Sarah Palin for President?

I love the way the media seems to go out looking for someone with funny opinions and proclaimed Christian values to paint "Christians" as right wing nut jobs.

Like Barack Obama? :lol:

"Christians" though, they are fair game.

Like Barack Obama? :lfao:

People of EVERY denomination have wierd views.

And even some who have no's "weird." One of the many exceptions to that "I" before "E" thing....

"It's heinous," shrieked the beseiged sheik with the weird mein. "You cannot induce me to imbibe a surfeit of caffeine. I'd as leif have protein," he said, as he seized a saddle of mutton and proceeded to munch it beside the weir. :lfao:.....

One of my weird views is that, in an age of "spell check," typographical errors are the only excuse for mispelling.....:lfao:
Among my many issues with Obama, Ive never cared about his race or religion. If they picked on his Christian views Id say the same thing.

Any spelling errors there?

12. Spelling and grammar flames are rude.

Every so often the forum is bombarded with what is called the spelling flame. It starts out when someone posts an article correcting the spelling or grammar in some article. The immediate result seems to be for everyone on the net to turn into a 6th grade English teacher and pick apart each other's postings for a few weeks. This is not productive and tends to cause people to get angry with each other.

It is important to remember that we all make mistakes, and that there are many users on the net who use English as a second language. There are also a number of people who suffer from dyslexia and who have difficulty noticing their spelling mistakes. If you feel that you must make a comment on the quality of a posting, please do so by mail, not on the network.

-Usenet etiquette guide
What's wrong with Sarah Palin?

Rambling, hesitates, and contradicts herself.

Here's another 20. From
There are several rebuttals at that link as well. I am pulling the 20 claims, and posting a rebuttal where I see one listed there.

1. She was elected Alaska's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.

2. She is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

3. She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.
Rebut: No, she supported Steve Forbes.

4. She thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.
Rebut: Uh, no again, she thinks it should be "discussed" if a student brings it up, but not taught as part of the cirriculum.

5. She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.
Rebut: Neither do hundreds of other scientists, and just this week there has been a study released that sunspots may have a direct effect on climate change. The simple answer is that NOBODY knows for sure, and there is no overwhelming, compelling evidence. It ain't like the law of gravity. In my mind saying humans are the cause of climate change ranks up there with the creationists. It hasn't been proven or disproven, so you can't make the claim it is fact.

6. She supports McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy.

7. McCain met Sarah Palin once at a meeting; then they spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president; and then he offered her the position.

8. Her appearance on a morning "shock jock" radio show earlier this year was described by the Anchorage Daily News as "plain and simple one of the most unprofessional, childish and inexcusable performances I've ever seen from a politician."

9. Palin supports gunning down wolves from airplanes.

10. She took an unnecessary risk with the health of her own child.

11. She supports failed abstinence-only programs.

12. She is under investigation for allegedly abusing her power as governor to help her sister in a messy divorce.

13. She lied about her plans for the "Bridge to Nowhere."

14. She has big money ties to Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, who has been indicted for political corruption.

15. She exploits her son's Iraq service for political gain.

16. During her time as mayor, Palin drove a town deep into debt.

17. She tried to ban books from her local library.
Rebut: No again, she never made any attempt to ban any book. She asked a question about what a librarian would do if a request came in to ban a book. She didn't make such a request herself, and anything beyond this is simply speculation. Was she planning on banning books, and this why she asked the question? I don't know. Did she want to know if the librarian had the nerve to stand up to someone if such a request was made? I don't know. Nobody knows, but we do know she never made the request herself.

18. She slashed funding for teen moms (ironic, isn't it?).

19. She thinks the war in Iraq is "a task that is from God."
Rebut: Off the mark again. She said to pray that our leaders are sending US soldiers out on a task that is from God. In other words, pray that we are doing God's will. Who would pray that we are working against God's will? She was speaking with the same sentiment Abraham Lincoln was using when he uttered this quote: "it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the LORD'S side." Does that make the Civil War a "holy war"?

20. She failed at running a car wash.

21. She was a member of the Alaska Independence Party.
Rebut: Again, not true. She has been a registered Republican since the early 1980s, and there is no record of her being a member of AIP.

Neither the claims or rebuttals are my words.
Among my many issues with Obama, Ive never cared about his race or religion. If they picked on his Christian views Id say the same thing.

Any spelling errors there?

