Really bad photo's...

Ken Morgan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
OK I have tonnes of work to do, and a friend just sent me this link. So what do I do? I waste 30 minutes going through it, till I force myself away...

What the hell are folks thinking when they pose for these shots??
I will never garden again.
Aww, I thought the Liederhosen pic was pretty cool. Then again, it wasn't me in the picture... :lol2:
Aww, I thought the Liederhosen pic was pretty cool. Then again, it wasn't me in the picture... :lol2:

Carol I would pay good $$ to see you in Liederhosen!! :)
What can I say? I'm a sucker for a brainy guy. ;)
Nothing to add, just wanted to point out my lastest internet pet peeve, the ill-used apostrophe.

An apostrophe marks a possessive noun, so unless a photo can own something, you can't say photo's, rather you should just pluralise and write "photos."

I see it all over now. Weird.
Nothing to add, just wanted to point out my lastest internet pet peeve, the ill-used apostrophe.

An apostrophe marks a possessive noun, so unless a photo can own something, you can't say photo's, rather you should just pluralise and write "photos."

I see it all over now. Weird.

Thanks, man. I always want to correct punctuation, grammar and spelling, but I lose friends that way.
I don't feel any way about them, it's just the right way to use them, one should not feel any way about tools really.

You use commas before a coordinator if you are linking separate clauses within the same sentence.

"That guy can be pretty relaxed, but knows when to be serious."
I stayed up way too late looking through those awkward photos. I'm sure I could add a few pictures from my past. :eek: :)

Two things. First, this was among the funniest blogs I've read in a long time. My stomach hurt I laughed so hard. So, thanks for sharing the link.

Second, one of the universal laws of the internet is that any time someone gets anal about punctuation, they inevitably have some kind of error in their own post.

Here's another one from a topic posted today "Competition Do's and Don'ts"

Unless there's a person named "Do" then it's wrong.

I can find at least four errors in this short, two sentence post. The point being, this is informal communication. While grammar and diction are important, let's keep things in perspective. I am functionally a paid writer, but I make mistakes when I post and don't always proofread my stuff. Things happen.

I mean, if the moon were made of ribs, would you eat it? It's an easy question. Just say, "Yes," and we'll move on.
I get paid to do it so I do not mind.
Martial Talk pays you to correct grammar? Dang... then Bob H. owes me a ton of money... I do a lot of corrections when I quote someone.

BOB!! Where's my check!!

(right... it's in the mail) :lol:

Good site.

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