So ... who ELSE is running for president?

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Don't you people read? It's down to a war hero, a liar, and Osam--er, Obama. Simple choice, really... :idunno:

EXACTLY.. I'm voting for BUGS BUNNY!!!

I'd vote for Danger mouse and Penfold as VP but they're not American citizens :D

I like the "none of the above" option. I also think you should be able to vote against someone, rather than for. Make it a negative vote. Also require a modification to the constitution. You can only get the electoral votes if you have a positive vote. 400 vote for, 500 vote against, so you have net -100. Can't get electoral votes!

I like this, if this were the case I would have chosen the "none of the above" pption in the last several elections and the upcoming one as well.

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