Residents offer intruder a beer


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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CYPRESS, Calif. - After residents wrestled an intruder, offered him some beer and hid a few phones calling 911, police were able to track down the distress calls and take a man into custody, the residents told KNBC on Tuesday.

This story is weird. Like ... something you'd see in a Tarantino movie. Curious, though. "Have a beer while I fetch my wallet" *sneak a mickey into the beer*.
Can you believe the intruder was stupid enough to think they where just being kind when they offered him a beer
I too love quick thinking, but the words, as un PC as they may seem that went through my head after I read that was "what a ****ing retard."
Yes. "Excuse me! Have a beer while I go fetch my Glock. And I politely suggest you be gone before I come back." Now that would be interesting.

"Hey, don't shoot! Wanna beer?"

"Sure, what do you got?"

"My own brew. It's an APA."


"Yeah... Antifreeze Pale Ale."

"Aauughh!!! My eyes!"
Can you believe the intruder was stupid enough to think they where just being kind when they offered him a beer

...remember.... they walk among us.


  • $6th-sense-movie-02.jpg
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It cracks me up how many idiot criminals there are out there. Thank heavens for that though! No wonder these idiots cant hold a real job. They cant even get crime right :p

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