Rape charges dropped in Duke case


Mar 1, 2003
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A bad situation that is not getting any better.

It appears the prosecutor was using the publicity of this accusation to get re-elected, at the cost of some 'out of town' students at the college. Downgrading the charges, seems a necessary but not sufficient step. All of the evidence that has been released indicates a false accusation. And while the headline reads that the charge has been dropped, the three young men still face up to thirty years in jail.

Soon, this entire case will fade away into nothing. It is unfortunate that this story receives any oxygen. There must be more newsworthy events out there.


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Jun 21, 2003
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Fortunately, it looks like they're still facing some charges, but thats what happens when there are changes in the story. One minute she says she was raped and the next she is saying she wasn't.
Rich Parsons

Rich Parsons

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Fortunately, it looks like they're still facing some charges, but thats what happens when there are changes in the story. One minute she says she was raped and the next she is saying she wasn't.

Yes, this is what is my problem. I understand the trauma of someone who has been sexually assaulted. It is horrible. They may not be clear headed for a while. But with today's psychologists and legal system I would have expected her to be consistent on the main part of the story. The little details might be blacked out, or not remembered, but the main part of the story should be consistent.

Now, this is in now way me trying to say they are innocent. I do not know, all the information. But what it does do, is that it makes it that much harder for those who were raped to be trusted in the future. And that to me is the real tragedy here. All the other cases that are brought forward now, might be called into question more. :(


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Jun 21, 2003
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Yes, this is what is my problem. I understand the trauma of someone who has been sexually assaulted. It is horrible. They may not be clear headed for a while. But with today's psychologists and legal system I would have expected her to be consistent on the main part of the story. The little details might be blacked out, or not remembered, but the main part of the story should be consistent.


Now, this is in now way me trying to say they are innocent. I do not know, all the information. But what it does do, is that it makes it that much harder for those who were raped to be trusted in the future. And that to me is the real tragedy here. All the other cases that are brought forward now, might be called into question more. :(

Sad but true.


Mar 1, 2003
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This just in. Seems the N.C. Bar association has some concerns with the prosecutors actions and statements.


The North Carolina bar filed ethics charges Thursday against the prosecutor in the Duke lacrosse case, accusing him of saying misleading or inflammatory things to the news media about the athletes under suspicion.


Among the four rules of professional conduct that District Attorney Mike Nifong was accused of violating was a prohibition against making comments "that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused."


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2006
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San Jose California
This just in. Seems the N.C. Bar association has some concerns with the prosecutors actions and statements.


Yeah I was going to post this too... the bar is none to pleased with his antics.

I was a rape councelor for I'd say 5 years or so before I just couldn't take it anymore. I can tell you the story changes. It changes for various reasons but typically it changes because:

1) Memory transition from short to long term causes changes
2) Focus on the specific cases were the event was most horrible causes blackouts. The blackouts get filled in and change the story.
3) Even a person who is sure may wonder after the 2500th same question of the event. Often simply asking enough times will make peopel doubt themselves.
4) What I think is personally the worst is standard defense tactics indicate they should attack the woman's credibility. During that type of assult post trauma a lot of people simply walk away.

I can not comment on the case I do not know it. I do know the Prosecuter over stepped his bounds for sure in his comments.


Mar 1, 2003
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There are some people who are watching this case closely who are convinced that there is plenty of evidence of innocence on the part of the students; that the charges were fabricated by the young lady.

The prosecutor has been pressing forward with the case because - first, there was an election, and this was a good case to run on - and second, now that he has won that re-election, he can not let the case drop; just presenting the woman's charges to a jury will be sufficient - even if the result is a not-guilty verdict or a hung jury.



Brown Belt
Jun 30, 2002
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There are some people who are watching this case closely who are convinced that there is plenty of evidence of innocence on the part of the students; that the charges were fabricated by the young lady.

The prosecutor has been pressing forward with the case because - first, there was an election, and this was a good case to run on - and second, now that he has won that re-election, he can not let the case drop; just presenting the woman's charges to a jury will be sufficient - even if the result is a not-guilty verdict or a hung jury.


which is why this important to keep an eye on. this D.A. is using the rape case as a political tool-- the destruction of these kids lives based on iffy and much discredited evidence shows that D.A.'s have incredible power-- and with great power comes...



Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Great points Infinite. It's easy to read this and think "she's changing her story" but in fact if one lives through this day-by-day it's a different thing all together.

However, there may also be wrongdoing by the D.A. This statement by the D.A. does seem pretty outrageous to me:

"One would wonder why one needs an attorney if one was not charged and had not done anything wrong."

This from a lawyer!


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2006
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San Jose California
Great points Infinite. It's easy to read this and think "she's changing her story" but in fact if one lives through this day-by-day it's a different thing all together.

However, there may also be wrongdoing by the D.A. This statement by the D.A. does seem pretty outrageous to me:

"One would wonder why one needs an attorney if one was not charged and had not done anything wrong."

This from a lawyer!

Yeah seriously that quote alone is worth the ethics violation. If a DA acts in a capacity to give legal aid to ones being prosacuted they MUST give the advice that is consistant with any defense attournies practices.

