Shocking News at the Batman Premier

I was shocked as well... like 3 hours ago when it first broke. It's the only thing CNN, FOX, and HLN are reporting on. Oddly enough, MSNBC is giving periodic updates, but actually acknowledging other things that are happening in the world.

15 minutes of fame has become 24/7 and a possible book deal... gee... what incentive could a whacko have to do something like this? I wonder...

I am horrified at this. A group of very ordinary people murdered and injured out of the blue. Chilling and unsettling.

It's horrifying. I basically grew up in Colorado, but on the west side of Denver; Aurora is to the east. It's a large, modern, suburb of the Denver metropolitan area, quite large enough to be a major city itself. A lot of high-tech and IT companies are located there. It has at various times been called 'Saudi Aurora' due to the influx of middle-eastern immigrants (this was long before even the first Gulf War). I sincerely hope that this is not some sort of sick racially-motivated crime (although it's sick no matter what the motivation).

I am glad the murderer was apparently caught. Colorado does have the death penalty, although they have only executed one person since 1976. If the person they caught is guilty, I hope they see fit to use it in his case. Animals like this have no place living among us, and I have no faith that a life sentence means natural life anymore.
I just now heard this news turning on the computer. I'm so sad to hear the news.

The movie itself broke my heart when I saw it last night and I managed to drag myself from bed to see this. I'll give my fuller th0oughts on the movie later. Now I can't even think anymore.
This is both heartbreaking and disgusting. It looks like the man responsible might be mentally ill, but no confirmation on that. Also disgusting is the apparent glee that some of these newspeople seem to be having because there is a tragedy for them to cover. My heart goes out to the victims and thier families.
This is both heartbreaking and disgusting. It looks like the man responsible might be mentally ill, but no confirmation on that. Also disgusting is the apparent glee that some of these newspeople seem to be having because there is a tragedy for them to cover. My heart goes out to the victims and thier families.

Anyone that does this is mentally ill regardless of a docs opinion
Horrible, horrible thing. I lived most of my adult life in Colorado (all of our kids were born there). Bought my first house in Aurora. It's "home". And I grieve for those lost their lives and for those who were injured physically and emotionally.

The guy who did this is not much different than Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and other cowardly killers. He plotted and schemed, and took up arms to terrorize and kill innocent people. He will pay.

But how long does society have to pay for the inevitability of this kind of thing?
A truly horrible event. I am sure that the media will be putting its "armchair QB's" into play soon but, my thoughts and prayers are with affected families.
The armchair reporting already began, but for now, it is a horrible criminal action. My sympathy to the victims and their families.
After watching a press conference given by the Aurora chief of police, the shooter--James Egen Holmes, 24--must have made a recent shopping visit to stormtroopers-R-us. According to the police, Holmes was armed with, not one but two, Glock .40 cal's; a 12-guage boomer; and a S&W AR-15. Additionally, Holmes was covered head to toe with tactical gear; a ballistic helmet, vest, as well as leg, groin and throat protectors. Not including an incendiary device or two in the theater.

But that's not all. His apartment is booby-trapped with intricate wiring, incendiary and chemical riggings, and law enforcement doesn't know if it will be hours or days before Holmes' apartment is safe for entry and inspection.