"She Had To Die Because She Was White"


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2004
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On a videotape played during a court hearing yesterday, a murder suspect said his victim "had to die" because she was white. "I never seen her before, and I didn't care," Phillip Grant, 43, said on the tape. "As long as she had blond hair and blue eyes, she had to die."

According to a report in the White Plains, N.Y., Journal News, the 45-minute video statement also includes Grant claiming to have killed others and saying he is at war with the white race.

Grant, who is black, is charged with second-degree murder and third-degree criminal possession of a weapon in the fatal June 29 stabbing death of Concetta Russo-Carriero, 56.

"I want the death penalty," he said. "I want to die. But I wanted to kill somebody white first."

In the statement, recorded some five hours after the 1:15 p.m slaying, Grant said that, beginning at 11 a.m. that day, he walked around a parking garage, looking for a victim.

"I was thinking that the first person I see this morning that looks white, I'm killing them," he said. According to the local news report, the convicted rapist said he did not approach an older white woman walking through the garage "because she had already lived her life."

"I wanted to kill somebody who lived a lily-white lifestyle and was a closet bigot," he said on the tape.

Grant told a detective on the video he chose Russ-Carriero after she thrust a stairwell door toward him as he was walking inside the garage.

"I have no remorse whatsoever, because she was white," he said, adding that he believed he was fighting a race war.

During his statement, Grant claimed his mother was raped by whites when he was a child and that even his white friends have all turned out to be racists. He said since being released from state prison, people have followed him around, calling him a rapist and hurling racial slurs at him.

The Journal News reported Grant was convicted of three rapes in 1980 and spent 23 years in prison. In April, he was tossed out of homeless shelter because he refused to undergo a psychiatric exam.

"The videotape speaks for itself," Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro told the paper. "The victim in this case did not have a chance. (Grant) was determined to commit this crime."

The judge has ordered the case to go before a grand jury.
Black guy kills a white woman in New York, says she had to die because she was white. Yet he is NOT charged with a hate crime. Why is that?

If a white guy killed a black woman because she was black he's be charged with a hate crime in seconds. Isn't there a double standard here? What do you think?
:eek: Thats insane. I would go nuts too if people kept on tossing racist comments at me...But to go out and KILL someone just because they are white or black or red or whatever and being racist???? Thats just stupid. There is racism everywhere, but to go out and do something like that just adds to the problem.
Kane said:
Black guy kills a white woman in New York, says she had to die because she was white. Yet he is NOT charged with a hate crime. Why is that?
Oh the answer to that one is easy... because he's black.
Kane said:
If a white guy killed a black woman because she was black he's be charged with a hate crime in seconds. Isn't there a double standard here? What do you think?
It is a double standard and it should be pointed out as such now-a-days. Perhaps when I was a teenager it was a little different, when I was a small child it was a lot different and before I was born it was completely different.
That blacks are still feeling the stings of (white) racism cannot be denied, but they are achieving a hellva lot more than their fathers and grandfathers did when the Civil Rights Bill was passed two or three generations ago.
That (some blacks) are failing to see the advancements and achievements that their race are making, in spite of racism compared to two or three generations ago is a mystery. IMO growing up over the last forty years I've seen the changes and sadly, the lack of changes being made. There are more positive changes than ever before but the negatives still open up the old wounds and allows the bitter blood of hatred seep into the youth of today who'll be the future tomorrow.
The actions of this man and his openly cited reasons don't help the future generations at all. Same goes for the red-necked, suthern boys of the deep south and elsewhere along with the growing neo-nazi groups, and their ilk, springing up in every city across the country spreading the seeds of hatred.
Dammit I've said it elsewhere on other MT related topics; that hatred and racism can only be stopped in-the-home! It begins with teaching our children the real meaning of those true and just words of our beloved consitution that "...all men were created equal".
That this animal wants to voluntarily remove himself from the gene pool is fine by me and I'll even help pull the switch! It'd be doing us all a favor.
There is a double standard but look beyond the obvious. Terms like hate crime and hate speech remind me of the book 1984 by George Orwell. Murder is already against the law. No one regardless of their race should be convicted of a thought crime if we are to call ourselves a free society.
elder999 said:
Grant was charged with second-degree murder and weapon possession. Prosecutors say he could also be charged with a hate crime.

Wild Bill said:
There is a double standard but look beyond the obvious. Terms like hate crime and hate speech remind me of the book 1984 by George Orwell. Murder is already against the law. No one regardless of their race should be convicted of a thought crime if we are to call ourselves a free society.
How can we be a free society if one thinks to hate and voices such thoughts outloud and in actions?
We all DO have the "freedom from fear" and the right to live without fear don't we? This guy and others like him (of any race) take that away from us.
elder999 said:
Grant was charged with second-degree murder and weapon possession. Prosecutors say he could also be charged with a hate crime.
That is good to hear, though it is about time. I mean if it was a white man he would be charged for a hate crime in seconds, it seems that it takes longer with other races possibly because of politcal correctness but thankfully this did not conclude to be a political correct case:).

Well that is if he actually is charged, it said in the article that he could if it was a white man who killed a black woman the court no doubt would give him a hate crim without question and never use words like "could". So there still might be a double standard here.
Kane said:
What do you think?
I’m not going to get into the race aspect here, but, political correctness double standards in general.

Double standards happen throughout society but things are changing.

