Recent issues

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Umm this is a martial art forum and the subjects connected to martial arts so...

I get that, I'm just wondering why you air out your dirty laundry here. I mean you named the thread Recent Issues so do you have threads named Past Issues, Current Issues, Issues No one can Help Me With But I Want to Vent about Anyway? I mean why not start a thread like this. "Hey guys I just got my Black Belt 6 months ago and now I'm teaching a lot of classes, is this normal?" Then let everyone chime in.

Instead it came across like your angry at your instructor, the other instructors, the whole situation about teaching, and in the end of it all what several people where all saying about talking with your instructor, you finally did and it's resolved and your good to go. I don't get why you decided to make people think your instructor is such a bad guy, he even offered to correct the situation and refund some of the money you were griping about paying.

However I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end.
I take this thread as a reminder not to let small problems become big. This and talk to people when something isn't right.

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Strong opinions are fine, but when tempers start to rise and posters start getting nasty to one another, the poor, overworked, underpaid staff are forced to step in, issue a bunch of warnings, suspend or ban accounts, and all that sort of stuff. Please don't make that necessary.

In short:
Keep the conversation polite and professional.

Thank you.
Mark A Cochran
Dirty Dog
MartialTalk Senior Moderator
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