his Bagua teacher is an expert in Daito Ryu (the two styles are not really compatible. Claims to be an experienced street fighter but in an earlier post says he was last mugged when he was 16 and he will be different next time.

Everybody started of kind and friendly, but let's call a spade a bloody shovel. The guy is a fake.

You say it is cyber bullying but Alex continues to post erroneous information, make claims that cannot be substantiated and just outright lie on occasions. If he stops posting drivel people will stop commenting but if we allow drivel to be posted unchallenged then that drivel can become fact in the minds of less proficient martial artists. To be honest, I just wish he would go away!

I do not know about infractions or which ones have been committed. I do not think it is necessary to ban this user? I think I must not have read enough of all these threads because I cannot understand why everyone has gotten so peeved?

Is a discussion forum not for discussing? And if you do not like what is being discussed or the way it is being discussed, can you not just switch channel to another thread?

The guy's a liar. Still want him around? What's the point of a discussion forum when the only discussion is 1 liar spewing BS and everyone else either calling him on his BS or complaining about the BS?


Master of Arts
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
I think a ban would be a bit harsh.
The 'ignore' function works.


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
The guy's a liar. Still want him around? What's the point of a discussion forum when the only discussion is 1 liar spewing BS and everyone else either calling him on his BS or complaining about the BS?
I understand. I can sense the frustration.

I think applying a ban is one way to handle the frustration.

I think some people will scratch an itch and some will leave it alone to dissipate in its own time.


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
All those in favor of banning this twit, like this post. Those against neg rep me.



If his posts break the rules, report them.


Call him out in The Great Debate - a forum for the examination and fact-finding of claims, assertions and experience. This keeps the board clean and no one has to reveal themselves as for a ban of a member.

The "off with his head" mentality can be contagious. Board policy states that if his posts or posting habits break the rules then report the posts to the staff. If they don't break the rules but he is caught in lies and deception, take it to the Great Debate and hash it out there.

You should know better than this, Legionary.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Of course I do. But sometimes I forget, being so pretty and admiring myself like I do.

Here's what we aughta do.

First, make grandma a baloney sandwich. We got plenty, this threads full of it.

Set her down in front of the tv, put her feet up, and make sure her soaps are on.

Then we get a couple of folding chairs and, wait, I was getting carried away. Gonna suggest we give Ziffy a conchairto, but this is the internet. We'd just break our screens.

Maybe all these train wrecks can be sent to TGD? Think I'll email that one in and go out for a bit, get some air. The manure smell from the topic's making my eyes water a bit.

I'm still the prettiest.


Senior Master
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Jun 15, 2004
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Metropolitan Tokyo
Hmm, a recovering drug addict with a record? Who better to teach 6 year olds martial arts?

What will the military say when he goes to enlist? Do they check that deep any more?

How about his mom? According to him, she's a Colonel (unknown if silver leaf or bird). Doesn't the military normally take a poor view of such activities of family members, especially within the officer's corp?

Josh Oakley

Senior Master
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Aug 15, 2006
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Seattle, WA
Here's the reality, folks. Regardless of how everyone feels about Alex, regardless of how I feel about him, and regardless of anything else, his behavior does not dictate our behavior.

We don't:
1. Call users trolls, even if they are.
2. Call users frauds, even if they are.
3. Attack individual users personally, even if many people feel said individual deserves it.
4. Flame war.

That's not the type of forum we are. Period. If you have a problem with a user's posts, attitude, whatever, use the RTM feature. It's that little triangle with the exclamation point. Report it to the mods. That's what they're here for. Don't let someone else's poor judgement affect our own.

This has gotten out of hand, and those of you who have been around a bit know better than this. Those of you who are mentors and mods DEFINITELY know better.

Dial it back down. Use the RTM button, and the ignore button if you feel you can't respond politely.

This has gotten out of hand.

Mods... threads have been locked for WAAAAAAAAAY less. Come on, now.

Josh Oakley

Senior Master
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MT Mentor
Aug 15, 2006
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Seattle, WA

If his posts break the rules, report them.


Call him out in The Great Debate - a forum for the examination and fact-finding of claims, assertions and experience. This keeps the board clean and no one has to reveal themselves as for a ban of a member.

The "off with his head" mentality can be contagious. Board policy states that if his posts or posting habits break the rules then report the posts to the staff. If they don't break the rules but he is caught in lies and deception, take it to the Great Debate and hash it out there.

You should know better than this, Legionary.

You beat me to the punch. But he's not the only one acting the fool.

Bob Hubbard

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