We can have MOBO awards but try hosting a MOWO event – not going to happen.
We have a gay pride march – try organising a straight pride march

Can’t think of any others at present but you know where I am coming from here

As I approach my 'so-called middle' age, I feel that society has left me out of the PC protection as a white, middle aged, straight man

The law is set up correctly to protect all citizens but the people enforcing them are subject to their interpretation of the PC slant. Until they have the guts to uphold the letter of the law – blind to PC – and stop being afraid of pressure groups things like this will happen

A hate crime cannot be commited against a person who is white.

That is just the reality as things are now.

Charging someone with a "hate crime" is just stupid anyway if you ask me. If you intentionally go out and kill somebody, what is the difference why you did it? Is it somehow worse to kill a person because you don't like the color of their skin than it is to kill them because to don't like the color of their shirt?

Not in my book.

Edit: Upon looking for more info on this, I am not sure what is more disturbing. The fact that it happened, or the fact that I can find virtually nothing about it on any mainstream media site. Hmmmm, I guess I will keep looking.
ginshun said:
A hate crime cannot be commited against a person who is white.

That is just the reality as things are now.
I think people have been charged with hate crimes in such circumstances. But, certainly, those are not the circumstances envisioned when the law was drafted.
"Hate crime"....what a stupid phrase to begin with.
Cold blooded murder is cold blooded murder.

But it's not enough for some people to accept that,so they have to create some other lame "phrase" to get more....whatever it is they are trying to get.

That man killed an innocent woman and thats that!
Was her blood white?!

Here in the UK,if a white person commits a crime against someone of another color,he gets charged with a racially motivated hate crime.
Turn it around....white guy is screwed.
Because there is no law allowing for it. When the law was made,it was said that it was IMPOSSIBLE for white people to be discrimanted against.
Just like when queen victoria was "in office"...she made homosexuality against the law....for men only.
She said it was not possible for women to be gay.
Although that law isn't enforced anymore...it's never been rescended either.
jonah2 said:
We can have MOBO awards but try hosting a MOWO event – not going to happen.
We have a gay pride march – try organising a straight pride march

As I approach my 'so-called middle' age, I feel that society has left me out of the PC protection as a white, middle aged, straight man
I am reminded of when I was a kid, I would ask, "hey, how come there's a Mother's Day and a Father's Day, but there's no Children's Day?" The answer I would get (and I'm sure I'm not alone here), is, "Because Everyday is Children's Day."

As a parent now, I understand that answer- though as a kid I thought it was trite and that my parents were merely blowing me off- since my kids spend day ofter day driving me to the end of my last nerve. Hell, I deserve at least one day out of the year for a little appreciation.

Why are there no Straight White Guy Days, parades, and award shows? Cuz Everyday is Straight White Guy Day. It's not like it's been very hard for us in this country. I think that minorities have had a door opened for them in the last 30 or 40 years that allows them to present themselves to our multicultured society. I say, good for them. It's not like White guys have to present our accomplishements to the public. What would we celebrate in our parade? Let's see- Liquor, Cigarrettes, Oppression, and the Interstate Road System.

Hate, however, is hate. The idea that whites cannot be discriminated against is ridiculous. To discriminate is to pick one thing over another based on some sort of biased. The race of the discriminator is irrelavant. Government and Corporate discrimination still tends to reside in the hands of White Guys, however, among the public at large, and certainly in both civil and criminal matters, color should not matter since it should be looked at on a case by case basis.
Also keep in mind that the "hate crimes" statute only really serves a limited purpose of increasing a sentence. Assuming this case is a real case, he's probably looking at life, so what's the point? I'd say it could be an aggravating factor, but again, he'll probably get life, which means life, so adding on a few extra years would do what besides be petty?
BaiKaiGuy said:
Also keep in mind that the "hate crimes" statute only really serves a limited purpose of increasing a sentence. Assuming this case is a real case, he's probably looking at life, so what's the point? I'd say it could be an aggravating factor, but again, he'll probably get life, which means life, so adding on a few extra years would do what besides be petty?
It's not petty due to the fact I've seen no mention of "life without the possibility of Parole". So, locking this person up for as long as possible doesn't seem like a bad thing IMO.
"Hate Crimes" laws are really just feel good laws anyway. They are designed to give the impression of added protection. In reality, which is worse, killing grandma because she's a certain race, or killing grandma for her social security check*. It's clear to any reasonably intelligent person that killing grandma is equally wrong either way. The idea that we are going to make one murder wronger than another because of the internal motive of the killer seems bizarre to me.

*Of course there are some marxists who would claim the first one is worse, because the second is an 'economic' crime, as it is caused by the "system", not by the person, but that's why I said 'reasonably intelligent' person.
OUMoose said:
It's not petty due to the fact I've seen no mention of "life without the possibility of Parole". So, locking this person up for as long as possible doesn't seem like a bad thing IMO.
Genrally speaking "Life means Life".
Wild Bill said:
There is a double standard but look beyond the obvious. Terms like hate crime and hate speech remind me of the book 1984 by George Orwell. Murder is already against the law. No one regardless of their race should be convicted of a thought crime if we are to call ourselves a free society.
I agree with that. However, there is clearly a double standard.
MACaver said:
It begins with teaching our children the real meaning of those true and just words of our beloved consitution that "...all men were created equal".
Actually it is the Declaration of Independence

" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Equal in Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness among other things. Does not mean that we are all biologically equal. For if we were, we ALL could win the Olympics. I know I CANNOT, damn genes get in the way! LOL
Bigshadow said:
Actually it is the Declaration of Independence

" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Equal in Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness among other things. Does not mean that we are all biologically equal. For if we were, we ALL could win the Olympics. I know I CANNOT, damn genes get in the way! LOL
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, does not mean the achievment of happiness. We have the right to pursue the goal of being in the Olympics, not the right to attain it without merit.