Royce Gracie


MTS Alumni
Aug 13, 2002
Reaction score
East Texas
How about that FightNight Live last night? Some ok fights, I think everyone ended first round except the main event. But beyond that the announcement got me excited.

In may we will see Matt Hughes fight Royce Gracie! That should be an interesting fight, I'm really looking forward to it!

Comments? Predictions?

Depends of if it gets wierd Gracie(tm) stiputations. ;)

Or if they run an honest match. Either way, I'd think that Matt has the better chance of winning.
They'll have to follow the Nevada Sports commision regulations for the event to be sanctioned. Japanese events can get away with things that American ones can't.
Marginal said:
Depends of if it gets wierd Gracie(tm) stiputations. ;)

Or if they run an honest match. Either way, I'd think that Matt has the better chance of winning.

From what I understand it will be held under normal UFC rules. Three rounds, five minutes...but I think they are fighting at 175.
Marginal said:
Depends of if it gets wierd Gracie(tm) stiputations. ;)

Or if they run an honest match. Either way, I'd think that Matt has the better chance of winning.

Normal UFC rules. Why do you think Matt has the advantage?

it is like the Jiu jitsu inventors Vs. the Jiu jitsu prodigy

isnt Royce a lot older though?
- both have rich families, so it isnt for the money. I hope to see a grapple-fest here.
I'd think that Matt has the better chance of winning as he may be better rounded in other arts.
Gracie would lock into the mount and do nothing till his opponnt did something stupid
if this happens with the rules as they are now and Matt stays still they will have to go back to a standing posistion where kicks and punches can be brought into play

Not saying Gracie has no other skills but I think Matts are better
Hughes will win. He will be too strong for the older Royce. Although... I may just be biased, I have never been a fan of Royce Gracie. :mp5:
The MMA kid! said:
Royce Gracie rocks *** and you know it!

LOL...That comment may be taken the wrong way. Mr. Gracie may not like that being said of him. However, if you mean that Royce is great, then I disagree. Personally, I think his brother Rickson is the best Gracie fighter.
JMD said:
Hughes will win. He will be too strong for the older Royce. Although... I may just be biased, I have never been a fan of Royce Gracie. :mp5:

When was the last time Royce Gracie was in a NHB fight where his opponent wasn't way stronger than him. I think that argument has little merit. The age argument may have some validity, though.

I guess what I'm saying is that it's possible Gracie could lose, but it won't be because Hughes is too strong.
Hughes is 32, probably at the prime of his career, and Gracie is now 39! Gotta be near the end of his NHB fighting career by now.

My prediction is draw. No way Gracie will be submitted or knocked out and the fight is short enough that Gracie may not have time to catch Hughes slipping. Draw.
7starmantis said:
Normal UFC rules. Why do you think Matt has the advantage?
Mainly his age, his nutso (in a good way for the octagon) mindset, and ring experience. (Not saying Royce doesn't, but the exp has is fresher, and more frequent.)
And relevant, Royce has never fought under these rules, and when he fought in that ring no one knew how to use it.

Still, Royce is not a person to ever underestimate. This is a guy that beat Ken Shamrock in his prime, Dan Severn in His, Kimo, Remco Pardeau, and a bunch of other much larger, much stronger guys. Royce is a WW, and he's beaten really big, really good heavyweights, very few others can make that claim.
tshadowchaser said:
I'd think that Matt has the better chance of winning as he may be better rounded in other arts.
Gracie would lock into the mount and do nothing till his opponnt did something stupid
if this happens with the rules as they are now and Matt stays still they will have to go back to a standing posistion where kicks and punches can be brought into play

Not saying Gracie has no other skills but I think Matts are better

True and I agree. However, Royce has been training extensively in boxing, to the extent, IIRC, that he could probably compete at some level in the sport successfully. It depends upon, IMO, how quickly it goes to ground. If Royce Gracie gets a quick takedown, than he'll probably win. Otherwise, the match will most likely go to Matt.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, Royce Gracie is an expert martial artist with a track record that exceeds most of the household names of the martial arts.
rutherford said:
Any chance we could get these threads merged?

I agree it's big news but . . . GO ROYCE!!
That's what I was thinking.

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