Reality of fighting

My answer:

1, Roll deep( translation) travel with many friends who will have your back when the **** goes down.

2, Know that in some situations you can't talk your way out of it

3, Fights are never fair.

4, Stay home.

With the first one we can't see what led up to that point , unless it was an ambush situation the mistakes would have been made in the vital first few seconds.

They may also have been drug and alcohol affected , which is going to impair your reflexes and judgement , so if your going out take it easy on the consciousness altering substances and have your wits about you .

Always assume the attacker is going to have a weapon and accomplices , and don't over engage , there are penalties for over engagement , maximum of three hits and then move onto the next person.

I will disregard why it went to the ground that is another discussion in itself , but the guy underneath spent too long engaged with the opponent. He had several opportunities where he could have sweeped the man on top or even have got his feet into his hips and kicked him off and quickly regained his feet ready to face the other guys friend Mr Headstomper.

Its a classic example of spending too long on the ground and forgetting that the person probably has accomplices , you want to be up on your feet and mobile and positioning yourself so that every potential accomplice is in view.
People have to train to escape a ground position asap , preferably do some damage as they are getting up then scan around for potential attackers.

The second video several mistakes were made in my opinion , the mans arms were down and splayed in a typically stupid macho display , they're not going to help you down there sunshine .

Get your hands up into a fence configuration to establish some distance and a barrier to the opponent , where at least you have a chance of reacting to any movement.

As he was doing this he should have manouvered himself into position so that all the potential attackers were in his front sector of vision , then as Mr Cheap shot from the side came in he might have been able to apply something like a low side kick to take care of him.

The tendency in these type of situations is for tunnel vision , which is a natural reaction when the adrenaline is pumping , but it is one which will get you killed.

So specialised multiple attack drills must be practiced in order to perfect positioning and develop a habit of moving the head and scanning the environment to counter the phenomenon of tunnel vision.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to get some ground fighting knowledge either .
Ground fighting with the emphasis on striking and escaping and getting to your feet as soon as possible.
Video 1:
The defender was being an idiot and trying to do fancy stuff with his legs. He got what he deserved.

Video 2:
Complete lack of situational awareness. A Good Practitioner of MA would have positioned himself slightly diagonally rather than advancing, so as to maintain good peripheral vision, and so he has room to work with.

How would i respond?

Video 1: Hammerfists to the Rib Cage. Yes, its possible, and its the fault of the person on top for making it possible. If worst came to worst, an Inward Knife Hand Strike would work nicely.

Video 2: Sidestep around my Quarry, and the hands are fine, as no engagement had occured as of yet.
How about personal space? When someone enters your space you really should hit them. That was one of many mistakes in video 2. Problem is most people are always looking for a way out. Maybe they are afraid. Maybe they think they might intimidate the other guy into submission. What most people don't realize, is for the attacker the fight is already in progress. He's just waiting for the right time to launch his attack and catch you by surprise

I had a friend that would catch a lot of people by surprise. If there was a confrontation he would pick out the loudest guy causing the problem. He would act as if he was defusing the situation by putting his arm around the guy and he'd say something like " it's cool, we don't want to fight, can't we all get along" . Then boom, lights out.

I don't consider any of this self defense. By the time it gets to this, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time........
How about personal space? When someone enters your space you really should hit them. That was one of many mistakes in video 2. Problem is most people are always looking for a way out. Maybe they are afraid. Maybe they think they might intimidate the other guy into submission. What most people don't realize, is for the attacker the fight is already in progress. He's just waiting for the right time to launch his attack and catch you by surprise

I had a friend that would catch a lot of people by surprise. If there was a confrontation he would pick out the loudest guy causing the problem. He would act as if he was defusing the situation by putting his arm around the guy and he'd say something like " it's cool, we don't want to fight, can't we all get along" . Then boom, lights out.

And then you would be charged with assault, and his friend would have hit you in the back of the head, as oppose to the front.
And touching him would anger him, not calm him down.

For that matter, your friend is technically causing these fights, not preventing them. And you dont need to find a way out. Running wont work unless you see a clear opening. But Fighting is based on you actually doing something. It is easier to Engage someone after they have Engaged you. These videos depict people being stupid, and not Defending Themselves.
No the videos depict what happens in real fighting. You don't have a big John mcarthy to keep you safe. Video 1 guy was working on a submission till failed head stomp. Video 2 guy gets sucker puched out of the blue. Moral of the story it doesn't really matter how good you are if you are at the wrong place at the wrong time like previously said.

So you think I would stay in one place after I hit the guy so he could hit me in the back of the head? You obvisously dont fight outside your gym ring etc...Have you even been in situations like this yourself? I have many times. I have been jumped by 6 guys kicking me while I was on the ground. Just like videos it started off one on one. Assault charges lol. I bet that was on there mind while they were kicking my ***. Maybe Austrailia Is safe place? Maybe your talking out ur ***? Jake
I have been charged with a few things before jail doesnt scare me. Grow a pair
No the videos depict what happens in real fighting. You don't have a big John mcarthy to keep you safe. Video 1 guy was working on a submission till failed head stomp. Video 2 guy gets sucker puched out of the blue. Moral of the story it doesn't really matter how good you are if you are at the wrong place at the wrong time like previously said.

So you think I would stay in one place after I hit the guy so he could hit me in the back of the head? You obvisously dont fight outside your gym ring etc...Have you even been in situations like this yourself? I have many times. I have been jumped by 6 guys kicking me while I was on the ground. Just like videos it started off one on one. Assault charges lol. I bet that was on there mind while they were kicking my ***. Maybe Austrailia Is safe place? Maybe your talking out ur ***? Jake
Jail? Scare you? lmao. Someones missing the point.

