Schoolyard killer to be released...


Brown Belt
Jul 6, 2005
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Well, this isn't justice...,,1547686,00.html

Helped murder five people and now gets to have his freedom. I understand that juveniles shouldn't be held completely responsible for their behavior when it comes to certain crimes, but for society to trust this murderer-guy with freedom??????

Oh boy, what should we really do with youngsters like this? I mean realistically.
At the very least parole for life....
Did you notice the very last line in the article?
Jonesboro's sheriff, Jack McCann, told CNN yesterday that if Johnson returned to the town "we cannot guarantee his safety".
Yeah, no kidding...

I think you're right. At the very least, he should be supervised by a parole officer for the rest of forever. Of course, the standard penalty for felons should apply: NO firearms; NO voting.
Theban_Legion said:
Did you notice the very last line in the article?
Yeah, no kidding...

I think you're right. At the very least, he should be supervised by a parole officer for the rest of forever. Of course, the standard penalty for felons should apply: NO firearms; NO voting.
The loophole that allowed him to walk has since been closed....too late if you ask me. As for the no guns, no vote thing that's a whole other thread. There are several billboards in my town that are paid for by a group that is pushing for the law stripping felons of the right to vote to be repealed.
theletch1 said:
The loophole that allowed him to walk has since been closed....too late if you ask me.
Ah, I didn't catch that part the first time through.
As for the no guns, no vote thing that's a whole other thread. There are several billboards in my town that are paid for by a group that is pushing for the law stripping felons of the right to vote to be repealed.
Ugh... Who on earth would want to repeal that law (aside from actual felons)??? What a strange group.

[Warning! Random sarcasm follows: You know, there is something to be said for fascism. None of this crazy, freedom-mongering stuff going on in fascist states, No Sir! ...on the other hand...]

Do you know what the name of the group is? I'm almost afraid to ask, but do they have a website, maybe?
Right to vote is the group. I normally don't have any comment what so ever in the study. I don't consider myself the intellectual type. This thread is one I feel strongly about. The two killers (regardless of their age) should stay behind bars as long as the people they killed are still dead...forever. As for voter rights for felons, well, it's a penalty of doing a felony that is known to most folks. Seems to me that know the penalty beforehand and still doing the crime kinda precludes whining about it later.
theletch1 said:
Right to vote is the group. ... The two killers (regardless of their age) should stay behind bars as long as the people they killed are still dead...forever.
Right on.

As for voter rights for felons, well, it's a penalty of doing a felony that is known to most folks. Seems to me that know the penalty beforehand and still doing the crime kinda precludes whining about it later.
Yup, total agreement here.

here's a shot from their webpage:

Main Entry: dis·fran·chise
Pronunciation: dis-'fran-"chIz
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: -chised; -chis·ing
: to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity; especially : to deprive of the right to vote

Oh, this is special:
righttovote said:
Memorial Day and the Right to Vote for Veterans
righttovote said:
There are over half a million Veterans deined the Right to Vote due to felony disfranchisement laws. Learn more about how these men and women who fought for our country are being barred from the polls.
Nice twist. I am a veteran, if I comitted an armed robbery than I should have my right to vote stripped away. I am offended by the way they are working the veteran angle in this time of armed conflict. Don't use soldiers to advance your agenda. They should lay their agenda on the table; they should bluntly speak of what they are trying to do without attempting to manipulate anyone first...freaking cowards. [end rant]
theletch1 said:
Right to vote is the group. I normally don't have any comment what so ever in the study. I don't consider myself the intellectual type. This thread is one I feel strongly about. The two killers (regardless of their age) should stay behind bars as long as the people they killed are still dead...forever. As for voter rights for felons, well, it's a penalty of doing a felony that is known to most folks. Seems to me that know the penalty beforehand and still doing the crime kinda precludes whining about it later. what political leaning would benefit from allowing convicted felons and illegal aliens the right to vote? It's all very interesting. Next thing we'll see large numbers of dead voters....wait, too late.

I guess if you can't win enough elections, change the rules to alter the demographics. I shutter to think what some candidates will do to court the convicted felon vote. It certainly is a warped version of democracy working.
sgtmac_46 said: what political leaning would benefit from allowing convicted felons and illegal aliens the right to vote? It's all very interesting. Next thing we'll see large numbers of dead voters....wait, too late.

I guess if you can't win enough elections, change the rules to alter the demographics. I shutter to think what some candidates will do to court the convicted felon vote. It certainly is a warped version of democracy working.
Right on.

hmm...which political ideology indeed?
Hello, Only in America that this can happen? It is believe that "boys" didn't know better and our system let all young adults out of jail at 18 years old.

IT doesn't matter how long his rap sheet is............even in Hawaii the laws are almost the same. These kids do not change and when they hit 18...goes to jail as adult when they commit a crime. These kids never, ever change.....Aloha
It is based on this idiotic notion that simply because these two felons were young when they killed those 5 people that somehow they can be rehabilitated. What bull, those two deserve life in jail, the four little girls they killed wont get a second chance, nor will the teacher who bravely gave up her life by making herself a shield in order to protect other students.
evenflow1121 said:
...the four little girls they killed wont get a second chance, nor will the teacher who bravely gave up her life by making herself a shield in order to protect other students.
That teacher should really be honored somehow... What a courageous human being.
still learning said:
Hello, Only in America that this can happen? It is believe that "boys" didn't know better and our system let all young adults out of jail at 18 years old.

IT doesn't matter how long his rap sheet is............even in Hawaii the laws are almost the same. These kids do not change and when they hit 18...goes to jail as adult when they commit a crime. These kids never, ever change.....Aloha
This is too broad a statement I feel. There are those who will become habitual criminals for sure... but which ones. Problem that I see is that it takes time and VERY unfortunately (a lot of) money to properly ensure that a kid who does a heinous crime like thiers gets the help they need. So are our tax dollars going to where they're needed most?
I agree that these boys need to be guaranteed by the system to the community that they'll be safe. More importantly if the boys are indeed truly repentant of their crimes.
Nothing will ever bring back the dead except how we remember them. Can these boys be made to understand and more so... appreciate that fact.
The law is the law, good, bad or indifferent it's the law. Votes to congress and the house and the senate are the only thing that's going to change them.

That or a good ole' revolution... :D
evenflow1121 said:
It is based on this idiotic notion that simply because these two felons were young when they killed those 5 people that somehow they can be rehabilitated. What bull, those two deserve life in jail, the four little girls they killed wont get a second chance, nor will the teacher who bravely gave up her life by making herself a shield in order to protect other students.
I was pretty tame at 13 and pretty wild at 18, as are most people I know. At neither age was I capable of gunning down innocent children. If a child is capable of gunning down little girls in cold blood at 13, what's he capable of at 18, after spending all that time incarcerated.
sgtmac_46 said:
I was pretty tame at 13 and pretty wild at 18, as are most people I know. At neither age was I capable of gunning down innocent children. If a child is capable of gunning down little girls in cold blood at 13, what's he capable of at 18, after spending all that time incarcerated.
Amen! I knew at EIGHT that shooting and killing someone in cold blood was wrong. These two boys have their wiring completely screwed up. And no, people can't blame it on easy access to firearms because I grew up in a rural area where everyone had access to guns and nobody used them (in a criminal manner, I mean). Five counts of first degree murder and he's out in substantially less than a decade? No way. At least the loophole has been closed.

I have so much sympathy for the families of those killed. What a terrible tragedy this was for them - twice, because now the murderer of their loved ones is free.