Rate the Avatar above you!

White Fox

Orange Belt
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
please rate the avatar above you on a scale of 1 to 10, also explain why you gave that rating.

ex, 6/10 too intense for me!

get it? ok go
White Fox a 10 I love animated ones and yours is one of the best on MT.
Wish I could do that.
Terry, that picture of you and your kids is wonderful - it speaks to your focus in life and in training. I like ya!
Georgia, I have always enjoyed your avatars. They show beauty and grace and when I look at them I find them comforting. Definite 10!
Lisa I have to give that a 10, it’s just cool looking Crazy mean poodle
I would give your patch 9/10 too PPKO, just because I like simplicity. TW
ppko, I like your patch as well. Its very well done and pleasing to the eyes. Well done, a 9/10 for yours as well.

7starmantis..I give you a 9..If it was in color a 10...
Drac...Let's go 8/10....probably one of the most consistent avatar on the board
Drac, I give you a 10 as it's the perfect match to your user name.

Robyn :asian:

Oops, someone got there post in before me. Okay, bignick, I give you a 7 (only 7 as I don't know who the guy is), but he is big and patriotic. :D
Brother John... Ninja Penguin... what more is there to say? ... 8/10 :D

Ok HKPhooey beat me to the punch...

Always loved the cartoon when I was a kid. Especially Spot (the cat) who helped him more times than he realized.


8/10 :D
Lessee... Bat, cool. Moon. Not bad.

Clip art like quality... eh...

8 outta 10 Caver. Mostly cuz I like bats.
Techno - Pirates rule! The Jolly Roger is my favorite of the Pirate Flags because of the swords crossing - and R is my favorite letter! ARRRRRRR!!!!

10 because it flutters.
Techno, I like the one with you in the leather jacket more so I give you a 6/10! :asian:

Fallen Ninja said:
Techno, I like the one with you in the leather jacket more so I give you a 6/10! :asian:


Very nice, Fallen Ninja. I can't rate it out of 10 because I can't see it well enough - but it looks a cut above average.

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