If thats Real Fighting, then the dozens of Barfights and Brawls ive seen must just be pretend, because not one of them went like either of those videos. Those are videos of A: A person wrestling miserably; And B: Someone standing there and staring at someone whilst he gets head hit?

You dont try and Submit people in fights. You dont stand around paying no attention if your in a heated arguement. If you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, Submissions and staring at people wont help.

And it isnt a matter of staying in one place. Its a matter of "The guy was already right there". Australia isnt a safe place. And since you clearly dont want to hear anything but what youve convinced yourself of, i shall end with;

Nice to see your Experiences have taught you No Respect, and im sure you shall enjoy making Threads to Discuss you being Right about things, whilst Criticising any Contrary Idealogies.
I'm sorry your the authority on fighting cause you WItnessed bar fights lol..Wait is this Difference is I'm not pretending to fight. I fight. The fights in the videos arent great fights they are unfair fights . You are missing the point! Fights aren't fair where I come from.
I'm sorry your the authority on fighting cause you WItnessed bar fights. Wait is this Difference is I'm not pretending to fight. I fight. They fights in the videos are great fights they are unfair fights . You are missing the point! Fights are fair where I come from.
Im sorry your not the authority on fights either, because youve been in a few hostile encounters, and suddenly became a Guru on the topic. Tis reminiscent of many MMA Practitioners. Be retrospective, would you.
But i guess its a Fantasy, when people are put in ICUs over nothing more than petty squabbles.

My main point is, that in Video 1: He handles the situation Miserably. In Video 2: He handles the situation Miserably.
Now, assuming the topic is Fairness of fights now; So be it.

Fights are Dirty, and the only Rule should be Awareness. Awareness of Weapons, Numbers, and Positioning. Anything else is a means to an ultimate end.
You seem to be assuming that i know nothing of which i speak - When making that statement is also narrowing the window for the definition of Fighting, especially on the Street. If Fights are Fair where you come from, so be it. People still get as badly hurt.
Video 1:
The defender was being an idiot and trying to do fancy stuff with his legs. He got what he deserved.

Video 2:
Complete lack of situational awareness. A Good Practitioner of MA would have positioned himself slightly diagonally rather than advancing, so as to maintain good peripheral vision, and so he has room to work with.

How would i respond?

Video 1: Hammerfists to the Rib Cage. Yes, its possible, and its the fault of the person on top for making it possible. If worst came to worst, an Inward Knife Hand Strike would work nicely.

Video 2: Sidestep around my Quarry, and the hands are fine, as no engagement had occured as of yet.

The first video lacks context, so I don't know how they got there. It does demonstrate one of the weaknesses of over-reliance on MMA/BJJ style ground fighting in the street. (I'm not saying that this couldn't have been overcome or that BJJ/MMA automatically fails when it's the real deal.) I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn, though, that the situation started in a Monkey Dance.

The second is a classic Monkey Dance -- interrupted by an outsider. My suspicion is that the guy on the receiving end of the sucker punch didn't realize that he was involved in a Group Monkey Dance. (Of course, the guy who jumped him may also simply have been much more predatory in nature and seizing an opportunity.) But because he was caught up in a Monkey Dance, he wasn't thinking and he very likely wouldn't have been able to see past that dynamic.
Fights arent fair where I come from. Typo.

Videos were to show people what really happens on the street. I'm no guru your just tring to spin it cause I called you out for critizing the fighters in the video. I could careless how the fighters technique was. Point was fights are dangerous and people should know what to expect. But what happened is I think it scared you because you are so lock into your techniques. It should be scary. It's real!
Fights arent fair where I come from. Typo. Videos were to show people what really happens on the street. I'm no guru your just tring to spin it cause I called you out for critizing the fighters in the video. I could careless how the fighters technique was. Point was fights are dangerous and people should know what to expect. But what happened is I think it scared you because you are so lock into your techniques. It should be scary. It's real!
Im trying to spin something, because i took what you said the way you said it? Amazing. And you're trying to say that i dont know what im talking about because im not outright agreeing with you. You called me out for stating Facts.
Fighter 1 was Wrestling Poorly.
Fighter 2 didnt even Fight because he was too focused on Play-Acting Tough Guy.

I never said anything about Techniques, or the need for them. Techniques refer to Methods. A wild hook is a Technique.
Did i say Fighting WASNT Scary?

This more likes you trying to find reasons why im so wrong about everything, just because it doesnt comply with what youre trying to say.
Again dude I don't care about how the fights were fought. Damn it's like arguing with my wife. I'll do what I do with her." Your right honey I'm wrong". You satisfied?
In the second video the "victim" took 4 steps towards his "main attraction". He clearly placed the 3rd threat onto his left blindside and more than likely did the same with the guy who came in on his right. He didn't just let himself get surrounded he actually walked into it. This isn't a real fight, it's one moron walking straight into the middle of a group while mouthing off.....I mean really, what did he expect?
Again dude I don't care about how the fights were fought. Damn it's like arguing with my wife. I'll do what I do with her." Your right honey I'm wrong". You satisfied?
Then what makes me so wrong here? If my statements about the Fights are correct, then me saying that Fighting is Dirty and that Awareness should be the only Rule is pretty much what you're saying.

So would you kindly either clarify what you take issue to, or perhaps re-read some former Posts?

In the second video the "victim" took 4 steps towards his "main attraction". He clearly placed the 3rd threat onto his left blindside and more than likely did the same with the guy who came in on his right. He didn't just let himself get surrounded he actually walked into it. This isn't a real fight, it's one moron walking straight into the middle of a group while mouthing off.....I mean really, what did he expect?

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