Hmmm....and yet you're probably okay with the whole "Reverend Wright, liberation theology, hate speech" thing being brought up......

That's okay.

You left out your apostrophes, but otherwise, no. No spelling errors.

Usenet? Seems to me that was before spellcheck. :lol:
Here are some questions.

Why IS Sarah Palin qualified to be VP and possibly CIC?

What are the daily duties of the mayor of Wasilla?
- Which of them would qualify her and/or give her the type of experience a VP needs, and that the President would need?

Some of the other questions I could ask such as "how did she campaign, how did she do, etc" have been explored or are easily found online.
Mayor Palin: A Rough Record,8599,1837918,00.html

Palin Almost Recalled As Mayor

Sarah Palin had turbulent first year as mayor of Alaska town
Here are some questions.

Why IS Sarah Palin qualified to be VP and possibly CIC?

What are the daily duties of the mayor of Wasilla?
- Which of them would qualify her and/or give her the type of experience a VP needs, and that the President would need?

Funny, the Daily Show interviewed the Mayor of Wasilla (Palin's replacement) here. :lfao:

(it's about 1:44 in......)
Dear Sarah,
Please stop saying your a maverick. You aren't.

This is.

Thank you,
Real Maverick Fans.

Here's something for Todd and his buddies. We think they'll enjoy it.
Here are some questions.

Why IS Sarah Palin qualified to be VP and possibly CIC?

fact of the matter is, she isnt qualified
Damn sure Obama isnt either, and he is actually running for the job

for that matter, niether was Kennedy
or teddy Rooseveldt
or Lincoin
niether was Bush in 2000, but he sure rose to the occasion in the days following 9-11, whatever you think of his actions SINCE then, you gotta give credit, in that first week, he was a LEADER
Once he finished his story book and his aid explained to him the bunny wasn't really dead, and they got Cheney safe in das boonkar, yeah, he did ok for a bit. A week might be pushing it, but I can either google tons of old news or watch Superman get the **** beat outta him on dvd....

Sucks to be Superman. Go Doomsday!
Here are some questions.

Why IS Sarah Palin qualified to be VP and possibly CIC?
Article II section 1 clause 5:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Palin was born in Sandpoint, Idaho, that makes her a natural born Citizen. She was born in 1964, which, since she's older than me, makes her over 35 years of age. She has never lived anywhere but, the US.
As she is currently living, she has a pulse. That completes the list of qualifications in the US Constitution.

I've never liked the "Why is "X" qualified to be president question, to me, it is fuzzy thinking at best.

I'm just as qualified as she is.....more so.

I know how to use a secure, redundantly backed up email system.


I'm just as qualified as she is.....more so.

I know how to use a secure, redundantly backed up

...birth-control system.

Everyone always forgets one qualification for being VP. They list a bunch of criteria but don't notice that Bill Clinton would also satisfy those criteria. But, Bill Clinton is ineligible to be the VP. This is a consequence of the 12th and 22nd amendments taken together.
I don't think Palin was a good choice and I'm sorry I simply see the choice as an attempt to get as many women voters as possible. Also the intrigue to the historical aspect. First women VP. (Since Obama has intrigue to be first black president).

I would never vote for Palin. I'm not voting either candidate this year. I will write someone in because it is likely that other canidates won't even be on the ballot. Which is why the Dems/Rep get away with so much.
In a few short weeks, she'll be a GMILF.

It's a good backup incase VPILF doesn't work out.

Still beats being a FLIRJ. Or so Hillary would say. Unless, of course you're ... into ... that sort of thing.


I'm gonna go shower now.
Why Palin?

Because on the surface, she's the ideal person to attract all those disgruntled Hillary voters.

- Shes a woman.
- A sitting governor
- She's feisty
- She's young (in political terms)
- She's popular in her home state

The problem is, they fast tracked her in, didn't do their usual deep digging, and while she started out a huge boost, now appears to be a major albatross on the campaign.
The problem is, they fast tracked her in, didn't do their usual deep digging, and while she started out a huge boost, now appears to be a major albatross on the campaign.

I don't think that's the case.

I think truthfully any politician, and many people, whom if you have motivation and resources to.... Dig deep enough with a politically pre-disposed objective and you can't find enough material to manufacture into the dirt you want.

For many, Pailn's only real problem was that McCain picked her, and that was reason enough to turn every aspect of her life into fodder for derision.

I just think you are seeing it being done far more today than previously

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