Soke Hatsumi Clips

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Jun 21, 2003
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Not sure if these have been posted before, but I came across them while surfing youtube, and thought I'd share them. Enjoy. :)

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Very nice clips, I loved the paty when he say know your opponets weaknesses
Not sure if these have been posted before, but I came across them while surfing youtube, and thought I'd share them. Enjoy. :)

The first clip is from "Kobudo No Kihon" this was shot at the Hombu Dojo in Noda-shi and it is a fantastic DVD.
(should be in every Budo Taijutsu practitioner's Library)

The second clip has several cuts put together but appears to be mostly from the Daikomyosai "Budo of Elegance" which was shot at the Budokan
(another great DVD)
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Very nice clips, I loved the paty when he say know your opponets weaknesses

I like how that can mean so many things on many different levels. We just cannot take it at face value alone.
can no longer view them...some spoilt sport had the clips pulled.

Spoil sport????

I did not report it, not did I pay attention to this thread. For some reason I thought this was a thread about some old demo by Hatsumi on the internet.

But looking through the past comments, I see that someone posted copyrighted material from Hatsumi soke on the internet without his permission and you think that the person who informed him was a "spoil sport."


So you think that people who inform Hatsumi of people breaking his copyright are somehow bad people, or "spoil sports" as you use the term.

Well, just to let you know... I have several things written by Hatsumi that you will never, ever see. He wrote them for newsletters that were to be published in English. He tried two times to put out a newsletter in English to put out a deeper understanding of his art. Both newsletters went down in flames. After you factored in the cost of translating and publishing something, it was cheaper to just run off copies at Kinkos. So both newsletters went bust and some of the stuff I was given that was supposed to help illuminate the Bujinkan overseas will probably neve rbe read by you.

I understand that you have probably never have created anything with the power of you mind in one form or another. I do not think you have written a computer program, article, music track or DVD that anyone would be willing to pay for. But if you had, you might realize that it is a good amount of work. Not just in the immediate product, but in the process of being able to put it together.

And as such, you would not know how it takes away from those years of effort for someone to take what you did and pass it along as if all your efforts up to that point had no worth. Nor would you know how someone who relies on a bunch of years of education and effort instead of a just digging a ditch is dispirited by someone stealing all that prior effort with no regard to them.

But even if the guy you claim to respect as the head of the art you study does not someday give up putting out videos due to all the folks that will steal the product of his exerience, the folks at Quest are not going to put out any more DVDs for you to watch or possibly post on the internet if they can't recoup the cost of thier efforts.

If you ever get to Japan, please let me know. I will make an effort to be at any training you have with Hatsumi so that I can introduce you to him and let him know how you think that people that let him know when people inform him of people doing things he does not want them to are bad people or "spoil sports" as you use the term. You can then explain to him yourself why you feel the way you do.

I did not tell anyone about this because it was under my radar. But I know I am not the only one in Japan reading this board. There is someone much closer to Hatsumi than I reading this. Maybe you should tell us all who your teacher is so that person can talk to Hatsumi about him and why he has students like you. If you feel that what you say is the right thing, you have no reason to decline. After all, you are here openly railing against all the "spoil sports" that would tell Hatsumi that others are posting things without his consent on the internet. You should have no problem with Hatsumi knowing how you feel or your teacher for that matter.
Sigh...Actually Don,
I was just messing around...sorry it upset you so. But you really need to either lighten up or grow up, one or the other would suffice. Did you see me having a big rant about it??? The post looks as light hearted as it was intended, even with the comical sigh. Stop carrying on like a big girl's blouse.

I even added a pirate smiley! Yeesh.

Hmm...yet your response was interesting to say the least, and let me just use you, Don as a CLEAR example here why we must never EVER underestimate or judge other people at face I have said in a PM to Brian, as martial artists, it is a dangerous habit to pick up (even worse than sparring ;) ) because to underestimate so easily means that one day that "untrained fool" you so easily mock from your high horse might one day prove to pull you from your saddle.

Don, You say.

I understand that you have probably never have created anything with the power of you mind in one form or another.

Actually Don, I am a graphic designer and a professional illustrator for 15 years. I own a successful side business called Martial Artworks, designing martial arts design needs world wide, and run a design department for Australia's number 1 seasonal gift company. My designs are seen in the UK (boots, marks and sparks, tesco, etc) in the US in chicago, new york and in canada and I design for Nestle, Campbells soups, Arnotts, Cadbury's Mrs Fields, Gloria Jeans etc. I have illustrated childrens books, human anatomy books and designed illustrations for magazine and non fiction material.

So as you can see I "create" quite a bit.

I also am in charge of copyrighting all our material and intellectual property rights as well as carrying out trademark registraions...

I do not think you have written a computer program, article, music track or DVD that anyone would be willing to pay for. But if you had, you might realize that it is a good amount of work. Not just in the immediate product, but in the process of being able to put it together.

