Shoes during class?


Orange Belt
Oct 16, 2005
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How many of you wear shoes when you train at your school?

I am a proponent of shoes because it adds to the overall reality of my training. I have yet to enter a bar, sporting event, or other place where altercations may occur without some type of footwear.

In Kung-Fu I wear shoes regularly and find them comfortable and protective. In Isshinryu I do not, but wish I did.

Sorry if this topic has been hashed, but I'm new and in need of a good flaming.


I don't wear shoes in class, but when I train on my own, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I try to train with the clothes I wear every day to see how that affects my techniques.
I am against using shoes inside the dojo.

The way I see it, training in one's bare feet helps strengthen some of the little-used muscles in the foot, which in turn, significantly improves one's balance. Wearing shoes negates the workout on those muscles.

If someone has good balance while barefooted, you can pretty much bet that he's going to have good balance while wearing shoes as well.

The only time I'll tell students to wear shoes is if we hold a training session outdoors.
I wear wrestling shoes all the time in class. Part of the reason is that I have flat feet and my arches kill me after going barefoot for a long period, the second reason is that it is a bit more realistic. I know several people who can't do forms in shoes, so if they can't do their forms, then what can they do? And to disagree with Grenadier, I find my balance is much better barefoot than in shoes.

I do what's done at the school. I am more comfortable barefoot, but do think training in shoes os more realistic.
arnisador said:
I do what's done at the school. I am more comfortable barefoot, but do think training in shoes os more realistic.

Same here. I don't train with shoes on inside the dojang. But I will occationally train at home outside with my sneakers on (plain clothes, not my uniform). But I "perfer" to train without shoes (I'm the type that would go barefoot all the time if I could).
I walked barefoot as a kid, alot. Really ruined my feet and my arches. When I first started MA I was barefoot and when my instructor started wearing shoes I thought they were the oddest looking things I had ever seen and it seemed so...wrong. Then I got me a pair :D. Couldn't do without them now.
I hate wearing shoes but i have to in Kung Fu I wish i can learn to balance myself and my kicks first without them and then later on maybe put them on.. i dont know, i just dont feel comfortable with them at all... but on the other hand i like that we only wear a regular t-shirt with some baggy pants they gave to us.. i like that better than wearing a gi or something like that
No shoes typically in class, but I don't have any strong feelings one way or another on how it should be done.

Do like the Gi/Dobak tho. Tore a few too many shirts while training in "informal" attire. Clothes capable of taking the rigors of training (High kicks tend to overstress the seat of one's pants...) ultimately save me money, which is a good thing.
Icewater said:
How many of you wear shoes when you train at your school?

I am a proponent of shoes because it adds to the overall reality of my training. I have yet to enter a bar, sporting event, or other place where altercations may occur without some type of footwear.

In Kung-Fu I wear shoes regularly and find them comfortable and protective. In Isshinryu I do not, but wish I did.

Sorry if this topic has been hashed, but I'm new and in need of a good flaming.



It's been discussed but a new discussion is always fun in my opinion. =)

We wear shoes as well. I swear by my size 11 Feiyue's... I just got mine all nice and broken in for slick pivots. I think I have a post here somewhere advocating the brand highly.. I remember I was pretty excited about finding a brand that even fit my double wide feet, lol.

I tend to agree with you, and for me training in shoes is the only way to go. I studied TSD for a short while and I certainly sustained my share of badly stubbed toes and black toenails. Perhaps it strengthened my feet, but I simply don't ever go around barefoot. I wear slippers in the house and Birkenstocks to the beach. So to me, the benefit of tough tootsies is outweighed by the danger to my delicate footsies.

I am pretty certain the idea of training in shoes is about as old as kung fu. They also bear a good deal of historic as well as symbolic importance in kung fu. Shaolin monks don't own anything, but they all consider their shoes property.
I'm always barefoot unless I'm going outside so naturally I train barefoot. We have some in our school who go barefoot and some who wear shoes. I think the majority are barefoot. Plus it tears up our mats more with shoes on. As far as developing the foot muscles, I don't know if going barefoot makes a difference or not but I have very muscular feet! Then again, I wear gym shoes when I excercise and I develop alot of muscle with my regular excercise routine, so that may be a moot point. In any case wearing shoes is optional at my school.
At class, I practice barefoot for a couple reasons: mostly, I want to build up some degree of callous on them and it allows me to focus on toe position (I tend to spread my toes on my left side.) Winter, however, is coming and our dojo is archaic, poorly heated and underinsulated. I will likely get a pair of Kung-Fu Slippers because a) they're cheap and b) they look sweet :)
Oh yeah... shoes are part of the training routine. I wear shoes about 90% of the time anyway, why not train in them??
I wear the MA shoes, need a new pair, going to get some Disciplines this time. I prefer the beginning student to wear no shoes to keep an eye on their foot position during kicks and in blading the foot.
KenpoTess said:
going to get some Disciplines this time.

These are great shoes. We're not allowed to wear them because of the laces on top tend to rake people's cheeks, but they are an excellent quality shoe. Among the best out there IMO.

I personally don't care for the feeling of shoes on the mat, so I go barefoot. I do train myself on the outside in my street shoes.
I wear wrestling shoes in all of my classes. Gives a more realistic feel as well as some protection.

I dig my Fei Yues, but I'm going to pick up some of the jet black Chuck Taylor's (Converse) soon for a try. The nice thing about the Chuck's is they are already flat on the bottom & don't have to be worn in to get flat & the Fei Yue do. Plus the soles on the Chuck's aren't nearly as gummy as the FY.

I don't like Discipline. I tried them when they first came out & all they did was hurt my feet.
I wear shoes in karate because I have absolutely no arches and I also have a tendency to break my toes really easily. In BJJ I don't. I considered them but wrestling boots have too much grip and I have seen too many people blow out their knees during takedowns and the like while wearing wrestling boots, the foot stays planted but the body moves the other direction. The whole point of them is to give grip. The usual martial arts shoes that have a pivot point are good but I don't like the disadvantage during leg locks, etc. that my opponent has while I'm wearing shoes. So, yes...and no ;).
clfsean said:
I don't like Discipline. I tried them when they first came out & all they did was hurt my feet.

So suffice to say, your feet are undiciplined. :uhyeah:

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