God I can't spell... feh anyway you get the idea. He has to recommend to them the course of action that gives them the best defense. The whole point is 1 innocent man for 30 guilty.

I hope he gets booted from DA.


Mar 1, 2003
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All charges have been dropped against the male students.

Charges will not be filed against the accuser, at this time.

Ethics charges against the original prosecutor are moving forward.


Master Black Belt
Jan 22, 2007
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Blackwood, New Jersey
All charges have been dropped against the male students.

Charges will not be filed against the accuser, at this time.

Ethics charges against the original prosecutor are moving forward.

Really? I hadn't heard that. About damn time. They should have dropped the charges after the victim changed her story for the third time. One change I can see; it would have been extremely traumatic. Twice, well, I haven't been there so who am I to judge. Three times, come one...no conviction possible, much higher likelihood it was all made up...


Sr. Grandmaster
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Mar 18, 2005
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It's about darn time.

The people with egg on their faces:

The stripper - Lying only ended up hurting three men who were completely innocent. She couldn't even keep a consistent lie, changing her story multiple times.

Mike Nifong - He knew darn well that these men were innocent, and yet tampered with everything involved in the case, just so he could get re-elected.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et. al - 'nuff said... They were the ones insisting that the stripper wasn't lying. They are the ones who screamed "racism" when none existed. They are the ones who were able to incite many amongst the black community against these innocent men.

The multitudes of assistant DA's who refused to get involved - Even if Nifong told them to stay away, it was their duty to take it to a higher authority if they felt he were abusing his position.

The 87 or 88 liberal arts professors at Duke University who gave their complete blind, politically correct, support to the lying stripper, and had placed the ad in the newspaper with their support -

Original ad


They look even more like scum after refusing to apologize for the ad:


If they had any integrity, they would have whole-heartedly apologized for this lynching in which they participated.

Now that we look back on these events, maybe we should take a long, hard look and ask, who really are the more prejudiced people of this world?


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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It's about darn time.

The people with egg on their faces:

The stripper - Lying only ended up hurting three men who were completely innocent. She couldn't even keep a consistent lie, changing her story multiple times.

Mike Nifong - He knew darn well that these men were innocent, and yet tampered with everything involved in the case, just so he could get re-elected.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et. al - 'nuff said... They were the ones insisting that the stripper wasn't lying. They are the ones who screamed "racism" when none existed. They are the ones who were able to incite many amongst the black community against these innocent men.

The multitudes of assistant DA's who refused to get involved - Even if Nifong told them to stay away, it was their duty to take it to a higher authority if they felt he were abusing his position.

The 87 or 88 liberal arts professors at Duke University who gave their complete blind, politically correct, support to the lying stripper, and had placed the ad in the newspaper with their support -

Original ad


They look even more like scum after refusing to apologize for the ad:


If they had any integrity, they would have whole-heartedly apologized for this lynching in which they participated.

Now that we look back on these events, maybe we should take a long, hard look and ask, who really are the more prejudiced people of this world?
Dude, you speak the truth... I live close to Duke, and I am SOOO tired of hearing about this. There is no real recourse for these guys. Their reputations are pretty much ruined. I hope Nifong gets his just rewards.


Mar 1, 2003
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I think the claims is a bit overstated to assert that 'No racism existed'. The dividing lines in the allegations, and assertions were broad and distinct; Black/White - Rich/Poor - College Kids/Working Mom.

There was quite probably more racism put forth by the prosecutor than black leaders. He premised his case on it.

You know, I hadn't paid much attention to the case. But what I did see, there was little or no reference to Sharpton or Jackson. So, I used 'The Google' to explore the connection. The first hit I got was from Fox News and Bill O'Reilly. I wonder if the claims and suppositions put forth toward Reverend Sharpton should equally wiegh on Bill O'Reilly and Fox News. The producers of that show invited Sharpton onto the show and gave him voice.


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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You know, I hadn't paid much attention to the case. But what I did see, there was little or no reference to Sharpton or Jackson.

Plenty of garbage from Jackson and friends. I'll also do a search on news.yahoo.com and see what comes up on the first hit:



Once again, Jesse Jackson screaming racism where it wasn't a factor.

As for Sharpton, he was all over the media screaming racism, just like he did with the Tawana Brawley case, demanding that these men be thrown behind bars, even sponsoring and supporting such crowds that wanted these men's heads on sticks.

I guess we'll see if Sharpton learned his lesson, since he still hasn't apologized for the Brawley case.


Mar 1, 2003
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Plenty of garbage from Jackson and friends. I'll also do a search on news.yahoo.com and see what comes up on the first hit:



Once again, Jesse Jackson screaming racism where it wasn't a factor.

As for Sharpton, he was all over the media screaming racism, just like he did with the Tawana Brawley case, demanding that these men be thrown behind bars, even sponsoring and supporting such crowds that wanted these men's heads on sticks.

I guess we'll see if Sharpton learned his lesson, since he still hasn't apologized for the Brawley case.

No comment on O'Reilly?

Much bigger than 'blacknews'.

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