Well lets see, to date I have written three novels; The Post Office, The Last Martyr and just finishing one could NEXUS. My first novel was sold through Jacobyte books and went on the win Eppie's EPIC award for Best Action adventure novel in 2001 and the awards ceramony held in las vegas. The Post office took 2 years to write. The LAst Martyr took 3 years to write as I had to research, the first crusades, islam and the history of christian texts etc.. Sure I am no steven king, but its a hobby I enjoy. So yes I "realize that it is a good amount of work"

Once again, there is a difference between what you THINK and what you KNOW.

And as such, you would not know how it takes away from those years of effort for someone to take what you did and pass it along as if all your efforts up to that point had no worth. Nor would you know how someone who relies on a bunch of years of education and effort instead of a just digging a ditch is dispirited by someone stealing all that prior effort with no regard to them.

See above.

So please be careful when you try to ASSUME things
you know what it does don't you?

(Now just think...if you find yourself so "sure" of what you THINK as being what you KNOW...then imagine all the times you have brushed off the comments, suggestions and opinions of many here that don't see your point of view because you think their taijutsu to be inferior.

Food for thought, Don.
And it won't cost you a nickle and won't breach copyright laws in any region. ;)
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Three more things Don

1) I never said it was why do you keep saying it wasn't you???
2) If it was so bad in the first place why did you not just ask to have the thread closed, or why was the thread not closed once the clips removed.
3) Don't ever bother trying to threaten me again with such dribble as to a) tell my sensei or b) verbally spanking me in front of hatsumi sensei again. LOL, who the hell do you think you are, my grandmother? Get over yourself, Don. A great man once said to me, "people are only as important as they think they are."

But in all honestly, I would be more than happy for you to introduce me to Hatsumi-Sensei...after you have finished your big speel about spoil sports yadda yadda ya, I'll just shrug and say "I didn't post the video...someone said 'here look at this' and then took them off and I was dissapointed I missed out." Thats what happened isn't it?
Seems to me, he might think you have reached male menopause with such a ridculous reaction to such a minor comment.
1) I never said it was why do you keep saying it wasn't you???
2) If it was so bad in the first place why did you not just ask to have the thread closed, or why was the thread not closed once the clips removed.
3) Don't ever bother trying to threaten me again with such dribble as to a) tell my sensei or b) verbally spanking me in front of hatsumi sensei again.

1- what are you talking about? I said I did not report it once.
2- Did you miss the part where I said I thought it was an old demo by Hatsumi? I have enough on my plate to work on without things on the internet so I don't pay attention to things like this.
3- All I said was I wanted you to explain yourself with your real name and the name of your instructor to Hatsumi himself. If you think that is a threat, why are you saying the things you say?
3- All I said was I wanted you to explain yourself with your real name and the name of your instructor to Hatsumi himself. If you think that is a threat, why are you saying the things you say?

No, you were quick to bad mouth me and insult me.
You could have said "did you seriously mean that you think it should have stayed on?" if you wanted me to explain myself...but instead you gave me a 1,000 word essay on what I don't know and what you ASSUMED I can't comprehend. Terrible

My name is Nick Mandilas
I train under Craig Guest. 8th Dan
I have never hidden it. You can find it on MAP, E-BUDO, BULLSHIDO and probably here. But I am 34 years old and entitled to my own opinions. What my sensei has to do with that ( a man that doesn't even post) is beyond me.

*shakes head*
My name is Nick Mandilas
I train under Craig Guest. 8th Dan
I have never hidden it. You can find it on MAP, E-BUDO, BULLSHIDO and probably here. But I am 34 years old and entitled to my own opinions. What my sensei has to do with that ( a man that doesn't even post) is beyond me.

No, everything you do reflects on your teacher and your orginization. I know that and work under that premis. You should always work under the idea that what you write might be read in front of Hatsumi with your teacher standing by your side. I do.

If you think I did not undertand what you wrote, how do you think the Japanese reading this forum are going to take what you write? If you had more experience, you would know what I am talking about. Do you honestly want to cause trouble for your teacher by what you write here? You said that a "spoil sport" had the clips (copyrighted by Hatsumi) taken down. That is not something I would say or let anyone with me say. Maybe you should consider how you present yourself and remember that it is not just you that will be judged when talking about a Japanese art.
Well then I apologize to Soke and all the Japanese shihan reading this thread for treating video piracy lightly.
You have my deepest regrets.

But that does not excuse you Don for personal attacks and childish over reaction. In particular someone of your rank and status.

May I remind you that when YOU talk, you too represent the bujinkan. And some times its not just the things you say, but HOW you say it, that reflects badly on a school/system.

Integrity is the pillar that holds us up, but poor attitude can topple it. down
Mod Note

The purpose of the thread was to view and comment on the clips that were posted. The clips in question have since been removed. Rather than engage in a heated debate about possible copyright violations of the clips being posted, this thread will remain closed.

Kreth/Jeff Velten
MT Senior Moderator
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